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Small Cabin Forum / Nature / Their First Acorn Season
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# Posted: 7 Oct 2024 13:13

These two young White Tail deer are enjoying their first acorn season right in front of the cabin. Then they drank from the water bucket by the well and settled down under the new carport for the afternoon. Since the rutt began, their mother wasn't close by, but has been all summer.
Young White Tail Deer
Young White Tail Deer

# Posted: 8 Oct 2024 13:42

The mothers and kids have disappeared here over the last weeks, replaced by bucks. I’m not a hunter but my friend who is says the shooting season just ended. It’s like they knew that and were safe roaming around.

# Posted: 8 Oct 2024 14:34

Here in sc WI we have been seeing the bucks congregating for the past month or so and even the does coming into the feed block (we don't hunt anymore).
In about the past week we are seeing the does skirt the bucks and the dominant buck is likely to casually follow the does passing. The younger bucks seem to be more interested in the block and corn.
I think they might be kinda getting into the idea of a rut?

# Posted: 8 Oct 2024 17:48

I'm not a hunter either, but I've been around many who are passionate, if not obsessed with deer season. I do enjoy watching all of the wildlife and I suppose I've allowed my 80 acres to become somewhat of a sanctuary. Our rifle season in OK doesn't start until about Thanksgiving each year, when it's smart to hang close to the cabin keeping an eye out for those who can't seem to obstain from adult beverages when hunting. 'Still waiting for the flock of turkeys to ramble across my campsite on the ridge this fall.

# Posted: 8 Oct 2024 21:45

Quoting: drb777
when it's smart to hang close to the cabin keeping an eye out for those who can't seem to obstain from adult beverages when hunting.

People keep perpetuating this rumour but hunting related injuries are so minimal these days it’s time to worry about driving to the store more than this

# Posted: 9 Oct 2024 00:17

We just wear a 'blaze orange' vest or slip on smock and cap during gun-deer season if out into the fringes of our property. If close in I tend to wear just the cap. There hasn't been much shooting around our country home or the cabin, fewer every year it seems. Mostly the deer seem to get hit by traffic.....
Sadly it was a dumb, large, current last year, fawn that ran into me on my mc last year (Aug 10, 2023) and wiped me out. It died, I didn't but it was close. I hold no grudge against deer, just don't want to experience that again so I quit riding.

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