# Posted: 26 Feb 2014 06:51pm - Edited by: bldginsp
A garage is a different occupancy from a dwelling. It's a utility building, not a residence. There really is no such thing as 'grandfathered in', either the garage was built with a permit or it wasn't. If it was, it was permitted as a garage, not a residence, so if you want to change it to a residence legally, you would need to get a permit to change the occupancy classification of the building, and bring it up to code for residences.
How much they would want you to do in order to do so varies greatly from area to area. You can simply go in and ask them, in all likelihood they will try to help you. But, if they won't allow it, or the requirements are too expensive for you, you have just put yourself on their radar which may make it harder for you to 'camp' in the garage as you have.