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Mike 870
# Posted: 12 Jan 2014 07:18pm
I'm looking for 40-80 acres of land in Southern Ohio for an off grid cabin. I've been considering Adams, Pike, Ross, Scioto, Highland, Vinton and Jackson Counties, but I'd consider anything within about 2 hrs from the greater Dayton area. If you have anything for sale or know of some nice properties near you send me a message or reply. I'm looking for wooded land with a private site off the road. Can't be surrounded by unmaintained properties.
# Posted: 12 Jan 2014 08:34pm
Mike 870
Mike: I'm also in the Dayton area (south side). We bought our place in Vinton County about 15 years ago and love it. I'm sure there are good things about the other places you're looking but I'd highly recommend Vinton. Feel free to PM me if you can figure out how. Good luck
# Posted: 12 Jan 2014 08:49pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
I have some land in Jefferson County,Ohio(SE Ohio)Family land, land my Grandma owned. There is fracking in that area. Some areas are also being mined for coal. Chesapeake Energy was harrasing me and contacting my cousins for a year because I did not want them running a pipeline through my property. They didn't get me to budge even with all the repeated phone calls and letters.
It's not like the old days around there. It smells like gas and you can hear water semi tankers on the highway 24/7. So be wary and do your research before you buy anything.
# Posted: 13 Jan 2014 06:41am
I've got my place in Morgan county off SR78 near Burr Oak State Park. Still nice and quiet here. You get to do you business in the middle of the night and it can be scary quiet. Only thing you can hear is the blood pumping in your ears. Love it. Good luck on your quest.
Mike 870
# Posted: 13 Jan 2014 09:49am
Hmm, I can't figure out how to send messages either.
VC_Fan, I am also is the south side of the Dayton area. I have looked at quite a few properties in Vinton County. One off old State Route 50 near Londoderry, a couple in Swan Township off Pumpkin Ridge and a couple south of 50 heading towards Ray. Also a couple off Siverly Creek Road. For various reasons none of them ended up working out but I do really like VC. unfortunately a lot of what comes up for sale is re-claimed strip mine and they seem to want the same price or slightly less than wooded land and to me it just isn't worth as much.
Silverwaterlady, I'd just assume buy in an area with no oil and gas, it's really sad to see how that industry is disturbing land, distorting property values and generally upsetting how things are going. I come across a lot of properties with gas line easements. Wont even consider those. Way to go on resisting their harassment and probably offers of $$.
Sarge, sounds like you have a great spot and probably is very similar to what I am looking for. Congrats and I hope you enjoy a lot of peace and quiet there.
This is a picture of a shed/cabin I built in my backyard. It's 12 by 16, I'm hoping to build something similar, but a bit bigger, maybe 14x24 with a bunk room and a couple bump outs. shed_project_002.JPG
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# Posted: 13 Jan 2014 05:10pm
Feel free to email with me at ckdiller.com. I'm pretty familiar with most of the areas you've mentioned and have a strong suspicion I adjoin one of the places you've looked at.
# Posted: 13 Jan 2014 05:10pm
Sorry, ckdiller@yahoo.com.
Mike 870
# Posted: 16 Jan 2014 08:38pm
I have come across that 60 acre listing in Ross County. It's a bit pricy for me. I also have mossy oaks site and most others bookmarked and I check them pretty often.
Mike 870
# Posted: 3 Feb 2014 08:46pm
Wow, after 8 years of searching, I am sale pending on 46 acres in Southern Ohio. I can't explain how excited I am. Hopefully everything goes smoothly with the closing. I have so many plans and ideas!
# Posted: 3 Feb 2014 08:56pm
Nice! What county if you don't mind saying?
Mike 870
# Posted: 3 Feb 2014 09:11pm
It's in Adams, where's yours Athens? Glad to see so many Ohio people on here.
# Posted: 4 Feb 2014 04:37pm
Do we get pictures soon?
# Posted: 4 Feb 2014 05:48pm
cool! Yeah...we're in athens, hope the ice stays away, I don't need a tree falling on the cabin!
Mike 870
# Posted: 4 Feb 2014 06:28pm
I will have some pictures for you guys in early March, unfortunately I didn't take any while I was there. Hopefully build thread will start with some site development work in Aug/Sept timeframe.
Mike 870
# Posted: 11 Feb 2014 10:43am
Anyone do a mineral rights search in addition to title search when you bought your Ohio property. I want to do one, getting some very high quotes and or skeptical responses. One local title agent stated there aren't many minerals here and wasn't sure they would do it.
# Posted: 11 Feb 2014 11:34am
Most large tracts of land are in unincorporated areas. Rarely will there be an HOA to enforce property standards. Might as well expect some "unmaintained properties" in any area where large property is available. We have many in our area that I would categorize as "unmaintained". However the impact on us is zero. That's why we bought 75 acres. Another phenomena I have noticed over the years is that some formerly "unmaintained" properties have changed ownership and been cleaned up. The area is improving. But it's a slow process. Anyway just a thought.
