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# Posted: 24 Aug 2016 02:15am
I love Rocky Point too. One of the few places around here with native aspens growing, so good fall color. You will get some legitimate snow there. Good canoeing in Crystal Creek, fishing, and hiking in the Sky Lakes Wilderness. Short drive to Crater Lake and Kimball State Park.
I am northeast of Lakeview now, on the Warner mountain summit. Great access to the highway and good access to Fremont NF for riding. I have views, just not as many trees as I used to over by Crater Lake.
# Posted: 24 Aug 2016 10:16pm
Oh, you're in a beautiful area, BadgersHollow! A bit more rugged and mountainous, if I'm remembering correctly from maps.
Yeah, more snow in Rocky Point than many other southern areas of the county. My modular's roof has to be engineered and built for a 70-pound snow load from the model's 30-pound design standard. Not that it will snow a lot there every winter but the potential is there. I'd rather deal with snow than the 7 months of hot weather I've got now. Heat is just draining and life-sapping.
# Posted: 24 Aug 2016 10:53pm
Julie, the humidity is much lower, no more hurricanes, tornadoes or massive damaging hailstones. All will be things of the past. 4 mild seasons. You will throw rocks at Texas now, but I still love Texas and Texans. Tough bunch!
Will you we east or west of the cascades
# Posted: 25 Aug 2016 03:39am
Um, in the Cascades, lol. Southern part of them. Near Mt. McLoughlin.
This is a pic of the Rocky Point area. 
Oh, hellz, Texans aren't tough. They just think they are. (And will tell you they are. ) You want tough? New Englanders. I've lived in a couple parts of this country and the New Englanders are the hardiest I've seen, hands down. And they don't brag about their toughness. They'll face down blizzard after blizzard with an, "Ayuh, guess it's snowing a fair bit out there" and carry on with life.
I'd guess the folks in the northern parts of the Midwest are the same way. I've never lived there to know firsthand.
# Posted: 25 Aug 2016 07:57am
yay Julie.pretty view .nice photo. hope your move up here goes easily. u are almost here gf. see u soon.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 03:37am
cabingal3 Thank you!!! Can't recall if the lake in the photo is Aspen or part of Upper Klamath. Ah, well. They're around the same area. I won't be a flat-lander much longer. Yay!
This time in two weeks we'll be on the road! My son informed me yesterday that he WILL be driving almost straight through because he'll go bonkers dragging out a trip over 3 days with 3 dogs in the car. I think he wanted to add "and having to listen to your music and you prattle on, Mum" but he's not a stupid lad, hahahaha!
Well, it's my car and my funding and there's NO way I'm being stuck in a car for 36 hours and only being let out to eat and potty every so often. The dogs would be expressing their displeasure, too! I want to get to Oregon as soon as I can but I'd like to be somewhat sane and not physically hurting when I do!
Can't wait to see you and Gar, Cabi!!! 
# Posted: 27 Aug 2016 09:47am
That is great news!
# Posted: 28 Aug 2016 12:28am
Thank you, neb! I think so! Most of the big stuff is done -- house sold, land purchased, movers hired, cabin design selected and under way, etc. About 2 weeks from now, I'll be in Oregon permanently and looking for a used travel trailer or camper to live in while construction goes on. I already found a transport service to convey my purchase to the property so I don't have to rent a truck/hitch and mess with it.
Exciting times! Now I'm mired in the little things. Packing, cleaning, stopping services, getting prescriptions transferred, figuring out what I'm doing about the mail, mundane but important stuff.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2016 12:49pm
hectic. but the reward beckons. 
# Posted: 28 Aug 2016 06:34pm
Sure does, creeky! At least once each day I stare at the satellite images of my land and area. Gah, it's so beautiful there. And a really, really great location for me. The patience, planning, deep thought, and questioning really paid off. I would have been happy in the previous area but, honestly, this one suits me far better.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2016 07:27pm
Julie. Congrats and wishing you the very best as well as safe travels! Minutes will seem like hours, but this should be the most exiting road trip you've ever embarked upon. 
# Posted: 29 Aug 2016 03:33pm
upndown Thank you, upndown ! It sure will be!
I had a momentary panic over the weekend. The lady from the title company sent me the preliminary documents for the land and I saw a "building restrictions" clause entered in 2010 that I hadn't encountered previously. (Or I didn't THINK I had.) So my mind was racing all weekend over what that could be.
Mind you, I had looked at the CCRs for the subdivision, such as they are, before putting in an offer. They're from 1958 and pretty funny. As in, "keep your pit toilet clean and inoffensive to others," "pick up your trash," etc. Basically, have at it but be respectful and neat about it.
So the wording and year of this new thing threw me. But my Realtor got back to me first thing this morning and sent me a copy of the addendum. It was property-specific and something I already knew -- that the 2 lots be sold as one parcel and not broken up. Phew, what a relief!
This is a little piece of paradise off Lake of the Woods highway in the Sky Lakes Wilderness. About 25 miles to the city. I can happily do my thing while getting the permitted work done and the cabin built. 
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