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# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 12:13pm
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we have had a skunk smell at our home in the city for a long time. well my daughter is living with us again for a bit.thats another whole story. ok...she said the other nite she saw a mess of little skunks under our deck and she also on another nite,almost stepped on one. i just got back from looking under one side of the house where a trap door is.what i see is-a live trap we must of put there at another time for this very situation and also all the heavy insulation under the home is torn up.like maybe a mama skunk and her babies are up in there??could this be?? we have a rabbit in a cage outside the door and his food spills thru the cracks of the back deck when he eats.so there is the food skunks may be after. i am going to look under the trap door on the other side after a bit. how can we get rid of skunks.i dont want to take a mama and babies away from each other.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 03:16pm
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ok.i went and got boxes of mothballs and i am gonna try scather those about .i put one box under our back deck in the hopes it will keep the shunk family away from the rabbit food that falls under the deck. then i have a couple more boxes to put under the house.while i am there...i may get that live trap out from the house and keep it. maybe put some food in it and set it out in our back yard.scared though it will spray us.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 03:45pm
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Put flood lights in the area and something like a recorder with loud bangs recorded playing repeatedly every few minutes. They don't like light nor loud noises, they will depart on their own.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 04:25pm
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oh.flood lites! that would be something we can do. my daughter went up the other nite to meet her boyfriend at the mailboxes near by.Before she left she almost stepped on a baby skunk.she was so scared she ran up to the mail boxes with a mop and a plastic yellow toy kids gun.i guess she thought if she cant hit the skunks with the mop.she could click the gun to make them go away.so here comes another one.she said they are everywhere down here.she said 13 or 17 of them down in this park of our park.she had blue zit creme on and another came and she started crying and jumped up on the mailboxes.she waited there for her boyfriend.she would not get down and was crying.she did not know where the skunk went to.so usually her boyfriend walks in to our house.this time he gets a ride and zips right past her.He never saw her perched up on the mail boxes scared too death.she jumpes down and here comes the mama skunk.she ran home crying.now u see why we dont take her to our cabin.lol. so i guess we have some skunks down here.sounds like.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 04:33pm
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If you don't want to seperate momma and the babies, I would not use the live trap. It's only going to catch one at a time, and if you get a baby that could make momma really unhappy when you come to check the trap.
To remove all at once I would hire a professional, or let them alone until the babies mature and leave on their own- then catch and move any stragglers (if you can lt them alone that long). Clean up any food source now however.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 04:47pm
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LOL!!!! ooohhhhh thats a great story cabingal....I was picturing it in my mind as I was reading it......mop and toy gun ...LOL.....
My buddy had them camping under his barn a while back...he put one of those motion detector flood lights under there, non electric with big 6v battery type....every time they came out to get munchies at 3am they got blasted in the eyeballs with the flood light.....he is clever and also hooked up a recorder or something to it so when the detector came on the thing made a big noise too....scared them off....
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 06:32pm
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Quoting: Anonymous If you don't want to seperate momma and the babies, I would not use the live trap. thank u.i am trying to get a handle on what to do.thanks so much.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 06:35pm
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Quoting: VTweekender he is clever and also hooked up a recorder or something to it so when the detector came on the thing made a big noise too....scared them off.... ok VTweekender...we are taking all these ideas an experiences into account on what we should do. so far i tossed a mess of mothballs under the house on both sides,under our deck where the bunny pellets fall and up by the front stairs where they could get in at. yes.my daughter is 31.when we take her to the woods.she always thinks squirrels are gonna jump on her.snicker. when she was a teen and we moved to the woods.i thought she would be standing on the picnic table scared to put her feet on the ground cause of bugs.i never thought we would get her off that table.
# Posted: 10 Jul 2012 09:51pm - Edited by: trollbridge
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Quoting: cabingal3 .she always thinks squirrels are gonna jump on her. Ha ha ha...I have to laugh...this brings back memories of the time we had an unwanted squirrel living in our shed at home. Mr troll went to slide the big sliding door open and the squirrel jumped out at him and landed right on his back! It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen! Happened so fast and him trying to get this squirrel off his back-I was so glad it was him and not me!!!LOL! Everytime I slide that door open now I am ready to run!!!!
# Posted: 11 Jul 2012 05:12am
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Thats so funny trollbridge..what a great story.now here i have been telling her for 31 yrs that squirrels wont ever jump on her.ha ha ha. its like i always told the children...if u dont take this medicine to get well-u will have to go and get a shot in your eye.i had no idea u can really get a shot in your eyes.gars dad has eye trouble and gets shots in his eye.lol. this morning when i woke up early,i went to open up all the doors and the windows.i smell skunk so bad.its like maybe not just at our house.this whole area down in our area smells so strong like there is a skunk factory here.ew.i am calling the office and telling them they need to do something. another tip i heard is get a plastic container of bleach and put lid on and poke holes in the lid and lay this around your yard.it makes the skunks leave the area.has anyone tried this?does it work?
# Posted: 11 Jul 2012 02:51pm
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I called the office here and told them there was a skunk infestation. she said.she knew.what??cool.i said my daughter was stuck on the mail box for one hour.one hour i hear it now told and crying.this office lady said she was stuck in her garage and could not get out cause of a skunk. anyway... she told us that one of the men at the office got his license to live trap skunks and raccoons in this park.i said ok.thanks very much.so now we shall see what they do. at least they are doing it.i dont know why they think they wont come back cause our whole park is surrounded by deep woods...but at least they know.
# Posted: 11 Jul 2012 02:59pm
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Quoting: cabingal3 .now here i have been telling her for 31 yrs that squirrels wont ever jump on her.ha ha ha. Probably best too keep that our little secret!!! 
# Posted: 11 Jul 2012 06:04pm
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Quoting: trollbridge Probably best too keep that our little secret!!! snicker.i think so too.
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 12:18am
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still have skunks.Gary O was out on the back porch the other nite and there was a big ole skunk... he hollered at it and it came at him like a dog being called to his master.gar got sort of scared and jumped in the house cause old skunky o had his big old tail up.we brought the live trap back from the woods.we have counted 4 skunks so far.
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 04:38am
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lol,,,oh if you could have only captured that on video,cabingal.A mop and a toy gun,,,lol.
# Posted: 3 Sep 2012 07:36am
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Quoting: rayyy lol,,,oh if you could have only captured that on video,cabingal.A mop and a toy gun,,,lol ha ha ha...dont u knot it rayyy!