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# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 10:31am
I may have asked a similar question in the past but I need some help. Does anyone know a sure fire way to get rid of carpenter Ants? I have been doing A LOT of research on them.
I know you have to find the nest.....I know they spawn satellite colonies....I know you have to kill the queen.....I know they like moist areas.
Here is the scenario: Cabin is in the woods in a pretty much shaded area. There are dead trees/leaves everywhere. It does remain moist the vast majority of the time due to lack of sunlight. I noticed "frass" or aka the sawdust from the ants, behind my panels in the walls and in the some parts of the roof. Yes this tells me there is moisture. I cannot afford a new roof and the moisture in the walls is by an old stone chimney that acts like a sponge. The chimney is also on a side of the cabin that gets the direct rain.
If I cannot completely get rid of the moisture is there still a way to get rid of the ants? I purchased some Advantix granules and Maxforce gel bait.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 12:01pm
I have a sawmill and see them in a hollow usually the heart, of a log, cedar fence post etc. I spray raid on the nest if they are in a log. not sure how to get at them if they are in a wall.Old243
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 12:37pm
spring is when they usually invade and start new colonies. early spring is when the young queens and some drones (males) have wings and leave their starting nest and go out and start a new one. or at least that's one thing I read. early spring the young queens are out and setting up new nests. that is usually when my cabin gets invaded.
I suggest a product called terro, its a mix of corn syrup and borax (boron acid). I put a soda cap full where I see them, they eat it and take it back to the nest to feed others, it takes a few hours to work but it kills them from the inside. once its in the nest they die there and eat their dead being infected again. resist the urge to squash them and feed them plenty of this stuff, about a week later the entire nest is dead. you can also make this stuff with borax (wash soda found in the laundry isle at the grocery) and any sweet liquid, plenty of instructions online.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 01:37pm
My log cabin was vacant for years before I bought it. Tons of carpenter ants. I got a liquid from epestsupply(.com) and some bait stations. It called gourmet liquid ant bait. It doesn't kill the queen, but when she has no workers, she moves on. My cabin is shaded and in the middle of the woods. Used alot of bait the first year and they are gone. Still keep two bait stations full, just to keep them at bay. No ants the last four years.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 03:01pm
Thanks for the replies. I am officially going to war with these little suckers this year. I never really hit it hard in the past or at least with any quality treatment. This Termidor SC stuff I've been reading about looks like the real deal. Looks like nasty stuff but the good stuff usually is! It was hard to find a negative review about it. As for the roof.....it is getting done next year....metal....no more mold or leaks.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2014 08:38pm
Drione is your friend.