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# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 09:25pm
For years I have used regular mouse traps baited with penut butter. The results have been so so. Last week end I asked a neighbor who lives at his off the grid place year around what he used. He told me to crazy glue an almond to the trap as bait and gave me a handful of almonds. I only had a little crazy glue left so I also used JB Weld. The JB actually worked better because it was thicker. I trapped four mice the first night.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 09:35pm
good tip, might try that.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2016 12:11am
I've used a small Havahart trap to catch a bunch of mice in my shed. Then I got a little cage to keep them in til I drive into town, and let them go behind the police station
# Posted: 27 Aug 2016 12:26am - Edited by: Malamute
I accidentally bought some of the traps with the big square plastic trigger that looks like cheese. Being 30-some miles out of town, I decided to go ahead and use the stupid things. after using them a while, I realized I was catching most of the mice from them just walking across it rather than getting to the bait of peanut butter. I stopped baiting them for the most part, so long as I could set them with the trigger bar next to a wall where lice like to walk. I still caught lots of mice.
I bait them in my vehicle since the walls aren't that well defined. For most use, just putting them with the trigger end to a wall works quite well.
I started drilling a small hole in the corner of the trap and making a small loop of fine copper wire, then tying a string to that and anchoring it. Once in a while a mouse is poorly caught and drags the trap off into a unseen corner and dies, stinking the place up, and losing a trap.
Other than the first cabin I lived in, Ive not had mice in any place I built (didn't build the first place). Paying attention to details and not being sloppy and leaving holes and gaps helps keep varmints out.
Subs, like plumbers, do some really poor work and leave all sorts of huge holes and gaps. Need to back track all their work and fix the stuff they messed up.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2016 01:54pm
There are threads on the forum about mice. Just do a search. The bucket trap works well.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2016 12:42am
Figures that mice now think they're above peanut butter and have to be baited with pricier almonds. Hahahaha!
Haven't had a mouse problem in a long time. But when I moved into my first house, it was a new subdivision outside the city so land and habitats had been disturbed by construction. There were snakes, tarantulas, and mice to watch out for. You really had to be careful to ensure the garage door was closed tightly and to watch the door when you came in at night or a mouse (or worse) could slip in.
We had a few mice get in. There was a nifty boxlike trap that was the only thing that worked. Pricey, but it could be reused indefinitely. The box had a good-sized opening and inside the box was a maze. Once the mouse entered, there was no way it could turn around and exit so it had to keep going to the end of the maze, where you had put a bit of peanut butter or some tempting bait.
The clincher was that the box was battery-operated and wired. There was a steel plate at the end of the maze, and when the mouse stepped on it, a jolt of electricity instantly killed it. A signal light on the outside of the box told you when there was a dead mouse inside. And you could then simply open the lid and dispose of it. No fuss, no mess, worked like a charm. A lot more humane than spring or glue traps, IMO.
I don't know if they still sell this thing but it was awesome. I believe the Victor company made it.
# Posted: 29 Aug 2016 06:51pm
"I've used a small Havahart trap to catch a bunch of mice in my shed. Then I got a little cage to keep them in til I drive into town, and let them go behind the police station"
Perhaps a few by the building inspection and planning departments would be good too.
# Posted: 29 Aug 2016 10:46pm
lawnjocky- YOU ARE A SAVIOR. We got a chipmunk in the house about 2 weeks ago and I couldnt catch the lil bugger because of the peanut butter issue. Tried your Almond trick and whammo...got him in like 6 hours. Bucket trick works great in the barn/cabin but not great in the kitchen...lol.
# Posted: 29 Mar 2022 02:31pm
My camera has been snapping mice on the cabin porch, so I dug out the old bucket/can/peanut butter trap before I left two days ago. Got back today, 3 mice in the bucket and some rare pics of the trap in action. Screenshot_2022032.png
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# Posted: 29 Mar 2022 02:39pm
As crazy as it sounds, I think bait is dependant on the location. In locations where the mice are well fed you need a bait that is more attractive. In locations where food is scarce you could probably catch them with mouldy peanut butter.
Personally, I used Mars brand chocolate bars. I break a little piece off (both the chocolate and carmel interior) and then use its stickiness to "glue" it to the trap. Its seems that chocolatey goodness is irresistible to them even if they are well fed.
I would suggest the youtube channel "shawn woods". He has tested like 1000 traps over the years. His all time favourite is a cheap bucket trap that catches the buggers in huge numbers.
# Posted: 29 Mar 2022 05:28pm
If I used chocolate bars I’d end up catching mrs fishie
# Posted: 29 Mar 2022 06:03pm
Lol, yep me too. Wouldn't even make it to the traps. Stopped by the store on the way out today. "Get me something with chocolate in it.."
# Posted: 30 Mar 2022 09:56am
Hmmm, combo-bait! Maybe I'll try an Almond Joy bar 
# Posted: 30 Mar 2022 10:05am
I have been pretty well Mouse Proof Lucky which living inside a forest is quite amazing really... there are millions of the buggers running about.
I did have One Invasion during construction which was "nutz" ! Imagine sitting down to take a break and mice running up the 2x4 studs to have a close look at you due to curiosity (within inches of you) because they do not know "what" you are ! I had 3 do it in one evening....
Using the default Steel Bucket with a roller, put Chunky Peanut butter in the centre... Within 2 days, 8 mice removed ! They really went for the chunky peanut butter.
IF only Chipmunk & Squirrel Control was this easy. They are far more of a problem than the damned mice. - Starting a Thread on that...
# Posted: 30 Mar 2022 10:26am
I NEED that thread! Im plagued by the little Red/Pine Squirrels in the poorly blocked walls and cath-ceiling. Ive popped 15 in the last 1.5yrs and the survivor(s) are way smart now. And incredibly Fast! Ive been pulling down siding sections and blocking access routes and holes since mid-last summer. What a time waster..... Live or kill traps are out unless we are there, dont know what other innocent critter might get caught before a return.
# Posted: 30 Mar 2022 11:01pm
Nail your regular traps to a piece of 1 x 4, mice won't run off with them and the traps work better.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2022 09:23am - Edited by: scott100
With regular mouse traps, I've found that you have to bend the tab out a little to make them a hair trigger for them to be effective. They never come this way when new. You want the thing to be sensitive enough that it trips if you don't set it down very carefully. Then peanut butter works fine. The almond trick above works cause it causes them to have to work for their food.
We also used a Victor electric trap (mentioned above). Works great for mice or rats. I've even nailed a red squirrel in one. Mice are bad enough, but squirrels are worse.
We lived in an 1840's farmhouse for about 30 years. It took me 20 or more years to discover that all mice in the house followed the plumbing run to 1 upstairs bathroom. All I had to do was set a trap under the sink there and I would catch any mouse in that house. I passed that bit of info on to the next owner once I got to know them better