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# Posted: 20 Aug 2019 10:56am
More government is not the answer to very many issues. Folks say that a few spoil it for the majority. Well the majority let it happen. And still do. If you don’t like the way you’re personal rights have been eroded then change it. Go to your local community government and complain. Or better yet try to get more involved and apply for the elected seats that will allow you to change your issues. Don’t want to get too political but there are pages of people who complain but don’t try to change. At the least, call your local officials and let them know your thoughts. It does matter. And guess who pays for all this extra government? Just my opinion.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2020 01:49pm
Seems too many people don't understand why these bylaws exist. Here's just a couple of examples. 1 Public safety; if you build a "cabin", no fire number, obviously not to code, the word liability comes to mind also non-conforming to fire codes or anything else for that matter. 2. A cottage/residential owner enjoys their property and pays for public services, like road maintenance, garbage pickup, police, fire, etc...through their assessed value and taxes. Now a "camper", pays taxes for the assessed, vacant land value (much lower) yet enjoys many of the same services but doesn't get to pay their fair share. Now you can see why a cottager/resident might get upset and lay a complaint about a prohibited land use activity. And there are a host of other issues. You may be the nicest guy/gal in the world but why should you enjoy the same services yet I get to foot your bill? It may be your property but unless your property is in the middle of the Pacific, you have neighbours.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2020 02:49pm - Edited by: ICC
With freedom comes responsibility.
# Posted: 18 Aug 2020 08:39am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Tickled unless it's a slum hobo camp, what harm can a few nice looking tents pitched for a few summer weeks or months do? Are we that easily offended?
Or better yet, how about a real nice storage shed. Sure be nice to have a place to store camp gear, tools if you do want to build a cabin or home. But also a nice place to store gear year round for those who may have no interest in building a cabin or a home. A storage building can be done nicely for those who just want to camp during the summer and no interest in ever building a cabin or a home. And also, not everyone wants a 1000 sq foot home, a trend is a smaller footprint, its also green.
They can pay taxes for services like anyone else.
# Posted: 18 Aug 2020 09:47am
Quoting: Cottager1 You may be the nicest guy/gal in the world but why should you enjoy the same services yet I get to foot your bill?
Going with this thought then why should I have to pay school taxes at a vacation property where I don't send my kids?
# Posted: 18 Aug 2020 10:23am
Quoting: jsahara24 Quoting: Cottager1 You may be the nicest guy/gal in the world but why should you enjoy the same services yet I get to foot your bill? Going with this thought then why should I have to pay school taxes at a vacation property where I don't send my kids?
I would take it one step further and ask why, if you do not have kids, should you be paying school taxes at all.
# Posted: 2 Dec 2020 06:30pm - Edited by: lionsheadfarmstanddream
I was so happy to find this website and this chat room specifically. There is a 1 acre lot at the beginning of the Lion's Head Trail head on McCurdy's. The owner is letting it go for very cheap. I love the area and the rocks, I was thinking of getting it, keeping a beehive for honey, making arts and crafts to sell when I'm up there (including the honey), (I'd need to get for a farmstand exception letter from the NEC), and harder but an ambitious dream, to turn this 1 acre into a resemblance of a Japanese rock garden, wild but pretty. What do you think of my plan? Should I not waste my money?
There is about 200 ft of bush to walk through on the unopened road to get to the property, can I clear the branches (not cutting trees) and put ribbons aroud the trees so that I can mark it for my own direction, do you think this would be too hard?
will my beehive be vandalised if I don't go up there for months on end? Can I hide tools up there so I don't have to lug it back and forth?
# Posted: 3 Dec 2020 04:50pm
I just checked with the NEC, I am actually not allowed to keep bees on the land, or tap the mature maple trees. Not allowed to camp either, but I was wondering, what if I do...and get caught, what is the fine? Also, can I have a fire there while I visit during the day? I asked this fire question but they didn't answer (on email...they wouldn't answer the phone either).
The land woodland is very thick, do you have a contact around this area so who can help me with clearing the dead threes and brushes so that I can walk around it? Is that recommended or am I wasting my money? 
