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# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 09:45am
Was wondering what "bug" repellent folks are using?
We are trying to find an alternative to deet as it is tough on sensitive skin and eats through plastic, ie cameras, binoculars, quite effectively.
Last weekend we had a opportunity to try out Sawyer's Picardin based repellent and Buzz off, a citronella based one. They failed miserably as a general repellent. The mosquitoes seemed to have to land on the skin and "taste" the chemical before flying away if they did. And, if even a square cm of skin was missed such as the eyelid or inside the ear that is where they attacked. Neither of the products produced that hallo of protection that would prevent the mosquitoes from landing.
So it is back to deet. We might try using the above products on specific areas of skin that come in contact with cameras and binoculars but will spray everything else with deet.
ps (Yes, I can see the humour in this post LOL)
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 10:53am
have you ever tryed a product called ThermaCELL we use it all the time at my bush camp works as well as deet but costs more . its a miniture smooker we put near us and sit outside in a swamp for hours , move away 10 feet and you get eaten alive. we get them at wallmart 50$,,, 40$ for refills you can carry one on your belt if you are moving.a Dr. friend said it is safer than deet.much less messy.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 11:09am
I hate bug spray but it is what we resort to also.
Anyone ever made the mistake of putting in their contact lenses after they have had bug spray on????!! YEEOOUUUCCCHHHH!!!!
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 12:30pm - Edited by: CabinBuilder
We use: * deet spray ("OFF") * fire smoke * Mosquito Burning Coil (see link and pic). You can buy them at most Dollar stores or wherever camping supplies are sold. There are couple types of these coils, with somewhat different chemical composition, smell and effects.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 02:18pm
We do a lot of hunting and camping, I am sold on the thermacell for sure
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 03:41pm - Edited by: bobrok
Not trying to be funny here and this is not a joke, but I downloaded an app on my smartphone that is a frequency generator. The instructions say that 17000 Hz is the ideal frequency that will repel mosquitoes.
Well the jury is still out on this but I have tried it and believe it or not it seems to actually work.
What won't they think of next. :)
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 04:09pm
Quoting: bobrok a frequency generator I have one similar, not as an app but as a separate battery powered clip-on device. It emits sound with the frequency believed to repel mosquitoes. Didn't seem to affect mosquitoes, but I've found the sound to be too annoying.
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 05:09pm - Edited by: NancyHammack
Burts Bee's insect repellent is great, it's all natural and smells good too!
we do a essential oil mix that is almost the same as Burts it is very simple to make and you can add a little on the oils you like to customize the scent !
1tsp each cedar essential oil rosemary essential oil lavender essential oil geranium essential oil citronella essential oil
In a spry bottle combine water and vinegar in a 5-1 dilution add essential oils and shake it up.
canadian girl
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 06:25pm
In the past we have most always used" Off Skintastic Family Spray "but because we are spending days at the cabin I didn't want to drown my family in deet so we recently started using "Skin So Soft Bath Oil" from" Avon" and it seems to surprisingly work well. I have a spray bottle I put the bath oil into and just spray it on and rub it in .
# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 11:27pm - Edited by: hattie
I've tried the frequency devices and they never worked for me. Gave Hubby a good laugh at it though. *S*
Avon Skin So Soft is supposed to work quite well. It was one of those things that was discovered after they made the product which is a skin lotion, customers started writing in to say it repelled mosquitoes as well.
I googled those Off things that clip to your belt, but they got bad reviews, so I wouldn't use them.
I still prefer using deet. I think it does the best job.
For those who like to use citronella - You might want to know that that scent attracts female black bears. Yup - not kidding you. I watched a show on bears awhile back and one of the camera women had problems with a female bear that wouldn't leave her alone. They did some experimenting and put the citronella spray she was using on a tree. The female bear went crazy rubbing all over the tree. It didn't seem to attract the male bears, just the females.
# Posted: 11 Aug 2011 09:48am
Virbac Zema 35 Day Dog Dip. Follow the directions for dilution. Permethrin is harmless to us and our pets but causes respiratory paralysis on insects. I spray my clothes with it until they're damp, roll them up and put them in a trashbag to brew overnight.
# Posted: 15 Aug 2011 10:13pm
We had our first field trial with Thermacell as recommended by a couple of folks in the thread.
Two weekends ago the wife was having a wash at dusk exposing her "flabby bits" (her words not mine... I kind of like her flabby bits!!) to all and sundry and she got molested by mosquitoes. Last weekend after leaving the Thermocell smoking on the sink for a minute or two nary a bite under similar conditions. So it seems to work. Not sure if the cost of $25 plus $30 for a refill is going to make it prohibitive tho.
Maybe try some mosquito coils.
# Posted: 16 Aug 2011 05:36pm
I have tryed to refill the butane and resoak the the pads in smoking fuel to no avail . i still use deet if i am away from camp!! protect those flabby bits get a thermocell !!
# Posted: 16 Aug 2011 06:10pm
One side benefit of our NM mountains is that we don't have much in the way of insect pests.
# Posted: 29 Jul 2014 05:55pm
I use mosquito coils from the dollar store or $2 at walmart. They work well if you use 4 in a square formation around the fire. It repels the mosquitos right away and makes a barrier most nights. As you come and go they will follow you right in tho. But they do attract female black bears and I have had them come right into the campsite searching for the source of the smell. So I plan to try put dryer sheets around the outside of the site. To see if that helps.
