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# Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:49am
It has been 31 years since I lost my left arm in an accident... was a pretty good fly and lure fisherman before but could never figure out how to manage line and rod one handed. A couple of years ago I bought a Japanese Tankara fly rod... basically a rod with about 15' of braided fly line to which you tie your leader/fly. I could never quite get the line where I wanted it or get the presentation good enough... hooked one fish all summer, maybe 10 fishing trips, and couldn't even land that one.
So.... for my birthday this Feb I treated myself to an electric fishing reel/winder made for handicapped folks. Seems like the real deal. Conversation with the guy at the company helped me pick the one that should be great for what/how I want to fish. Mostly lure fishing in small streams for various trout varieties and some lake fishing for kokanee. Put the reel on a 6' Ugly Stick and will l ou ad with 10# line... that heavy as I'll have to lift and swing them to shore. The guy told me they have very few customers with just one reel... after using one they buy another or two.
Excited to catch some fish, and even more excited to eat fresh fish! Used to lure fish streams a lot using Mepps and Rooster Tails, I think they will be great for our small Colorado streams. The only thing I'm not excited about is the $100 out of state fishing license... I better catch fish!
# Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:21pm
well that is absolutely fantastic, and I'm very excited for you. You seem like the kind of guy who finds a way to get what you want done so I have no doubt you will enjoy some success fishing.
But the best part about fishing is just being outside, so don't let the actual catching part ruin the entire experience for you.
Looking forward to pic's
# Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:25pm
😂😂 well, if you buy that license, you will fish, fish, fish, won't you? Then you got stories to tell. BIG fish stories. Glad you found something that might work. You have to let us know how it works. My tackle box is packed and ready for ice free fishing. All I need know is an onion, bacon and butter. Enjoy. Don't get too excited when that first fish bites!
# Posted: 13 Mar 2021 12:31pm
Quoting: FishHog But the best part about fishing is just being outside, so don't let the actual catching part ruin the entire experience for you.
Yeah I guess... but I love to hike and backpack so I'm kind of looking forward to catching fish. Fishing/hunting to me are about harvesting game.... I know a poor way to look at it I guess, but it is my mindset. I do need to try to get over that!
Reminds me of a quote attributed to Samuel Clemens: "Golf is just a good walk spoiled by a little white ball."
# Posted: 13 Mar 2021 01:05pm
Too cool
# Posted: 13 Mar 2021 05:03pm
Quoting: Nobadays The only thing I'm not excited about is the $100 out of state fishing license... I better catch fish!
Good deal on fishing again, but look into a discount for disabled people. Many states cut breaks for disability. OK, I see if you were a resident, lifetime free. I would think out of state they would cut you a break. I'm looking, but not seeing anything.
# Posted: 13 Mar 2021 07:12pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech I would think out of state they would cut you a break. I'm looking, but not seeing anything.
I've looked too.... no break for out of state. The crazy thing is we spend more time in Colorado than Arizona but between the tax and just the hassle we don't want to change our residence.
# Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:40am
Quoting: Nobadays So.... for my birthday this Feb I treated myself to an electric fishing reel/winder made for handicapped folks. Wow, cool. My wife could use that. Make sure you have good batteries, and don't drop it in the water!
She fishes free. For me it's nearing $100 a year with tags.
# Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:22am
I'll let you know how it works. A bit spendy but well worth it if I can fish again! I guess I shouldn't complain about out of state licenses being expensive when you pay nearly that much for in state!
# Posted: 14 Mar 2021 11:41am
Quoting: paulz She fishes free. For me it's nearing $100 a year with tags.
Wow Paul, good for her, you made a nice path to the lakeside for her and look at that loyal companion for a dog, glomed on right to her side watching out for her too. 
# Posted: 14 Mar 2021 01:01pm - Edited by: paulz
Thanks TMT but that's a city park near my house they stock with trout. I have no standing water on my property. When there was a house there they had a fish pond behind the house at the base of the hill, now the back of my shop. It fills up some in the rain but seeps out. I've thought about putting a liner in and filling it up, just don't know if I want the bugs and whatever else comes with it. Not really big enough for fishing either.
# Posted: 19 Mar 2021 08:05am
Paul, I have no water features at my 40 acres (except solar well) and its a very dry area in the summer, but cold and snowy in the winter. As a result, I have no mosquitos, its tough to even find a yellow jacket, even during dinner times. Its not a bad thing at all to have no water holes.
Eddy G
# Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:34am - Edited by: Eddy G
Like most people I spent the majority of my life keeping my nose to the grind stone as they say. Working hard, raising a family and doing what I thought was important. For the first 3 even 4 yrs at our cabin I was to busy working on it and just admiring the pond it’s on, catching a look at the lake it overlooks as I lunged in supplies and worked sun up to sundown every chance I got. I kept telling my wife and kids how “SOME DAY†I was going to start fishing again and enjoying the outdoors.
After a point my wife sat me down (not for the first time) and voiced her concerns. An all work and no play type of talk and the ramifications of that life style.
I agreed and Decided to make some changes. I made a point To spend at least an hour or two relaxing and enjoying my surroundings. At first I’d just spend an hour or so before or after breakfast casting off the dock or paddling around the pond and tributaries. Then I started doing it as a point to start and end my days... Now it’s a life saving habit... Im still learning how to relax, it isn’t easy for me. But it’s important for all of us to remember.
I’m fishing enough now that I’ve outfitted a kayak and a boat. We’re lucky enough to have lakes, ponds and rivers all around the cabin. I spent a lot of time on the ocean when I was young and hope to revisit that as well.
If fishing ain’t your thing find SOMETHING that is. Hike, walk, kayak, take pictures of frogs...Whatever.
There, I’m off my soap box...Thanks...lol
# Posted: 19 Mar 2021 10:50am
Quoting: Eddy G Im still learning how to relax, it isn’t easy for me. But it’s important for all of us to remember.
So true! I'm not good at it either, my "relaxing" usually involves a strenuous hike! I have a hard time just sitting or "strolling."
I'm hoping this year that we can take the time to enjoy the cabin life.... not just work on projects though that list is still long. I did tell my wife I might hire out some of the work.... that would be a first for me!
I'm also going to try to enjoy fishing for fishing and not just the catching! Neither my wife nor I are good at that!