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# Posted: 11 Mar 2015 06:12pm
Just got back from doing a full "patrol" at the homestead and the signs of spring are everywhere. OK we are having a heat wave, it's +6C right now . Sure signs is that massive piles of deer scat is appearing everywhere ! Turkey tracks dominate one area, looks like I found their "hang out". Birds a chirpin and even found a very disgruntled chipmunk... I didn't know they would get so darn vocal this early on. Looked up to see some confused Canada Geese trying to decide which way to go.
The bad drifts have gone from waist deep to knee deep & lower. Sure am glad I waited this winter and now know where the drifting & snow accumulation is going to happen on the property. Happy I picked the right spot for the cabin, seems a major deer path is just below the cabin on the west side, so I hope to be seeing lots of them next year through the winter.
Took some photo's but for some reason I can't upload ATM... must be something funky with my Sat connection right now.
Drove 11 hours down to Toronto & back last week and saw quite a few Canada Geese and other critters along the way... I think they are all ready for spring to arrive at any time now, I know I am certainly ready for it.
Last real sign... End of season sales on Snow Blowers, snow mobiles and things are in "full bloom" and with luck I think I may have scored a super sweet deal on a 28" thrower... too darned old & tired to shovel the homestead site.
Come On double digit +'s !
# Posted: 14 Mar 2015 08:11pm - Edited by: neb
I believe it is here I took a long walk today and things are changing. The weather has been great and signs of spring have sprung. LOL   
# Posted: 15 Mar 2015 07:44am
Neb~~GREAT pics and fine sheds...how many for the year so far??
# Posted: 15 Mar 2015 08:51am
turkeyhunter>>> I have found 7 but spend about 10 hours on my feet. Lol I'm heading out shortly for another day in paradise. Going to some rough country today but is going to be a great day in the 70's.
We don't get a lot of March weather like we have had this year. Totally not normal.
How have you been doing?
# Posted: 15 Mar 2015 10:26am
Our new pond is full from all the snow! That's the good news. Our ground is covered with a winter's full of poop from our dogs. It's like walking through a mine field. That's the bad news.
Saw six deer yesterday morning eating the wildlife grass we planted last fall. Hope now they will stop eating the tops off the young trees we planted at the same time.
Ordered forty more poplars, English walnut and sugar maples to go in when the ground gets unfrozen. Got a lead on 5 foot spruce and pines at a cheap price. Just thinking about being outside planting trees makes me smile.
I don't think I've ever looked forward to spring with more excitement. It's been a long, bitter cold, snowy winter. Monday's supposed to be over 60 degrees. Come on springtime!
# Posted: 15 Mar 2015 08:10pm
Well, its getting dark and I just shut the windows, Spring is approaching, its been 75 here today and forecast for tomorrow is 79. I missed opening day of Turkey season, but my son and his best hunting buddy killed one bird this morning on my property and said they had two move gobbling. Yep, its spring time and hunting season again All is good.
# Posted: 15 Mar 2015 08:16pm
Spring Peepers are going crazy today! Saw about 14 turkeys too.
# Posted: 15 Mar 2015 08:59pm
Been a warm winter here. Had a few cold spells but not anyhwere near normal. Bears came out early, as have snakes. Saw a dead (unfortunately) 4' bull snake a week ago.
# Posted: 15 Mar 2015 09:26pm
Yep everything is coming alive. Rattlers and ticks are out and about too.
Jim in NB
# Posted: 16 Mar 2015 09:05am
Got another 1'+ of snow yesterday! Lost of the gains of the snow melt from the week before and then some! LOL!
SE Ohio
# Posted: 16 Mar 2015 10:23am
Just saw large geese flock heading north!
# Posted: 16 Mar 2015 11:03am
Yah, Jim, final tally here will be close to 2 feet -over 50cms. Just plain discouraging! I keep saying it will go quick, but it just keeps on coming.
Jim in NB
# Posted: 17 Mar 2015 06:09am
Well not a picture of the camp but it gives you an idea about our snow depth - got to work this morning and found they are calling for another 20-30cm (8"-1')!!
# Posted: 17 Mar 2015 03:07pm
A sure sign of spring for me is receiving the annual e-mail from our club president notifying us that the "mud locks" are about to be put on the gates. Now I know it's only a matter of weeks, not months, until we can access our place.
