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# Posted: 6 Jun 2013 11:24am
Anyone have the same trouble as I am?
A year ago I was able to get the same company to insure our cabin as our home, based on our home rates it seemed reasonable.
Got the renewal and the rate went up over double, they said the cost to replace the 700 sf cabin (was $70K) would now cost $150K after inspection (external inspection we were not there), the cabin is built on a slab nothing special. They also have personal contents at $102K, additional living at $27K (based on a percentage of the $150K replacement cost) and additional structures at 22K (10x10 shed with a 8' garage door) I think they screwed up but they are not local to the area where the cabin is so hard to prove it.
called another company local to the cabin and they will not insure unless I update the electric service from the current 60A to 100A. and also add furnace for year round heat.
I can't see paying 10% of the cost of the cabin per year in insurance.
# Posted: 6 Jun 2013 11:36am
I feel like I would probably just forego the insurance, and put away money every month as my own insurance...that's crazy.
# Posted: 6 Jun 2013 12:34pm
Agree, before the increase I was thinking still on the high end but okay with it, now with the increase I need to find a company they will insure it for what it is.
# Posted: 6 Jun 2013 02:44pm
Well, at least they will insure you. We are outside of city limits, and were turned down because we had a dry cabin. Then another company turned us down because it hadn't been skirted (in November at 5 below and snow). We even tried a company that insures bush dwellings (usually honey buckets and no running water, only source of heat a toyo stove or wood stove). They turned us down for having only one source of heat!!! 
# Posted: 6 Jun 2013 05:50pm
My company who I have my house through will not cover mine at all. No electricity and no water = no insurance 
# Posted: 17 Apr 2015 11:14pm
check out Goodville insurance through an independent agent. I think they are out of Pennsylvania. Got a rider on my homeowners insurance with them. I insured mine for $10000 for $100 per year
# Posted: 18 Apr 2015 05:52am - Edited by: RichInTheUSA
I have also had trouble with insurance on my cabin... Here goes....
One company insured our cabin and provided liability insurance without any problem. However they gave me the run-around on another property that I own, so I changed to a new company. I've found that companies will only insure my cabin if I have ALL my other business with them too.
It's been a never ending saga with the second company...
1) They said they would insure it, and came and did an exterior inspection without me being there.
2) They saw my neighbor's sign that said "Caution Firearms in Use, Keep Out" and *required* me to take that sign down, even though it was a quarter mile from my property. The neighbor also had a "We don't call 911" sign, which I was required to take down. They said we threatened to kill people over trespassing. If I didn't have the signs taken down, they would drop my policy.
3) They then said they wouldn't insure because there is a private locked gate, and the fire department would have a hard time reaching it. I had already investigated this and the FD said they would simply cut the lock in an emergency. They didn't want a key.
4) Then they said they didn't want to ensure because of a trailer they thought was on my property. It is actually on my neighbors property and has nothing to do with me.
5) Then they said the needed an interior inspection, and needed to see the wood stove. I sent them pics, and the manual showing the proper safety offsets and that the stove was installed according to mfg recommendations and to code.
6) Then they said they wouldn't insure because we didn't have central heating and air condition. I said IT'S A 1 ROOM CABIN, YOU DON'T NEED CENTRAL AIR FOR A ONE ROOM BUILDING!!!! They said, OK.
7) Then they came back out for a 2nd inspection and have up'ed the rates.
By all of this, I would think they didn't want any of my business. Frankly, I'm about to loose my patience... but at the same time, searching for new insurance is a pain in the neck.
All I really want is liability insurance... so that if someone comes on my property and hurts themselves or another then I have coverage.
