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# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 09:01am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
ok Cabin folks......... SPRING IS close!!! Here south of the Mason Dixon Line I was at CAMP last evening ~~~the spring peepers were alive and well. ( and I love to hear them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXTI692RKLs ) And when I feed my catfish I stocked in my new little wildlife pond...they came up and ate floating fish pellets. I stocked them in Dec. and had not saw them since. Skeeter's were out and about as well.
What are you guys and girls seeing of SPRING in your neck of the woods??
ps-forsythia and peach trees just started blooming yesterday!!
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 10:39am
well. the snow pack fell off my roofs. i can see metal for the first time in months.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 10:41am
Signs of spring? I'm seeing some of the snow melt occasionally, but not today. High about 18 degrees F. Starting Saturday we'll have several consecutive days with highs above freezing! In other words, the weather we usually have in February here in Ohio. We're about a month behind. I recently saw a local picture of skunk cabbage coming through the snow, so spring cannot be far off!
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 10:42am
None so far we just got freezing rain that turned into 2 more inches of snow last night and last weekend we got like 8in of snow. But I am ready can't get much done on the cabins if I can't get to them.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 10:45am
I should mention that my cabin county (Vinton Co, OH) has a level 3 snow emergency. Official and emergency traffic only! 8 inches of fresh snow over a thick layer already there. My driveway will be impassible with 2 wheel drive should I visit anytime soon.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 11:15am
Hard to believe, but next week's forecast for upstate NY calls for temps up to 50°! Hope it's a gradual or temporary rise. We don't need flooded basements on top of all this!
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 04:09pm
Lol,we've been parked in Indy since last night with a load going to Charlotte and can't get there because of the snow in KY. There is a State of Emergency and the National Guard was deployed to rescue motorists on I-65. Pilot truck stop in KY
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# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 05:49pm
Signs of spring? TAXES
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 06:55pm
Spring? Not yet... There's three feet of snow on the ground.. I have serious cabin fever. Planing your garden Turkeyhunter?
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 07:14pm
Well, she pulled me out of the pines today, I love ice. Supposed to be nice this weekend, a friend and I will be working on each others high tunnels.
I stole Mt Don's temp controller idea and hooked it to some roof deicing cable. I'll build a sand filled bench in the little starter greenhouse and weave the cable in the sand to distribute the heat evenly. It'll be a couple of weeks yet before we move the plants out there. The living room is greening up nicely though   greenhouse.jpg
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# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 09:20pm
Yep life is showing up here also. Robins have been here for month's not sure they left. Lol I seen older deer today just running in circles and chasing one another. They know better days are coming it was something to see.
No snow here this winter to speak of but had some deep freeze weather then would get warm nice days. Odd winter here so far. It rained in Jan. and Feb. will see if we get it in March. Lol that is not common here.
I can smell spring in the air.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 09:25pm
The birds in Ohio are changing their songs. Other than that and the forecast a week out is the ONLY sign. We still have 6 inches of snow.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 10:12pm
Quoting: naturelover66 Planing your garden Turkeyhunter? planted some cayenne pepper seeds today
dumping my compost pile from last year in my garden tomorrow ....will till it in the ground next week
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 10:17pm
TH>> I'm planting alfalfa this weekend. Frost seeding once again. LOL I had pretty good luck last year just hoping for rain early on to get it stared really good.
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 10:31pm
Neb~~ good luck on you seed sowing this weekend.
I am planting some more rye grass around the pond this weekend...in some bare spots....
# Posted: 5 Mar 2015 10:53pm
Even these boys and girls are thinking spring!! LOL 
# Posted: 6 Mar 2015 01:20am
Here in Alabama, Most roads are total impassable and the wind chill factor was around 15 earlier this evening. Ice everywhere with lots of business closings. The turkey hunter must live on the coast somewhere, may be Florida?
# Posted: 6 Mar 2015 06:52am
Quoting: neb Even these boys and girls are thinking spring!! LOL
Neb ole buddy .. I need to help you with those problem birds...lol 
Jim in NB
# Posted: 6 Mar 2015 07:08am
12 hours of daylight is about the closest sign to spring today! Temps headed back down over night and was -33C with the wind chill. Has been a real cold winter - even the ravens migrated south this year! We have around 4' of snow on the ground but it is what we consider "soft" snow - no layers of ice - so should melt pretty fast. Could be a year that emphasizes why it is good to build high and dry!
