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# Posted: 19 May 2014 09:26pm
The wife and I (and our dog) finally got out to the cabin for our first overnight since purchasing it last fall. I had high hopes of seeing some wildlife, but instead we only got to hear some.... a pack of coyotes let loose at around 2:00 AM, and carried on for probably 15 minutes. I wouldn't have enjoyed it so much if I were in a tent, but with a wall between us and the outdoors it was awesome.
One thing that did bother me was how these critters sounded. I've heard coyotes my whole life, but never heard any like this; it was a lot of howling with none of the normal yipping. Anyone else in the Adirondacks of NY hear something similar? I'm wondering (hoping) that there are wolves that we don't know about out in the woods!
# Posted: 19 May 2014 09:34pm
you don't want wolves....coyotes are bad enough. and if your dog is a small one watch out...coyotes love a small dog or cat for supper . I shoot every coyote I see on the farm.
# Posted: 19 May 2014 10:48pm
Our camp is up around Blue Mtn Lake and we hear coyotes a lot. They are all over. The first time I ever heard a pack howling many years ago it was a little frightening, but now I think it is one of the most awesome and powerfull nighttime sounds of nature, especially when I'm in a sleeping bag and tent camping.
# Posted: 20 May 2014 11:28am
Could be a Coywolfe, a cross breed which are becoming more poplar in the east. Coyotes are not know for attacking humans so much (I think there are only two confirmed human fatalities EVER from a pure breed coyote). Coyotes are opportunistic feeders and eat mostly small game like voles, squirrels, mice, rabbits etc. But in urban settings where food is scarce, they will grab small dogs and attack humans if provoked or scared. I personally would not kill one just for the heck of it, they're an important part of the food chain. That'd be a different story though if my livelihood depended on livestock.
# Posted: 20 May 2014 12:34pm
My wife was walking alone down our dirt road once and startled a coyote who happened to be crossing in front of her. They exchanged glances and then went on their separate ways. Heard about coy wolves and I think there may be some up here in northern NY, too.
# Posted: 20 Jun 2014 11:57pm
I love coyotes. Every choir distinct and haunting. We hear them at "home" and at our camp upstate. Once saw a youngster hopping across a dark road and it looked like a stuffed animal. I still think about it.
# Posted: 23 Jun 2014 11:50am
Wolves are apparently in the Adirondacks. There have been numerous confirmed sightings over the years, so I would not be surprised to hear that they are making more of a resurgence. Let's hope so! 
# Posted: 23 Jun 2014 09:00pm
Every night here between 10 and 11 PM a group get to howling down in the valley right below our place and outside our bedroom windows.
It was a little unsettling at first but I really like the sound now.
As for the whippoorwill that likes to get cranked up occasionally at 4 am outside the bedroom window.... I could strangle his guts out.
# Posted: 26 Jun 2014 11:24am
MJW, they didn't name whippoorwills "vociferus" for nothin'.