# Posted: 19 Dec 2011 04:41pm
The best trap to catch any rodent in the house is a dime store modified standard bail type rat trap:.
1/Change the bait plate to a mouse trap bait plate.
2/File 1/8in of the tip of the trip wire on the rat trap very smooth and round the top edge of the wire to a slight curve downward. Take crocus paper and sand to very smooth chrome type surface.
3/extend the mouse bait pallet forward a bit by attaching another platform onto it. This will give the trip mechanism more sensitivity. You can tie it in which is a lighter way, or aluminum pop rivet, etc
4/The grab cage or throw wire is square and does the catching. Bridge this square by twisting a cloths hanger across it that crosses just in front of the bait pallet. Attach the hanger wires by making a few loops over each end.
Load the bait then try out the mechanism with a light stick. You may need to file some of the side grab hole on the mouse bait pallet so that the trip wire is ready to pop at the slightest pressure, important because mice are very light, babies even more. If you find your bait gone then you know he'll come back expecting no danger. By this time you would have done some more fine tuning until you get it just right. You'll be almost there when you discover you can't place the trap in position when loaded and ready, but only when it's in position.
Oh yeah watch those fingers! It'll break your pinky easily. Mice are absolutely dead.
This is a mean dinosaur in a small package.
My small plastic Intruder traps are just great. But occasionally I get a Muscle-Mouse who drags the thing in a hole, gives it one more tug and escapes somewhat sore of the experience. The worst part as any trap master would know is the loss of enticement of the bait peanut butter in the next trap. They learn the experience and especially rats learn quick. Voles are even stronger than mice.
Sometimes the trap has been set off and I hope some rat isn't in my home. So I decided to give the trap teeth by putting needles in the edges. Theoretically I hope it causes the skin to be ruptured and if a rat, muscle damage has well. He either dies in the house or leaves wounded I hope. All this of course means messy cleanup so I'll use plastic under the trap.
I have 6 traps scattered throughout the house and 3 are Veloci-trap-tors and 3 are my modified super sensitive rats traps that can catch mice too.
The target is to avoid missed captures because the next time around means disguised traps and switching solid bait. Next post I talk about rat traps.