# Posted: 14 Mar 2012 02:12pm
Ok, I see lots ofmembers in here with acreage and paying dearly in taxes. In my state, we have different uses for land. I'm on 20 acres of timberland, so they consider me a farmer or timber farmer. Providing the community with wood fiber. I had to submit a forest management plan (hired a forester) and as a result, my taxes on the land was $32 a year. Its more now with the cabin,but they just removed 1 acre for the homesite (cabin) and still low cost overall. There is also other designations like pasture land (grazing cattle, horses) agriculture like vegetables or just open prairie/grassland.
Anyone else taxing advantages of tax breaks like this? I thought I was going to have a harvest date set, but they said its no longer required as they realize old growth is alsdo beneficial to the community also.
Ok, what is your guys taxes on your land. Mine jumped to just under $200 a year when I added the cabin.