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Small Cabin Forum / Nature / Odd summer in Western Wash
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# Posted: 26 Jul 2016 01:18pm
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Spring came a month early after a very mild non winter.
Plants have grown more in one season than three.
Douglas fir have put put on over 32 inches when 11 was
the norm.
Blackberries and fruits have been many times more than
normal while Bumble and Honey bees really came on strong.
Overall a mild summer with lots of moisture and a boatload
of thunderstorms!
Very few insects and spiders and no bats where normally
this time of year they would be thick.

How bout your season....anything odd?

# Posted: 26 Jul 2016 08:49pm
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Groingo, hardly any yellow jackets too and I haven't seen a single mosquito. I'm close to your locale.

# Posted: 26 Jul 2016 09:29pm
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I agree on both and will ad only one dragonfly (very small) and zero moths...not normal that is for certain.
We should also be hearing Crickets and seeing young Grasshoppers and nothing....gonna check if they sprayed for Gypsy moth or something...
something is clearly off.

# Posted: 26 Jul 2016 09:52pm
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I noticed tonight that most of the nuthatchers have congregated in Philadelphia for a few days in late July

# Posted: 27 Jul 2016 01:06am
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A bit more moisture this year too. When I was up at the cabin in June, there weren't very many flies outside...usually thick that time of year. Maybe because they were all on my cabin floor dead. LOL!

I've only seen one tick up there in the last several years. This year, myself, a friend and his dog all had one. Luckily mine was still on my pants. So yes, a somewhat odd year, but it was nice and green.

# Posted: 28 Jul 2016 05:53pm
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Lots n Lots of nats and moths for me and hummin birds, when i flip on the power to the cabin when it gets dark they want in so bad and when the door opens they fly in, not the hummin birds, the moths. They dont bug me anymore as im so use to them.

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