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# Posted: 12 May 2012 07:33pm
you work hard save your money to buy a small plot of land and then theres all these rules and regulation you have to follow. If I own the land and want to live in a tent why should some county gov't have the power to tell me what I can live in???
# Posted: 12 May 2012 08:44pm
Yes, it's a pain. Plus you pay taxes, and they try and fine you or increase your taxes all the time.
Some places are more laid back than others. It's still possible to find areas with little rules or that don't enforce the rules, but they can always enforce them later, and sometimes add rules 
# Posted: 12 May 2012 09:14pm - Edited by: turkeyhunter
dont ask permission ---and they MAY find out one day............maybe  if you neighbors are fine with it--everything will be cool---and not being able to see it from the main road ---is a good thing!!!!
and if you need a elect---get your temp. power in so you can get a well dug...HINT HINT!!! for livestock.....before you start your build!!!!!!
# Posted: 12 May 2012 09:23pm
Quoting: turkeyhunter ont ask permission yeppers.so true.we wont get power at our place cause it brings the higher up powers that be to snoop about our place.we will just use a generator.and if u dont tell anyone.who will know?we built small.to stay within the allowed limits they require. mostly i say enjoy.
# Posted: 13 May 2012 04:09pm
I was thinking of the well/electric thing for livestock. I also was thinking about doing a garage and adding electric to it and getting it done then go inside and put my interior walls and turn it into a cabin. once I have electric I can deal with most anything else. I can haul water and have a portable toilet, I priced them around $200 and about $25-30 to have them serviced. You can always run a small heater in them for winter use. They do this in Alaska.The grey water I can catch and then pump it to the lawn. I hate all the rules. If they leave me alone I wont bother them.
# Posted: 13 May 2012 05:07pm
Why are you not checking these things out before you close on the property?? As a Realestate agent in Wisconsin, I make sure that my buyers can build what they want before closing and it is written in the offer to purchase that way. It is not difficult to ask a few questions to the zoning board and get a copy of the zoning law. Again all before closing. Typically it is the responsibility of the buyer to obtain any building reg. info prior to close. Now, if your just mad that there are rules... I agree with you that you should be able to do what you want... Especially in rural areas!! A rule that says you can only build a 100 sqft shed is rediculous!
# Posted: 13 May 2012 05:10pm
Quoting: Sustainusfarm Why are you not checking these things out before you close on the property??
Excellent point!
# Posted: 14 May 2012 01:40am
The rules are to protect you from yourself. 
# Posted: 14 May 2012 12:08pm
every where I check in the area I want to live I get the same thing told to me. I have not purchased land yet . I am on 6 acres now with a 2000 sq. foot house. I just want to down size and not be in debt. looking for a simple life style
# Posted: 14 May 2012 12:43pm
building permits and codes date back to the old slums of the industrial revolution. slumlords put up any multi family slums to make money and had no concern for safety. the codes an regs were meant originally to protect people from neglegent slum lords. after a few decades someone goot the bright idea to fix a city budget by forcing everyone to follow the regs or be fined. then other cities started now its 1984.
just don't tell them and keep out of view of the road, solar is a gread DIY off grid power supply and you can build a system with smaller pannels wired parrallel buying a few at a time
# Posted: 14 May 2012 02:01pm
Quoting: Seto just don't tell them and keep out of view of the road, solar is a gread DIY off grid power supply and you can build a system with smaller pannels wired parrallel buying a few at a time
great advice----great minds think alike !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# Posted: 27 May 2012 05:17pm
I built our cabin twenty years ago. I think taxes are high but, at least they don't know of the cabin. I do what I want there. No power, no phone and barely cell phone.
# Posted: 27 May 2012 07:28pm
Quoting: OwenChristensen I think taxes are high but, at least they don't know of the cabin. I do what I want there. No power, no phone and barely cell phone. thats the way to do it Owen!
# Posted: 27 May 2012 10:28pm
Quoting: cabingal3 thats the way to do it Owen!
X2----good for you OWEN!!!!!
# Posted: 27 May 2012 10:45pm
I agree with, Owen.
When we build ours, I am not asking anyone. The plan is for it to be secluded to the point of not having to worry too much about discovery.
I figure it is better to ask for forgiveness (if needed) than permission.
# Posted: 17 Aug 2012 03:30am
I talked to a general contractor about sheds and such recently. He said that the counties are now commissioning companies that do a quarterly flyover and the resulting overhead pictures are examined by computers.. if ANY change occurs an email is automatically sent to the county along with the GPS coordinates. Somehow I think you guys may want to start looking at overhead cammo.
# Posted: 17 Aug 2012 07:25am
Not to go into politics, but we need to finacially starve this kind of silly spending by our government. I hate to be an alarmist, but I think it's too late.
# Posted: 17 Aug 2012 07:27am
Yep, taxes are pretty expensive. I am getting set to break ground for a 28x40 cabin with walk-out basement. I already own the land outright (70ish acres). I called the tax assessor to get a guesstimate as to what taxes would go up to. She said about $4000.00 on the high side. So that means my total taxes will be $6000.00/yr!!!!! It's a shame that even owning the land and a paid for home/cabin I still will have to shell out $500/month in taxes! And, per building code, I must build a minimum of 900 square feet, so I can't downsize too much either!
# Posted: 17 Aug 2012 08:18am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech The rules are to protect you from yourself
no there not, its Governent putting two hands in the cookie jar. the first building codes were written and enforced against big city slum lords who charged huge rent to people and slapped together any slum to maximize profit. the building codes were there to prevent agregis slum lords and require a minimum standard. then some fine happy and fee collecting beurocrat got the idea to pinch money from everyone in town by enforcing fees and code fines. except the dumbest 5% of the slackers everyone would try to build the safest structure they can from the best materials and have doing so for a very long time.
currently i think that lobiests had a hand in the strict codes, requiring an archetect protects the income of archetects, requiring a certified electrician protects the income of electrical workers, these guys tend to have trade unions. manufacturers have their income protected by requiring that only specific new materials can be used. though anyone could build Indigenous style housing none would meet code. you are required by law to buy certain products.
its all about making money for the select few, not protecting the people
# Posted: 17 Aug 2012 10:39am
When we built our bunk house for the kids and guests in 2009, my next tax statement included that building. We have three separate connected pieces in an extremely remote part of north Idaho. The bunkhouse is not visible overhead. And no neighbors tattled. Only a couple of them even knew about it. I still scratch my head about that one. My biggest gripe is that I am in an area of Boundary County that is landlocked by Bonner County. I pay 54% of my taxes, FIFTY FOUR PERCENT, for solid waste disposal. In order to use Boundary's dump I would have to drive 25 miles north. If I drive two miles south, I get to the Bonner county's dump and use that for free. I am unable to opt out my solid waste tax despite never even having used it. Coincidentally, i own a piece in Bonner County and I do opt out of that tax there. I have continually fought with them on the unfairness of this tax, and basically get told tough shit...