# Posted: 19 Mar 2015 10:16am
dogwoods have got big buds on them...should be blooming in a few days....blueberries are blooming NOW!!! Plum trees and peach trees in my orchard are blooming....tis the season!!!! ...BUT on the downside...my head is clogged up with SPRING pollen!!!
# Posted: 21 Mar 2015 11:19am
Sadly, I still have heaps' nasty stuff but it's going (albeit not fast enough).
Finally got the opportunity to hit the cabin site with my snow-blower and cleared the driveway & path up to the build area but still more to do in advance of the big thaws. Unfortunately the snow was so deep and the thawing & freezing and re-thawing & refreezing made it somewhat of a nightmare so I took the opportunity yesterday in +6C temps to do the deed so everything will dry up quicker. Still had over 40cm / foot & quarter of hard yuck to plow through... Major soreness resulted!
Here is a before & after photo of just the driveway as I still have the rest to do beside the big shelter (the long white temp garage) and the actual building pad which is just beyond it. Before clearing the "stuff"
|  After the stuff "blown away" :)
|  Still to do... erf !
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Jim in NB
# Posted: 23 Mar 2015 11:06am
-23 C with the windchill here at lunch (-9 F) Good news Forecast for Thursday is +12 (53F)!!
# Posted: 23 Mar 2015 11:27am
I hope you guys don't get flooded out with a rapid snow melt! I remember the St John River flooding pretty bad a few years ago.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 07:00am
the Robins are here!!! 70's this weekend.....its getting to be SPRING ...south of the Mason Dixon line!!!
flower's in full bloom...fruit trees blooming!!!
seeing any sign of SPRING in your neck of the woods???
turkeys are gobbling as well!!!!
# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 07:13am
Gee wiz, almost a year ago thread and semi deja-vu LOL. Well blew a good foot of snow away 2 days ago, another fresh foot to blow today.... Turkey's are complainin, the deer are impatient, the crows are kawin and the chipmunks are still hiding out. + Degrees are making the appearance and thaws have started, so anxiously awaiting ....
# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 07:32am - Edited by: Jebediah
Quoting: SteveN I hope you guys don't get flooded out with a rapid snow melt! I remember the St John River flooding pretty bad a few years ago.
I lived in Oromocto, NB for many years, I don't think there was a year that that darn river didn't over run its banks...
This year where I'm located in NS is completely opposite from last year, we have no snow at all and the temps are all over the place, up to 25 degree differences from one week to the next.
The Mergansers beat the Red winged black birds here this year. They are a month early. I expect to see the loons and mallards early also. Cricket soaking up the sun
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# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 11:45am
Quoting: Steve_S almost a year ago thread and semi deja-vu LOL
dang==did not realize the thread was 364 days old..lol
# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 12:13pm
I saw my first robins yesterday. They are also calling for near 60 degrees next week.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 01:17pm
First daffodil March 2nd... snowed again yesterday, fed a friends bees for the last time this week, they weren't as happy to see me as I was to see them still looking fast and furious, they should be good to go on their own here shortly.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 01:50pm
21*F above this morning.
Biggest sign of spring is the days getting noticeably longer.
According to Wunderground we will have 12 hrs. - 10 minutes of visible light & the sun will be above the horizon 10 hrs. - 32 minutes today. We gain on average around 7 minutes per day. ...Some 50 minutes per week.
Local radio station has a "goose watcher contest" each spring. With $500 to the first person to spot a goose. They started running the "goose watcher" commercials the other day.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 10:24pm
The ceremonial start for the Iditarod is tomorrow. Once the dogs reach Nome spring is right around the corner.
Warm sun and longer daylight do make for great riding! I am hoping the snow stays through March.
# Posted: 4 Mar 2016 10:59pm
AK Seabee >>> are you close to the Iditarod? I always enjoy hearing and following the event. I just got done emailing a giy from AL and he said they still have a lot of winter left.
AK Seabee
# Posted: 5 Mar 2016 12:58am
Neb, we see the start of the race and that is it. I have always wanted to visit Nome for the finish but it is not to be. I also enjoy following the race and hopefully they should have a good run this year.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2016 08:50pm
AK Seabee >> very interesting and Alaska has always been a dream place for me. Thanks
# Posted: 26 Feb 2017 08:51am
To us spring starts when the sap runs .This week I made my frist boil results below .!! 20170225_211201.jpg
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