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# Posted: 24 Oct 2012 01:10pm
After having to sell my 25 acres in Morris, NY, to pay some bills. I found 4.25 acres in chenango county, attach to a couple thousand acres of state forest. Nice As a bonus the land has an electric pole on it, a well, and somewhere a septic that I have yet to find. As well as much garbage to be cleaned, unusable mobile home, tires, rotted wood, etc....
# Posted: 24 Oct 2012 04:34pm
Sorry about my post coming up as anonymous, I know some don't like it on here, but I lost my login info, but had to comment on this post.
mikehu, congratulations on your purchase! I know that area very well. I lived in Sherburne NY for awhile in the 80's, and in Georgetown NY as recently as 10 years ago. You will not find any more beautiful country in NY. Unfortunately for me I found decent paying work very difficult to find in that area, or I would be back there in a second! Both of my daughters (who are grown and married still live in the Georgetown area. Every time I go to visit I want to move back there so bad. Hopefully when I retire I will be your neighbor again! Again congrats, and enjoy your property... Just watch for the coyotes!!! Please post what town you are close to, I probably have friends as your neighbors!
# Posted: 24 Oct 2012 04:53pm
Congrats,I sometimes wonder if it,s worth all the bull sxxt new york put's us through to live here.Not a user friendly state at all.Money grubbing,dirty rotten government just keeps looking for more ways to con more money out of us.I get so discouraged!
# Posted: 25 Oct 2012 11:29am
It is a beautiful part of the state, Nearest townis Afton. Once the property is cleaned up, I will hope to get some pictures posted. Not planning on putting any structures on it until next year if i am lucky.
# Posted: 25 Oct 2012 11:31am
Mike.good for u.u sound like us.a life time of cleaning up.old mobile homes,tires and trash.keeps us out of trouble.hee hee.i am so happy for u.
# Posted: 13 Dec 2012 01:30pm
The property has been cleared... Someone stole the old electric meter from my pole, not nice. I guess when I get electric turned on in the future a new one will be put there, I found the well head. But the septic is still a mystery but talking to some locals, i have a good idea where it may be. I will need a back hoe in the spring to do this and put in a french drain along the top of the property. Hopefully post some pictures soon.
Now deciding if a travel trailer or an amish shed, unfinished, should be put there, either one is 1 1/2 years away though... 
# Posted: 14 Dec 2012 10:56am
Maybe you can strip the mobile home and sell the metal. Then you would have a frame for a heavy duty trailer. My Brother used one of the beams from a trailer frame as the center support for his ranch style home he built. You might have ablessing in disguise or a royal pain in the you know where. Good luck in your site preps.
# Posted: 14 Dec 2012 12:57pm
exsailor -good idea.we broke down a camper and called the metal man.he came and hauled it all off for us.we have one bigger mobile home to tear down and another camper.
# Posted: 14 Dec 2012 02:56pm
Too Late for that Idea, but it is a good one, Now there is just a cleared lot on the property. Some work to do in the sping, and I will keep on reading about what other have done as well.