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# Posted: 9 Nov 2010 09:56pm
I have not posted in while...but i think i am a group widow as Gary O has taken a non stop and on going interest in this group.I try to speak to him and he looks at me with non seeing goo goo eyeballs.i know he is here even if sitting beside me. I have to say this.We are very excited to be purchasing the land that is connected to our land.We got her address from our old woods buddy.And Gar wrote her and we calld her and i do not think she is ever going back to those woods if she can help it.Tonite we shipped off the contract.We are so excited.I want to go over hill and dale to walk about our new acre.Gar is more cautious.He is not wanting to go thru the snowy mountains.I can not blame him. I dream of a xmas on our land and in our cabin.Pile everyone in the car and jeep and head to the woods.Decorate a tree with peanut butter pine cones with loops on them and hang on a xmas tree at the woods for the animals.this would be our xmas tree.then start all our burn piles as the kids play in the snow.All the while i am hauling my propane camp stove/oven combo to get the cornish game hens going and the mashed taters and cranberry sauce and we eat in the cabin and all pile in for sleep.Only to wake up in the nite and i bundle up to go and get everyone spiked eggnog and turn the heater on for a while.i think once we get the contract signed we still will not go down till spring.i am so excited.we got it for way cheaper than the other piece of land.we got this land for 5000$ and it has and old trailer on it.some well digging supplies and maybe a well and power and a totem pole.Our old neighbor who told us the ladies name said he wanted the totem pole as a finders fee.i told him ok cause he has been a wonderful neighbor.so this is our latest news.thats all i have to say till spring.I a dreaming of being down at the woods during the idatirod...i may never get to go to it till we actually live up there.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2010 10:31pm
Congrats on the purchase. How much additional land are you getting?
# Posted: 9 Nov 2010 11:04pm
Big Congratulations to you both!!!!
# Posted: 9 Nov 2010 11:10pm
Quoting: cabingal3 and a totem pole. That is really cool!
I just got around to taking the pictures off the camera from our day at Crater Lake in mid-October. That is really beautiful country.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2010 11:13pm
Those are beautiful pics MikeOnBike!
# Posted: 9 Nov 2010 11:32pm
Sorry to hijack your thread but your backyard is a really beautiful place.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2010 11:41pm
oh its ok mike.i love to see anything from our neck of the woods.we are getting an extra acre of land.so we wil have a total of 2 and a fourth.not big but alot for me and the big guy.we are not gonna have any animals but hubby is getting me a squirrel hunting gun at xmas.yay...thanks everyone.
# Posted: 9 Nov 2010 11:53pm
I'll be back for more pictures and exploring. Ok, I'll stop now...
Again congratulations!
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# Posted: 10 Nov 2010 12:12am
here are some pictures of the area up in our neck of the woods.Gar probably posted them already. i think this picture of poo is bear poo.we found it on our property. i looked in it for berry seeds but found none...i read it was not a good year for berries and they may of come down further for other foods. this may or may not be bear poo but i think it is. pictures of where we live
|  pics gar took
|  bear poo??
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# Posted: 10 Nov 2010 12:23am
I'm not an expert but that's what it looks like to me. Yep, bet you got yourself a bear.
Very nice views!
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Nov 2010 09:40am - Edited by: Gary O
OK, OK...........My name is Gary, and I'm a postaholic. "Hi Gary"
My 12 steps:
Eat Work post a bit (while working) Eat Go home Squeeze wifey Eat lay out crossword for bed time create (word/butcher) take part in Jeopardy (while posting) post post post post post post post
However, Cabingal led me in to this wonderful site. It's her fault, cause she knows I'm an OCD kinda guy......
And, yes, we are doubling our spread (2+ acres), so we are quite amok about it all. Our peeny weeny teeny Ponderosa, per se dondadondadondadondadonaaaaa Maybe we'll abandon 'Mosquito Flats' and re-bub it Peeunderosa.....
# Posted: 10 Nov 2010 05:19pm
Quoting: cabingal3 this may or may not be bear poo but i think it is.
While I'm not a "poopologist" I concur with MikeOnBike that it's a bear....Did ya know that you can actually go online to look at photos of animal poop...errrr..scat to learn how to tell the difference? http://www.bear-tracker.com/animalscat.html For those of us with wayyy too much time on our hands. *sigh*
Gary O and cabingal3 - It looks like you are located in a beautiful area....Enjoy every moment! *S*
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Nov 2010 08:22pm - Edited by: Gary O
Hattie, we sure do enjoy every moment when there. The moments are too few and too far between, but our goal is to live there in 3 yrs. Lots to do in between, but if it were up to my better half, we'd be there now.
Scat I s'pose it's bear, just not used to seeing it in that form. But they do eat everything, so who else could it be (since we now have a bona fide out house..........)
Reminds me of a time when we lived out in the hills, and our neighbor hadn't built his 'facility' yet. We were jawing and watching the dogs when one of them started dining on a somewhat fresh pile. He made a disgusted remark about it, then realized, "hey, that's mine!"
