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Small Cabin Forum / Properties / Getting power for RV on land in NY?
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# Posted: 20 Dec 2024 11:21am


I have seen RVs parked on vacant land and connected to power where the meter is on the pole.

Anyone can shed light about the process for this in NY?

Do you need a permit from the town? Do they need to sign off? cost? My land is pretty far from the road but I think I can connect to my neighbor who isn't so far.

But for sure I will need a few poles.

# Posted: 20 Dec 2024 04:48pm

Permit yes, call the town.
For the cost it will vary to much. Next call the power company.

If power needs to go through someone else's property you will need to get them to sign a deeded right of way.

I would do it all underground if you can then just come up to a wood post with a meter pan and main pannel on it.

# Posted: 21 Dec 2024 12:57pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech

Contact power company, they will send an engineer out and that is the best time to ask any questions. Then can give you a cost on wire too for your run, if you go underground, sometimes a seperate contractor, they have recommendations of people who they work with.

Then you will need to pull a permit and install meter base and RV hookup. The specs will be in the power companys instructions ie pole side, depth, grounding rod placement and meter heigth. Probably online under new service. You will need to get the panel, know in advance if its above ground or underground before buying.

I pulled permit myself, was easy, signed off and they install sticker and then power company will hook you up.

I just went through this and had to run underground down the side of the road and had to get 2 landowners to sign off on easement. I have a transformer deep in my property and of course, they need to be able to access their equipment so just added one of their padlocks to my gate, ie padlocks locked to each other

# Posted: 21 Dec 2024 02:35pm

Here in WI the power company wont even talk to me about 'possibilities' until I get the permit, complete the p co. form and pay $50 (non-refundable if I decline their 'offer'); may be even more now, that was in 2019.

# Posted: 24 Dec 2024 08:51pm

gcrank, I paid $150, non refundable. Do you have a link to the power companies website for new service?

How far are you from existing service?

The power company I dealt with, everyone was so nice and friendly, especially the engineers and the contractor. Engineers were avid hunters and I gave them permission to hunt turkey anytime on my place and gave them JJ coffee mugs, JJ caps. Greasing the wheels, everything moves along so nice.

They should be able to get you a rough cost per foot overhead or underground.

# Posted: 24 Dec 2024 09:48pm

Here in NM it was fairly simple to get a rough estimate for running a power line to just inside the property line at the cabin and the home site. A paper contract quote would involve an application fee, but they would apply the fee to the job if I went ahead within 60 days.

From experiences with people we built homes and cabins for I was aware that the rough number would be pretty close. Within 10% or so. So I said no to the cabin rough est of $55K (crosses nat forest land and had to be buried). The house site was about the same for the same reason. So solar for both.

My brother chose land that had better & closer access and grid tied for $5K and has grid tied solar with a $10 monthly fee. That will likely increase to $20 in a year if they get their request granted. Still cheaper than batteries.

Different PoCo's have different policies.

# Posted: 24 Dec 2024 10:19pm - Edited by: gcrank1

Toy, I haven't checked back since 2020?
They only do underground now, I have to do 'post, pan & box' to their spec, some 340'.
Talking to a couple neighbors with similar situations I ball parked it at $3000. Then about $35/mo thereafter and whatever they raise it to; all for us to actually use maybe $5-$10 worth each month. That comes to some $4000+ over ten years (so all in at $7000ish/10yr, seems kinda steep).
I Know many here would be thrilled to get grid for that and it should up my resale potential.
At that time I was not sure about the shack and its we have the new cabin and should maybe look into it.
Thing is that Ive set it up with 200ah of LFP, a small 300w psw inverter and a larger 1000w unit, depending upon load. I can set up 600w of solar (had it up before, typical recharge with 200ah LA was noon) and a 1700/2000w inv gen. We are comfortable with what Ive put together and its paid for so no urgency to go grid.

# Posted: 26 Dec 2024 07:32am

Quoting: gcrank1
; all for us to actually use maybe $5-$10 worth each month

$10 each month of electrical useage at .21c KW would be about 47kw a month. Or about 1200wh for 4 days in a month. That's about the cost to run a fridge for a month.

# Posted: 26 Dec 2024 09:50am - Edited by: gcrank1

All this isn't intended to be thread drift or jack to the OP's original question; just an example of the mental gymnastics Ive gone through about this 'grid or no' thing to maybe help somebody out on it too.

Brett, that's my point....for the Little power we would conceivably use the overall cost of install and monthly bill (which would mostly be non-power charges) would be more than makes sense, though I will concede the convenience of elec on demand would encourage me to use more.
My all in costs over 10yrs would be about $60mo/$720yr, seems kinda steep imo.

# Posted: 26 Dec 2024 01:43pm - Edited by: ICC

Grid tie solar? Use the grid as the battery. Downside is that you do need battery if you want power if the grid goes down.

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