# Posted: 3 Dec 2020 05:19pm
Where is McCurdy's and why on earth would you not be allowed to keep bees?
# Posted: 3 Dec 2020 05:39pm
https://maps.app.goo.gl/HgUxCx8upEcmsk4P8 It's at the trailhead for Lion's head trail.
well, that's what the NEC said. I'm not allowed to keep bees unless they give me a general agriculture permit. They said this sort of use is no longer allowed unless the land was used this way before 1985. I went back to the owner I bought this land from and he bought it in 1990, so we have no idea or proof other people kept bees here before 1985.
# Posted: 7 Dec 2020 07:17pm - Edited by: lionsheadfarmstanddream
Do you think this dome can be hidden under the canopy? I want it to be my cabin in the wood
# Posted: 7 Dec 2020 07:40pm
No, you cant hide, they will (WILL) find you, fine you and make your life miserable. If you want to not be seen you have to be invisible and able to disappear at will. For bureaucrats it is their purpose in life to inflict themselves upon us, and also their job.
# Posted: 8 Dec 2020 07:53am
This area is really not flexible at all and you will have a hard slog ahead. Having said that, do your own homework and when the NEC states you cannot do something, either point out where the by-laws etc say you can do it, or if not found anyway, ask the NEC to provide the reference. Know the overall Ontario rules and building codes as these are the fall back when the NEC does not specifically cover something. A lot of the rules are there to protect the beautiful environment in the area but be prepared to question anything they tell you. Most of the information should be online
Comprehensiv Zoning Bylaws
Municipal Bylaws
And I agree with gcrank1 - they will find you and fine you or make you tear down any work you did. Not really going to be a relaxing way to go.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2021 12:16am - Edited by: Geri
Hi there. We have property off Cape Hurd Road that has 2 10 x 10 cabins on it that were built by my Dad in the 1970's. We spent the summers there as children. I was there when he build the cabins, as well as the outhouse. I purchased it from my mother in 2016 to keep it in the family. It is a seasonal property enjoyed by the 4th generation of our family on occasional weekends. It has minimal human impact and is impeccably maintained. I received a demand letter from the Municipality this week demanding the cabins, outhouse, firepit, 4 x 5 storage shed be removed in 20 days or we would be subject to their wrath. I feel I have no choice but to retain a lawyer to advise and explain to the Municipality our property is a grandfathered situation and to leave us alone. Thanks for any advise you might be able to shed on this situation, as well a lawyer you might recommend.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2021 12:17am
FedUpasWell Hi there. Can I get the name of the lawyer you used to deal with your troubles with the building inspectors?? We have property off Cape Hurd Road that has 2 10 x 10 cabins on it that were built by my Dad in the 1970's. We spent the summers there as children. I was there when he build the cabins, as well as an outhouse. I purchased it from my mother in 2016 to keep it in the family. It is a seasonal property enjoyed by our 4th generation of our family on occasional weekends. It has minimal human impact and is impeccably maintained. I received a demand letter from the Municipality this week demanding the cabins, outhouse, firepit, 4 x 5 storage shed be removed in 20 days or we would be subject to their wrath. I feel I have no choice but to retain a lawyer to advise and explain to the Municipality our property is grandfathered situation and to leave us alone. Thanks for any advise you might be able to shed on this situation, as well as the lawyer you used or might recommend.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:08am
Quoting: Geri I feel I have no choice but to retain a lawyer to advise and explain to the Municipality our property is a grandfathered situation and to leave us alone.
I would definitely retain a lawyer who specializes in property rights/zoning laws.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2021 05:42pm
I know this is a old thread and I read it a few times. For you people who own property in this area your name might be on the deed but do you really own it. I can`t figure out why you would want property in a overregulated, probably over taxed and I need a lawyer to do see if I can take a piss legally on my own property!.....sell it and go somewhere else! It might be beautiful but whats the point if you can`t enjoy it!!
Just my .02 cents~
# Posted: 18 Aug 2021 09:01pm
Yeah, unfortunately it’s one of the few nice places in southern Ontario that’s not polluted by gta hipsters.
I feel for everyone who rolls the dice and gets caught. Some old family photos and a letter by a lawyer should probably get you out of this situation.
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