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# Posted: 10 Aug 2016 10:09pm
I remember a discussion last year about, eating milkweed pods. Might have been creeky. I was back my lane today , and see the starting to form. How do you prepare them . how mature should they be, and would you recommend them. How do you prepare them Never tried them. old243
# Posted: 10 Aug 2016 11:11pm
They say it can be made safe but you have to be careful
# Posted: 11 Aug 2016 07:34am
This reminds me of Pokeweed.... if you get the right parts at the right time, and processes it in the right way... then you can eat it. Otherwise, you may die (extreme case)
I tend to stay away from plants like that are toxic.
# Posted: 11 Aug 2016 03:38pm
I sure wish I had some milkweed on our property - not to eat - just to attract the butterflies. I actually bought some seed a couple of years ago and it didn't grow - SERIOUSLY!!! It is a WEED! *sigh*
# Posted: 11 Aug 2016 03:59pm - Edited by: creeky
It was me. And I've been eating them for a month already.
So. First. Make sure it's the good kind. That's the common milkweed. There are narrow leaf milkweeds you should avoid. Not deadly but you might get an upset stomach.
If it has the broad leaves, you're good. Try a tip leaf. It shouldn't be bitter.
The shoots can be eaten when young. Never tried it.
The flowers are great. They taste a bit like okra. And can be cooked the same ways. Fried, stewed etc.
My favorite though are the pods. Delicious. I eat them raw off the plant. Just like peas. And cook them like peas or asparagus. Get 'em young. And small. Less than 2". After that they get tough.
You should be able to take the silk out and by pinching it between thumbnail and finger cut through the silk. You'll only do this a couple of times. Then you'll "know" what size to pick.
On smaller pods you can harvest just the milk for use in sauces. I've never tried that.
I'm making chili for supper tonight. I'm off to havest some pods! Thx for the reminder.
Oh. And Hattie. You should be at my place. I'm having a record for butterflies. Swallowtails. Admirals. Hummingbird moths. Today I've seen 4 monarchs already.
# Posted: 11 Aug 2016 10:20pm
Quoting: creeky Oh. And Hattie. You should be at my place. I'm having a record for butterflies. Swallowtails. Admirals. Hummingbird moths. Today I've seen 4 monarchs already.
Oh that is not fair! 
# Posted: 12 Aug 2016 12:29pm
6 monarchs yesterday. not to humble brag or anything. 