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# Posted: 30 Mar 2013 10:20pm
Since building our cabin 2 years ago it have been invaded by cockroaches. We almost never actually eat in the cabin so leftover food is not an issue. We recently put some drains (with traps) in that just run out on the ground and we suspect that they come inside because of that but we're just not sure. I've put out some poison and sticky traps with limited success but I was thinking if we got rid of whatever they were after we might get rid of them.
Any suggestions as to why they're here to begin with and how to definitively eradicate them?
# Posted: 31 Mar 2013 01:40am
I would hire a professional. Orkin etc comes to mind. Cockroaches are horrible. How did they get there? Old junk, lets say an antique may have had them inside of it, or the eggs, I remember as a kid, I was in a junk yard and found an old 8 track tape in a FOrd truck. I took it home. I was about 14 yrs o ld at the time. Got it home, for some reason I decided to split it open, when I did about a hald dozen cock roaches came running out looking for cover. I reacted quick and killed them all ASAP. I have never forgotten that incident. Be careful what you bring in. Garage sales, antiques, especially if it can house the critters or the eggs.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 31 Mar 2013 08:52am
I didn't have a problem with bugs until I got the mouse population under control... Get some mice? Okay, not really. Professional bug killer is good advice. Also, a "bug bomb" does well but you'll have to remove or seal up a lot of stuff (especially dishes, canned food, etc). If you are up on posts, spray them all on a frequent basis (hardware store garden dept will have some good stuff to use, comes with a pump-sprayer).
# Posted: 31 Mar 2013 10:38am
I have no idea how they got there. I've never had roches before and I dont have any antiques or stuff that would have had eggs on them save shopping bags from wal mart.
I'm not interested in calling the Orkin Army but spraying the posts is something that I haven't tried yet. Thanks.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2013 08:30pm
cockroaches? BARF! Hope you get rid of them soon Bzzzzzt 
# Posted: 31 Mar 2013 09:16pm
Yeah, ME TOO!
I suspect they've been out there on the land since before we bought the property. They just discovered the cabin and like it for whatever reason. I've never had roaches before and I'd like to not have them now!
# Posted: 31 Mar 2013 10:00pm
If you carry stuff to cabin in boxes or brown paper bags then could Carried in their eggs that way... Get borax soap scatter behind everything along baseboards ect... Then outside scatter under cabin as good as possible and put boundary of it around outside and keep it freshened as you can..
# Posted: 1 Apr 2013 11:40pm
Are you sure they are cockroaches..I believe their is a bug that looks like a roach that people call bush cockroaches..they love wood..dark spots..ect..new wood old wood but I don't think their actually cockroaches from what the pest guy told me..I have these bugs in my cabin as well and I just spray for them..
# Posted: 5 Apr 2013 09:42pm
Thanks for the tip, Davey. I will look into that. I'm not certain that they ARE roaches, but they look like them and the last roach traps I set out killed quite a few, but not all, of them. They seem to not like plastic but do like water. I'll figure it out sooner or later. Just an icky snag to deal with.
Grandma Off Grid
# Posted: 6 Apr 2013 08:19am
do you have pine trees on property? they love them and nest in the ground very deep. the nest is where it needs to be sprayed. everything else is just topical. the exterminator will know this and go down as far as needed. sometimes 100 feet. you can do it yourself, with borax but you'd have to know where the nest is. they are a pain! always had them in the south. not up north though. they love water and paper bags