# Posted: 10 Nov 2010 08:38pm
Gary O
# Posted: 10 Nov 2010 09:22pm
Mike, ain't that crater awesome! Photos, ever so spectacular just don't match being there. So pristine. Glad you came.
# Posted: 10 Nov 2010 11:56pm
We have passed through by the lodge several times on our way to the coast but since we were driving from Boise to the coast in one day pulling the trailer we didn't linger long. This is the first time we actually did the crater loop.
That water is really blue! I have a few photos that show it but it is as you say much more blue in person.
Gary O
# Posted: 13 Nov 2010 01:34pm
Quoting: MikeOnBike Yep, bet you got yourself a bear
Makes sense, but never gave bear nuisnace a thought, big cats yeah, wolves/coyotes yeah, but not bears. Haven't seen any tree rubs, or other sign...musta been passin' thru. Been a mountian guy most my life, and a bit of a foreigner to the high desert. Guess I should bring the big guns with me....
...and like the age old rhetorical question, they do poop in the woods
# Posted: 8 Dec 2010 07:29pm
well we are still waiting for the lady we are buying this new piece of land from to get the contract and sign it and sent it to us. i guess she is the manager of a 9000 acre ranch and is 68 yrs old and works 6 days a week and gets the mail once a week.so she should have the contract in hand now.i can barely wait to get that contract back and signed and notorized and thru escrow.thats when i want me and Gar to go down to the woods and walk about and check out things.we may need toboggans to haul stuff to get in cause of snow.I guess if u want mail at our neck of the woods u have to travel 27 miles away to pick it up at the p.o. we will find out i guess when we retire and get to live out there.its not a big alot of land but more than enough to give us alot of wood for warmth and alot of land for a garden,and enough space to roam.so just waiting.-it seems forever.
# Posted: 12 Dec 2010 07:50am
still waiting.i would imagen this coming week the signed contract will be in our hands. the waiting is unbearable..lol
# Posted: 12 Dec 2010 11:56pm
well our ole gal called us tonite and said the contract is getting to us this week.signed sealed and delievered.gar is all excited and talks about us getting up there to burn our piles of dead wood.to hunt around for the well on the new land and i am just so excited. a dream come true.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2010 12:07am
Congratulations! I remember how excited when we closed on our place. That's really great that you can double the size of your place.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2010 02:38pm
yes we also think the new place has a well. when i get down there i will walk across the old bountry line back and forth several times...just feeling the freedom of it all.our neighbor will probably come running when they see us pull into our neighbors drive and we will get to tell them we bought it for a song.then if we get the land next to our other side.he lives in hawaii.we would be feeling pretty free.
# Posted: 15 Dec 2010 10:10am
That was a great buy on the first post and I really do think you got a good deal. How much more land are you planning to buy and what are your plans with the new land? I guess it will really depend on what your requirements are. I know this great Columbus real estate agent whom I think could help you out with info on more land acquisition and also a lot more tips.
# Posted: 15 Dec 2010 12:15pm
thanks for the help.we are buying the acre and a half for 7000$-it is fully wooded with huge trees all around.a well.and a mobile home on it and a drive is in.so we are pretty happy.i felt we should have always offered 7000$ but we did at first try 5000$.The lady said yes and then talked to her brother and he said she should not.it is her land and she said she has signed the new contract.so we are very very happy with this.thank u.
# Posted: 27 Dec 2010 01:14am
well.the contract came thru the mail.signed ,sealed and delievered.now we have to send the contract to the courthouse to be recorded.yay,i can not wait to get down there.i am chomping at the bit...hee hee.sounds like a horse.lol.
# Posted: 27 Dec 2010 01:17am
Congratulations....What a wonderful Christmas present for you both.
# Posted: 27 Dec 2010 01:27am
thank u hattie.how is the little grandbaby doing?? i hope good. we are so excited.i got a squirrel hunting gun for down at our woods. i am going to learn to skin and tan them..and eat them for dinner. i hopeu have a wonderful xmas day.hugs cabingal3
# Posted: 27 Dec 2010 01:51pm
Grandson is doing just great, cabingal3. Thanks for asking. *S*
For Christmas we got a book called, "Wild About Game" by Janie Hibler. It looks like a really good book with recipes for just about every kind of critter you can imagine, as well as information about various wild life and old photos and historic information.
Good luck with your squirrel hunting. *S* Hubby uses a modified air gun when he hunts grouse. He shoots them in the head and the meat is perfect without any shot in it. *S*
# Posted: 30 Dec 2010 03:33pm
hi hattie.its me.cabingal3. i am so glad your grandson is doing great.any pics? cool book.i will look it up.thanks for your tips on the squirrel hunting.and the grouse hunting. i can not wait to get to our woods.the connecting land is ours now.yay.its frozen over right now and we can not get to it.cannt wait to live there. have a wonderful day.rae
# Posted: 30 Dec 2010 08:38pm
Quoting: Anonymous i can not wait to get to our woods.the connecting land is ours now.
I guess you got the deed recorded and made it all official. That's awesome to hear! I made it out to my camp last weekend when the ground was frozen, since then it's warmed up and rained so it's a muddy sloppy mess right now.
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