# Posted: 25 Jan 2011 05:29pm
we went to our woods last weekend.i was mad cause we missed the was the weekend before.Well,the good news is we found out it is always the 3rd weekend in Jan.yay.we got to the cabin and no one had cleared the snow to our cabin drive.i think the locals take care of the locals.Locals as in the ones who live there year round.the good news is-one year this will be us.First off we got to walk on top of the hard was a sunny/blue skied day.we got to walk on the snow to haul our supplies to our cabin.when we got to the cabin there was a rabbit sitting there looking out at the pretty scenes enjoying nature.i told gar...i need my gun.he said your gun will not kill that big rabbit.i do not want to maim off hopped mr.rabbit.I was so eager to check out the new property.anyway.we both unloaded and then while Gar did his thing which was get the burn piles going-i went to look for our well and found it.i was not sure what i was looking was a pipe sticking up out of the ground.then i went into the mobile home there and found alot we could use and salvage to use for something.There is also a timbered frame there and it is sturdy.Out by the meadow where the sun shines and my thoughts is it would be a great green house. we both went and explored.we had a high time of it.then we came back to the cabin ate.and i did the dishes and could not wait to get into the cabin and get warm and gar slept.our neighbors came over.they yelled from the end of the drive...IS THIS THE ROMANTIC GET AWAY CABIN?? I yelled no...i am crocheting and gar is singing a is the Snore song!we all had a good visit.Talked of the local people and also what things we can do out in the woods with the building codes and such.the neighbor friends asked us our future plans and they want us up there too.gar too but not yet. well then in the nite we heard the cycotees howling.the moon was shining.the stars were out and the burn piles kicked up even though we thought they were out already.i saw gar and put my hand gently on his cheek cause he is my funny man.he thought an animal was sniffing him.snicker.he slapped at his face and said in his sleep...what the heck is on my face?he was slapping in the air.hee hee one point in the nite we got up and got the fire on and looked at books.the backwoods home anthologies.i love them.they are so good to browse thru.have u seen them?do u have any of them??i want them all.greedy.but hey.if u need info.those are pretty good for finding the country living info u need. then i sat in the cabin after and crocheted was such a lovely time.i hated for it to end.we woke up late and had to leave.we went to this local cafe that has huge helping.if u eat 3 of there pancakes in 30 minutes.u get to have your picture in the hall of fame there.i did not want to be known for eating those huge pancakes.we each got one.they were so big that me nor gar could eat it all.we should have gotten one pancake and halfed it.we headed was a grand time.then our neighbor called when we got back home with the name and address of the person on the other side we maybe could buy land on the other connecting side of our property.whoa.this fellow lives in who in the right mind would ever want to come live in such cold weather when they have lived forever in Hawaii??our chance maybe ten years from now to buy the other this is me sharing our trip to the woods.the picture below is the meadow.this is where we will have our clothes line ,and garden and green house.