# Posted: 11 Feb 2014 07:41pm
I've never done a mineral rights search - I know they're pricey and I understand they're not necessarily guaranteed to be accurate. Things could have been happened in 1800s or earlier that aren't recorded. For what it's worth, I've owned maybe 6 or 7 rural properties. One of those came without mineral rights (I'd not want to own property without them if it's avoidable - I bought them separately at the same time) and the deed clearly stated that mineral rights were excluded. On my first one (the one I worried myself sick over) I had the owner sign something that all mineral rights conveyed. After that, I kind of adjusted to the fact that things were different there than in my home county and trusted the local realtor who'd been in business in town for 20 years or so to tell me the truth.
# Posted: 11 Feb 2014 10:19pm
Quoting: Mike 870 Anyone do a mineral rights search in addition to title search when you bought your Ohio property. I want to do one, getting some very high quotes and or skeptical responses. One local title agent stated there aren't many minerals here and wasn't sure they would do it.
I've looked into this a little. I'm in Athens county and from what I understand it can be pricey. I really don't understand the whole thing. If I'm a gas company with a well, I have a lease with the mineral rights owner. Why in the hell is that lease so hard to find is beyond me. And wouldn't that lease have the mineral right's owners name on it? The company who has the well on our property told me I'd have to go to the courthouse to get a copy of the lease. If you ever find a good resource for tracking down a mineral rights lease and or owner of the rights...let me know!
# Posted: 12 Feb 2014 06:56am
Not that I'm a lawyer, but this is the way I understand it. Current and recent leases will be recorded. Old leases had certain time periods associated with them that often have expired; if they were current they would be renewed every X years and nearly certainly would have been recorded if that renewal has happened in the last 20 years or so (NEARLY certain). The reason it's so expensive is that the attorney or whoever's doing the search literally has to rummage through piles of old books to look for something that's likely expired anyway. And at the same time, there's no guarantee that something didn't happen in 1823 (e.g.) that wasn't recorded in the county annals.
I just sold some land to a commercial real estate development attorney who bought it for his family retreat. He had me sign something saying I know of no active leases and am getting no royalties. And he's publically posting an announcement in the local paper essentially saying, "If anybody has a lease they have a month or two to make it known or all of them are legally dissolved." or something similar. I'd expect you could pay a local attorney to take this action and be absolutely sure - it's likely a better way to be sure than paying more money to do the search. Again - I'm not an attorney, just sharing my opinion and experience.
# Posted: 12 Feb 2014 03:47pm
Just got a quote for 4-6 hundred to search mineral rights.
Mike 870
# Posted: 12 Feb 2014 04:13pm
That sounds more reasonable to me, I decided to go with a different company, a local lawyer for the search, and it sounded more in line with what I was expecting. It's got to help also that they are right down the street from all the county buildings. The bank are making me get an appraisal, wow, that is going to be twice as much as any home appraisal I've ever had.
Mike 870
# Posted: 25 Feb 2014 07:31pm
Just got the mineral rights search back. Everything clear. Final price was $490. Not cheap by any means but a lot cheaper than some quotes I heard. My advice at least for people considering doing this in Ohio is to shop around and consider someone who is based right in your county seat. Much easier for them to go down to the courthouse and they probably are familiar with it which saves them time and money. I am going to the property Saturday to find stakes, scout cabin spots and whatnot. I'll take some pictures and start a new thread.
# Posted: 25 Feb 2014 07:33pm
Quoting: Mike 870 Just got the mineral rights search back. Everything clear. Final price was $490. Not cheap by any means but a lot cheaper than some quotes I heard. My advice at least for people considering doing this in Ohio is to shop around and consider someone who is based right in your county seat. Much easier for them to go down to the courthouse and they probably are familiar with it which saves them time and money. I am going to the property Saturday to find stakes, scout cabin spots and whatnot. I'll take some pictures and start a new thread.
Great news Mike. What county are you in? Can your guy recommend someone in Athens county?
# Posted: 25 Feb 2014 08:17pm
Duh...you said adams
Mike 870
# Posted: 26 Feb 2014 07:26pm
I don't know anyone in particular, but check out the chamber of commerce, or ask a local realtor who they think does a good job and is reasonably priced. After I found the lawyer I went with I called a local real estate office to ask if they did a goo job and were reputable.
Mike 870
# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 03:28pm
Still haven't closed, but hopefully all goes well. I didn't get too many pictures that capture the diversity of the property. There is just a lot of different terrain types. There are some flat areas, some rolling and some steep ravines. There is a grove of sugar maples, maybe one day I will experiment with maple syrup. Entering the property: 
Mike 870
# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 03:32pm
The logging road pitches upward: 
This is going on craigslist! 
Possible Cabin site: 
Not what most people think of when you say "deer sign" 
Mike 870
# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 03:34pm

Mike 870
# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 03:36pm

# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 07:18pm
Absolutely beautiful! I'm guessing you're glad you waited until the right place came along. Now just a matter of some sleepless nights until you get it into your name! Enjoy it.
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