SE Ohio
# Posted: 6 Mar 2015 11:17am
Quoting: silverwaterlady Lol,we've been parked in Indy since last night with a load going to Charlotte and can't get there because of the snow in KY.
I'm sure I'm a little late responding. Hope you have broken through! If not, take I-70 east and then I-77 south. Although southeast Ohio got hammered, no backup (at least not on the local news) Good luck!
# Posted: 6 Mar 2015 12:50pm
We had 25 inches of snow in central KY. People were stranded on I65 for up to 9 hours. A power line fell across the interstate during the early sleeting part of the storm and by the time it was fixed white out conditions moved in. 5 tractor trailers jack-knifed going up Muldraugh Hill and it went from bad to worse all the way down to Cave City. Many people just ran out of gas. Glad we were home but what a nightmare for a whole bunch of travelers. Fort Knox has been closed for 2 days. I don't recall that happening in the 30 plus years we have lived here. Hope the cabin porch roof is holding.
# Posted: 6 Mar 2015 05:20pm - Edited by: silverwaterlady
We are still in Indy. The 77 S had icing issues this morning. It will be warming up tomorrow in the 50's for many of the states south of us in the daylight hours. By than everything and everybody should have things cleaned up. Fuel delivered to the people that ran out of gas on the interstates and to the truck stops,the plumbing fixed(it failed due to so many stranded people at the ts we stop at).We had a peaceful two days off safe out of the awful weather.
# Posted: 6 Mar 2015 07:42pm - Edited by: Don_P
Glad to hear you are safe and sound. We are near the I-81/77 split in SW VA. My wife made it down 77 to 40 and west to Asheville this afternoon with no problems.
Edit to add, this is well off topic but since I described that plant warming setup above I had better give a warning. I arrived home this evening and smelled smoke before I got to the door. I could tell it was burning electrical and dashed around the house looking for the source. When I finished my experiment with the controller I turned it off, wound up the heating cable and put it on the new plant stand... but I foolishly didn't unplug it! The power had blinked off while I was at work today and when it came back on the controller switched on and began heating the coiled up heating cable. It is now a molten mess and there is a healthy char on the plant stand but no fire. Happily the lesson was not more severe.
# Posted: 6 Mar 2015 08:37pm
TH>>This guy that owns this ranch won't even let his mother take care of one! LOL If they would you would be welcome TH.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2015 09:29am - Edited by: turkeyhunter
Quoting: neb TH>>This guy that owns this ranch won't even let his mother take care of one! LOL If they would you would be welcome TH.
I hear ya.... not going on the spring slam hunt this year....I guess as we get older our passions/quests change..( as the saying goes been there done that)..lost interest in it~~I guess But will still shoot a couple local gobbler's for stews and fried turkey strips When the weather does break out your way--I am going out for a month+ or so in Colorado/Wyoming & Montana road trip
# Posted: 7 Mar 2015 10:24am
TH>>you get this way you let me know.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2015 12:15pm
Well I heard a cardinal singing his spring call yesterday.Boogie is starting to shead like crazy and the girls are starting to lay more eggs so we're getting close.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2015 12:30pm
Quoting: rayyy Well I heard a cardinal singing his spring call yesterday.Boogie is starting to shead like crazy and the girls are starting to lay more eggs so we're getting close.
all good sign of SPRING Rayyy!!!
and Quoting: neb TH>>you get this way you let me know.
will do Sir!!!
just finished taking a trailer load of JUNK to the landfill....cleaned up around 2 barns & garage yesterday...sunshine days make me want to do SPRING CLEANING!!! ..lol now headed down to camp and work down there rest of the day!!!
# Posted: 8 Mar 2015 08:32pm
Quoting: neb Even these boys and girls are thinking spring!! LOL Got me one of them yesterday afternoon... Sure was hot and humid sitting in that blind.
# Posted: 8 Mar 2015 09:55pm
Lol Creeky! That's what I was going to say! Our ice packs are falling off and some is melting. I can see my metal again too. I haven't seen the sidewalks or driveways here in about 5 months.
My chickens are not laying much still.
Yes, in WNY we are looking at 45F all week as a high!
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