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Small Cabin Forum / Nature / On the way to mow at a neighbor's today
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# Posted: 22 Jun 2014 10:56pm

I've been trying to help a new neighbor get her property back in shape by bush hogging the overgrowth. As the crow flies it is about 1/4 mile but by road to the top of the mountain is several miles, about 1/2 hour on the tractor. I was about a mile from our house this morning when a bear jumped out in the road in front of me carrying a fawn in it's jaws. It dropped the fawn and bounded down the road ahead of me. I was in road gear and the bear was somewhat trapped into running right in front of me for close to 1/4 mile. It was an interesting quandry riding in the wind with no real protection if the bear turned around, I was gaining on the bear but certainly didn't want to catch up and yet at the same time didn't want to throttle back and give him anything other than a sense that I was something to run from. Happily an opportunity presented itself and in 2 leaps he bounded up an embankment and was up into the woods. When I returned a couple of hours later, after breaking a blade, the fawn was gone. I'm pretty sure he circled back and retrieved his breakfast. Made for an interesting start to the day.

# Posted: 23 Jun 2014 07:16am

Well I'll say so too. I've been told bears get a lot of fawns this time of year. We all here thought it would have been too hard a winter for the deer, but there seems like a lot of births.


# Posted: 23 Jun 2014 08:15am

Just fixed my bushhog. In time to clean up a bit for Canada day. No bears tho. Rats.

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