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# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 03:46am
I just got a letter from my county assessor office stating they want a key to my gate (and want to keep it). Every three years they inspect the property to make sure they are getting every dollar they are due. Any unknown improvements, etc. My stuff is only 50 feet from the gate, they can just walk right in around the side of the gate, and look around. I don't like the idea of having a key to my gate in their hands.
So I think I'm going to talk to a county supervisor and ask them if they want the liability for theft from my property. I wonder what the county judge would say?
Would you like the key to my house also?
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 08:08am
Somehow that just does not ring right to me. WTH does a county need with peoples gate keys ? Now imagine a Big Key Cabinet in some hole of an office with all these keys to everyone's lands... What could possibly go wrong.
I dunno: - Reasonable expectation of privacy & security ? - If they go on land without permission that is trespassing isn't it ? - Could it even be illegal search ? You KNOW they'll stick their runny noses into things...
And then we have so many yammering about Over Reach and such - when crap like this comes up at LOW LEVELS of govern-mentals it's no wonder... Same as Gov sticking their noses in our bedrooms ! (get a blunderbus in the face Mr Gov Mental).
Lately there has been so much FUGLINESS coming out of so many HOA's and how they try to abuse non-HOA people and more... It is a sickness that is spreading....
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 08:40am
If the super wont/can't come to a reasonable accommodation with you give a key that doesn't work; ie, Oh, duh, I thought that was my spare.....
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 10:30am
I can understand their thinking IF my driveway was a mile long and gated, but 1) they can just walk right in 50 feet and see everything they need to, and 2) I think this may be a case of they can't assess someone's stuff because of the mile long driveway so they apply a remedy only needed for a few to everyone.
Yeah, giant key cabinet solution when problem is only a few. Why not come up with a solution for the few problem spots instead of creating a nightmare for 100's?
How about using a drone? DUH.
Steve, going nuclear doesn't help. These things happen and can be solved with cool heads.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 10:31am
Quoting: DaveBell Every three years they inspect the property Let them in every 3 years while you are there to supervise.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 10:34am
That was one solution they offered, make an appointment. I still think they are trying to solve a 2 pound problem with a 10 pound sledge hammer.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 10:55am
Making an appointment is the correct reasonable solution.
Nuclear is to be avoided whenever possible. But as of late, there seems to be increasing issues with land/property, privacy & security. If you voluntarily grant access today, it could set precedents that could be manipulated later. I wish we still lived in a world where we could trust easily but alas, those days are gone. Sadly, we can no longer underestimate what some folks are capable of doing.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 10:58am
you give them a key and they assume they have the right to be there anytime. the county here uses satellite images and adjusting to the rate of payment.
Sorry no key for you, is my response to that.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 11:25am
Quoting: DaveBell they can just walk right in around the side of the gate
"Emergency Vehicles Only"
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 11:57am
No way would I give a key. In an emergency, they would cut the lock, any other time they can make an appointment at a time that works for both parties.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 12:42pm
The first thing I would do is to ask to see the relevant by-law that supposedly gives them the authority to ask for a key. There may not be any such provision. Rather it may be someone or a cabal that is flexing their need to exercise power illegally.
In my area of NM I have dealt with assessors in four counties. The rules are quite similar with minor differences. The counties publish a document that spells out the rights and procedures of an assessor to enter your property. If the property is properly posted for no trespassing they cannot enter. If there are locked gates that is taken as "no trespassing" and they are also not permitted to enter without written or verbal permission. However, if the gate is left open they can enter. Anyhow, what can and cannot be done is set down in a 2-page document that is publically available online. If gates are locked, signs posted, etc. they have a procedure set out for leaving a tag at the gate or door, and if the owner ignores that a letter gets sent out requesting an assessor appointment.
Not even any of the local area fire departments have keys; they have cutting tools.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 03:34pm
My gate is locked, the county PUD has their own lock as they have access to their power/transformer, which si fine, they wont ever go in unless I ask them or trouble reported.
My assessor walks past my gate, which is locked, well over 660 feet in and he doesn't have an issue. I have a cattleman's gate to the left of the actual gate where he can walk in and does, looks around, leaves his card in my door jamb and good to go.
I suspect they can ask, but not demand your key.
Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 07:34pm
# Posted: 31 Mar 2024 08:22pm
First thing I would do if my county requested this would be to ignore them..second thing would be a "no" and third would be contacting a lawyer.
# Posted: 3 Apr 2024 08:29am
It's a slippery slope. So, when this becomes norm, what's next? Giving assessor your key to your house so they can see if your have a finished basement? Giving safety inspector key so they check on your smoke alarms? To health inspector to see if you have past due date food items? ... Who knows how far can it go.
# Posted: 10 Apr 2024 12:21pm
Quoting: Brettny First thing I would do if my county requested this would be to ignore them..second thing would be a "no" and third would be contacting a lawyer. Exactly what I would do.
# Posted: 10 Apr 2024 01:11pm
DRB and Brett, that's the strategy I decided to follow. Thanks! Wait and see how many other folks raise hell first and maybe I'll see another letter saying we decided to do it the same way as the last 20 years. This is West Virginia and folks don't take too kindly to over reaching authority. I also like Cabin builder's comment, you want the keys to my house also? If it ever comes to a head, I'll ask, "why not just buy a drone"? Anyone know the update frequency of the satellite maps?
# Posted: 10 Apr 2024 11:08pm
Use a combination lock...

# Posted: 11 Apr 2024 07:48am
Don't forget that when you give the government a inch they take a mile..and they never roll back regulations. Next thing you know some other agency is on your property because the assessors dept works with them.
# Posted: 11 Apr 2024 08:13am
Quoting: DaveBell Anyone know the update frequency of the satellite maps?
Depends on the location, but quite often potentially yearly. There are multiple government agencies producing aerials too so its not just bing or google, for example agriculture departments.
Stay strong, I wouldn't get them my key. Surprised to hear this is coming from WV.
# Posted: 11 Apr 2024 08:55am
Quoting: KinAlberta Use a combination lock
Good idea. We use Abus all-weather resettable 4 or 5 digit combination locks .
# Posted: 11 Apr 2024 09:36am
Quoting: Brettny Next thing you know some other agency is on your property because the assessors dept works with them. I was doing chores around the cabin about 18 months ago when I was startled by a "contractor" working for the county accessor that rattled their huge, diesel and lifted pickup past my sawmill shed. They proceeded to tell me they were there to inspect what they had noticed on my property from ariel photos. They simply had a magnetic sign on their truck. Needless to say, I'm not a fan of unannounced and subcontracted government inspections of private property.