# Posted: 29 Jul 2014 06:10pm
We have found that the Off lanterns work very well at repelling Mosquitos. They have a candle and a pad inserted in the top. They look pretty cool on the deck at night too and are not as messy as the coils. They are pricier though.
# Posted: 29 Jul 2014 08:01pm
I use 'Repel' brand lemon eucalyptus oil. It definitely keeps skeeters off. It stinks, irritates the skin a little, and feels a bit uncomfortable til you wash it off, kind of oily. But it works very well.
I also have a 'Mosquito Magnet' mosquito trap that actually works, amazingly enough. It burns propane in a propane fuel cel to make electricity, the electricity operates a fan that sucks mosquitos in, and the CO2 from the propane burning attracts them toward the unit and the fan. I leave it run all night and in the spring, heavy skeeter time at my place, it catches several dozen a night. Never gets rid of them all, but greatly reduces the swarm and prevents them accumulating around you. But, these units are very expensive, like $750. Got mine used for far less. The on-grid models without fuel cel are cheaper.
# Posted: 29 Jul 2014 09:39pm
Absorbine ultra shield, a permethrin based liquid , is used by the horse people , to give long term protection. mrmiji posted about this earlier. Will also kill ticks, as well. You can treat your outdoor clothes, lasts several weeks. Permethrin is derived from the chrysanthemum flower, and harmless to humans . I haven't tried it yet. old243
# Posted: 29 Jul 2014 09:41pm
Forgot to mention that you could likely find it at TSC or a farm supply store. old243
# Posted: 29 Jul 2014 10:15pm
One of the things we like about the SW is the lack of bothersome flying insects in most places. A few but not enough to warrant the use of chemical deterrents. We've carried a pump spray bottle of two different grades of repellant for years; a low to middle content of DEET and a very high concentration, just in case but can not recall the last time we used some.
Last summer in CO we decided to forgo a beautiful spot in the mountains as there were hundreds of skeeters due to a nearby bog and we would rather not get into applying chemicals to ourselves.
# Posted: 29 Jul 2014 11:31pm
Deet always works the best, but if you want something more gentle I would suggest Avon's Skin-So-Soft Bug Guard plus Icaridin. I've been trying it out while I pick raspberries in the morning and it seems to work quite well. A link to it on the Avon website is here: http://www.avon.ca/shop/en/avon-ca/bug-guard-insect-repellent-spray-ii#.U9hmu3Z0zIU
# Posted: 31 Jul 2014 10:23pm
Here's a tip for saving money on the Thermacell instead of buying more butane cartridges. Much cheaper! You can also cut up the mosquito coils and put them on the Thermacell burner and it works great. Works just the same and costs very little.
# Posted: 1 Aug 2014 01:13pm
We have been having a vicious mosquito and tick season at our little place. So I have researched things a bit more since my initial post.
Based on this link http://www.tickinfo.com/permethrin.htm
We tracked down Sawyers Permethrin spray http://sawyer.com/products/permethrin-premium-insect-repellent/
This permethrin formulation is supposed adhere to clothing as opposed to other formulations used on livestock and wood.
We sprayed our socks and pants as directed. Any ticks that came in contact with our socks and pants started acting abnormally and seemed to curl up and act sickly and then drop off or fell into our boots where they received more contact and essentially were toast. It is still wise to put your pant legs in your socks and check for ticks regularly. Nothing more satisfying then turning a tick into a quadruped!
We found though the treatment only lasted about four washings.
As for mosquitoes we have broken down and are trying a meshed bug jacket this weekend. It will likely be hot and looking through a fine mesh is not the greatest but my skin is really becoming sensitive to deet. And the mosquitoes we have seem to think anything else but deet is just a condiment for lunch!
# Posted: 1 Aug 2014 07:03pm
i have a ridiculous amount of experience with biting bugs, esp. mossies. born and raised in northern canada.
deet works but it is bad for you. so if you use it (and I have a bottle of 100% deet used sparingly over many many trips into mossie territory) put it on your clothes and not your body. (it will melt plastic. as discovered mountain biking in northern quebec ... after polypropylene tights became popular) and I see others here have experienced the same. but a bit on the bill of your cap and around your cuffs. really good.
nice score on permethrin. anyone can make a permethrin spray out of hot peppers. the hot pepper sauces are excellent as they also contain vinegar. and add vinegar anyway. the two, in my experience, work well together. in an emergency vinegar will work by itself. either that, as it neutralizes the "sting", you don't feel the bite. 
if you're in a camp for an extended period of time, and have electricity, I recommend the mosquito catchers. they require tweaking, but I have had really good results with a mosquito magnet. I put it against a tree line (out of the wind) and it cleared my backyard. i actually had to clear the mossie net daily for a while. the net held thousands/tens of thousands ... of mosquitoes. in some situations all you can ask is that it's less... but this was amazing.
but bugs you hit it. clothes are the best protection. just like for UV rays.
and remember mossies and their evil brethren use two elements ... CO2 (your breath) and movement as triggers. so.
stay very very still and don't breathe. lol.