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# Posted: 25 Mar 2014 01:45pm - Edited by: Smawgunner
We have 84 acres with some challenging topography. I'd like to come up with a map for our wall...say 2 feet by 2 feet with topo lines etc. Have any of you done this and if so how did you do it? I have a topo map and can blow it up but doesn't have much detail (topo lines would be about an inch apart). Google Earth has historical maps that do not have trees on them which I like because it shows the trails and creeks but it's about 15 years out of date and only shows half our property for some reason. Anyone have a source for current maps without tree coverage? 
# Posted: 25 Mar 2014 01:47pm
try bing maps
# Posted: 25 Mar 2014 04:50pm
The US Geological Survey has lots of options for ordering copies of aerial photos and maps. If I recall they're not all that expensive.
# Posted: 25 Mar 2014 08:21pm - Edited by: Don_P
You can turn on and off a number of features on google earth. I keep roads and boundries turned on most of the time.
I'm not sure this is framing quality but something neat, using sketchup with google earth. I've used it to do early site studies while developing plans. This is one sketch where I used the google earth altimeter to create paths along contour lines, you can see that on the right side of the pic. I think I did 1' gradients here. Then importing that into sketchup and using the sandbox tools I pulled up and created a 3 dimensional model that the building model can be inserted into. This is zoomed way out to show the entire model, the same sketchup modelling still applies, you can zoom in and work on a nailhead as well. It does help with roughly siting buildings and roads.

# Posted: 25 Mar 2014 10:31pm
Smawgunner, where (state, county) is your land located?
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 07:12am - Edited by: razmichael
Here is a link to the Sketchup method Don mentioned a search will also come up with some youtube videos) Using Sketchup in Google Earth
However, there are a number of other ways depending on what results you want. From Most complex to easiest:
1. Within Google earth, you can add a topographical layer (along with many other layers). Here is a description of one way to do this: Adding Overlays to Google Earth
When you get to the part about selecting the Mapping source, you may find that some will fail to load as they may no longer be available but further searches will likely find what you are looking for. The nice thing is you will find lots of other types of map data that can be overlaid.
Another somewhat easier way in google earth is to download a topo KMZ file such as described in: Adding Topo Maps to Google Earth
If you google something like "Google Earth Topographical Overlays" you will find a bunch of additional sources, such as ESRI maps etc. For example Another Source
3. Potentially even easier way is in Google Maps although it might not give you the details and resolution you want. Open up Google maps in the area of interest. Check on the bottom right border to make sure it does NOT say "Lite Mode" depending on your graphics card etc Google Maps may automatically run in Lite Mode which does not allow you to do this: Type in the search box the word "Terrain" and google maps will add terrain features and contours.
Hope one of these options gives you what you want.
Edit: For canadians check out NRCCAN for free maps. Select Toporama link for topo maps. Here is a link to a Google Earth Library page where someone has posted a download for a KML file based on the NRC topo maps.
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 07:52am
check your county website to see if the have an online database of property boundaries, often called a GIS database.
Btw thanks for posting this info.. I'm going to try to build a 3-d model as well in sketchup.
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 07:53am
The following link starts Gmap4 (I am the developer) and displays the google aerial and an overlay that shows the contour lines. The map is centered on land in Michigan that I own.
http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?ll=44.567664,-85.132155&z=16&t=h,USA_contou r_lines
Gmap4 is part of my way to "pay it forward" and is free for non-commercial use.
To find your land you can zoom (mouse wheel) and pan the map but it is faster to use Menu ==> Search.
To toggle the contour lines off/on, open the menu that lets you change the basemap, go down to the "Overlay" section and click "USA_contour_lines."
For a high resolution topo map, change the basemap to "t4 Topo High".
If you open a Gmap4 link with your smartphone or other mobile device then it automatically displays a touch-friendly interface. If you do Menu ==> "My Location" on a mobile device then the map will center where you are.
If you have data about your land in a file (boundary, trails, hunting stands, etc) and your file is a GPX, KML, KMZ, TPO, Google My Places, then Gmap4 can display that file.
Gmap4 can also display data from GIS servers. If there is a GIS server that has "leaf off" aerial photography for your area, then there is a good chance that you can make a Gmap4 link to display those aerials as another basemap.
You can print through your browser (use Firefox and "Print preview") but the quality is not that great.
The company https://www.mytopo.com/ specializes in producing custom printed aerials and topos. If you have data in a GPX file then you can upload that file to their site and that data will appear on your print.
If you need help with an online map showing your property lines, check out my other project: http://www.propertylinemaps.com/
The Gmap4 homepage has a FAQ, examples, quick start info (in the Help file) and more to quickly get you up to speed.
Gmap4 default map: http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php
Gmap4 homepage: http://www.mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.html
Joseph, the Gmap4 guy Redmond, WA
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 08:13am
Hi Jeff - your post makes mine a bit redundant!
# Posted: 26 Mar 2014 11:05am
Quoting: DuaneG Smawgunner, where (state, county) is your land located?
Thanks all for the tips! I'll let you know what I come up with. I'm located in Athens County Ohio.