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Small Cabin Forum / Properties / NY state
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# Posted: 17 May 2024 16:55

I sold my 6 acres w/small cabin because I couldn't get a permit to build a new on on my land. They said there is only commercial, agricultural and residential land in New York state. A shed cannot have electric or plumbing and cannot be lived in. Can't build a small cabin unless it meets all of the requirements of a house. Every inch has to be code for residential. There wasn't even electricity on the road. First I'd need an architects stamped drawing and an engineered septic system. Basically they are forcing people to only build houses and no cabins.

# Posted: 17 May 2024 19:21

Your issue was with the town/county not the state. But yes a engineer needs to draw your septic. New outhouses and gray water systems are illegal across the whole state.

Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 17 May 2024 23:11

Certain towns will allow “camps”. They are supposed to be dry. My inspector gave me approval with a wink and a nod, knowing full well I would have plumbing and electric after he left.

# Posted: 17 May 2024 23:47 - Edited by: geobuild

If you're in the boundaries of Adirondack Park, you can build a "Hunting, Fishing Cabin" off-grid. Check out this file for details..... I did this beginning three years ago.
HuntingFishingCabin..pdfAttached file: HuntingFishingCabin..pdf

# Posted: 19 May 2024 01:46

Our cabin is in NY, which has been rated as the "least free state". Simply put, NY state government sucks. We manage because of a weird grandfathered arrangement, and we put up with it because I grew up in the community, as did most of our neighbors.

# Posted: 20 May 2024 13:12

My cabin is also in NY. It all depends on what part of the state you are in, still a lot of reasonable areas but they are dwindling!

# Posted: 28 May 2024 22:29

More on the hunting / fishing designation. Below is a link to the original description the state designated. The history is that it originated in the Adirondac park, and the rest of the state called foul, so they let the rules apply to the rest of the state.

We used the document below when meeting with our town code enforcement guy back when we were planning a cabin. He had no issues with it but, per the regulations, the building itself would have to be built to code. He also told me if it came in on wheels, he didn't care about it.

We opted for a log cabin on wheels that is just shy of 400 sq feet, so it is designated as a park model RV. I have a solar system with 120v ac at the cabin, composting toilet, and running water via a seaflo pump. We buy the water and store it in 3x 275 gal water tanks. A piece of advice from our inspector was that if we put in a well, we'd have to put in a septic too, and he didn't think I wanted to go to that expense (he was right).

There's more than 1 way to skin a cat, but this totally depends on your locality and your building inspector's interpretation of the rules. NYS though, does allow this sort of thing, but it is intended for recreational use only, not full time living. ments;/content/Documents/File/494.pdf

# Posted: 28 May 2024 23:32

The last sentence in the second paragraph tells me you shouldnt need a septic if you have a well.

# Posted: 29 May 2024 02:03 - Edited by: scott100

Maybe. I took that to mean pressurized water from a tank. I'm not sure where he got the idea you had to have the septic if you had a well, but it could be a regulation at the county level. Never felt like pressing the issue as we got what we wanted and he was easy to deal with.

FWIW, no zoning regs in our town.

# Posted: 29 May 2024 13:24

It may come down to if that well water is piped into the cabin they figure it has to run out somewhere and they want it to run into a septic.
Wonder if an outside well without plumbing inside would be ok?

# Posted: 29 May 2024 13:27

The state form says it can have pressurized potable water.

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