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# Posted: 16 Sep 2011 07:42pm
U download an app called "pda net v. 3.02". You may not be able to find it in the android app market because it was removed at one point. If you can't find it let me know and I will help you out. Works fabulously on my DROID X2.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2012 10:28pm - Edited by: TomChum
In a long conversation with a very capable tech at Wilson Electronics I decided to upgrade my "car cell-phone repeater system" to a real "in-building" system.
OK the Feb 2012 report on the $525 repeater: SUCCESS!!

I now have 3G reception, where before (with an automotive cellphone booster) I could only get "E" which furthermore was becoming very unreliable. Some days I would have strong signal, but no emails would come in or go out. I suspect it's because my signal was being routed thru "partner" towers, and maybe they put me on a blacklist for using too much data.(?)
Well anyway I'm getting 3G now, and I suppose that means it's thru AT&T towers, then hopefully I won't get blacklisted. It would be interesting whether there's 4G here, but I can't tell because my phone is only 3G.
With this new system I get "60 Kb/sec" which is still slow for those who like "internet' but OK for emails. I'm very happy. $525 for electronics is a lot, but its quality stuff and it's working good. I'll put the car system (that I tried to use in the cabin) in my camper. It was $330, and was kind of a waste because I would not have bought it for my camper... Now of course I wish I would have bought the good stuff first, but I did not have the knowledge that I have now.
The knowledge being "will a repeater help at all?" Incidentally all the success happened when I called in and got the right guy, John in Tech support at Wilson. Two components were necessary for this success. 1) I had booster experience with my first (car) system IN THIS LOCATION. 2) John knew how to interpret my needs from the experience that I had.
With the car system my phone had to be right next to the re-radiating antenna. With my new system I can be anywhere in the cabin, or on the porch. It's a lot better.
Here's the stuff I bought from Wilson Electronics:
Antenna inside 301135 (N-female) $46.70 20-foot 400 low loss cable 952320 (N-male both ends) $27.95 Booster AG SoHo 65 805045 (N-female both ports) $335.99 100 foot 400 low loss cable 952300 (N-male both ends) $81.64 Yagi directional antenna, 304411 (N-female connector) 32.82
# Posted: 8 Feb 2012 09:47pm
Quoting: TomChum Yes, old plan was $30/mo. Had to change to a plan with 'tethering' which is $45/mo. ($15 more) if you have a droid on verizon i would strongly suggest an app called PDAnet. the app is free and you don't pay any additional if you have a good enough data plan. the only reason we may bring a laptop to the cabin is if we need to pay a bill on line or if the wife has a school assignment due. other than that ,,,don't need it.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2012 09:26am
I use PDA net and love it. It's actually faster than any air card I have used. But check your data plan beforehand. If you are currently grandfathered into an unlimited data plan you shouldn't have to worry. If you have a data limited plan there is yet another app you can download to monitor your usage in real time and warn you before you exceed. On another note there is a whole school of controversy out there arguing that unrestricted tethering is a violation of TOS with your cell phone provider. I've read pro and con on this subject but I've not seen anything definitive one way or another and I don't think it has been tried in the courts yet. If anyone knows more about this please let me know.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2012 12:14pm
I actually downloaded the PDnet v. 3.02 last night so it's still on the "market". Didn't have a lot of time to work with it but I am hoping it will work. I did get it to connect via WI-FI but not through the actual phone service. Like I said it seems like it will work with some set up.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2012 05:29pm
Larry& bobrok
you have not received any charges on your bill have you? I heard about this awhile ago. there is a version for the iphone call miwi also my friends use but you have to jailbreak your phone. I have the droid through work and it works good for me. I wouldnt mind usa pdanet if it does not eat up or ring up charges to the phone. We have unlimited currently. I would like to use a booster as the cell service is spotty at best.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2012 06:24pm
You're good on a VZ unlimited plan as long as you have it. I've not received any additional charges for tethering my Droid but I do it sparingly and only when Wi-Fi isn't available. I'm waiting to see what happens after us grandfathered ppl have to re-up. I doubt they will continue the unlimited from what I've seen. Data consumes a lot of MB. I just drove from NY to FL and streamed 3G audio all the way. I used about half a gigabyte, give or take. Might as well use it while its free to test consumption.
# Posted: 10 Jun 2013 09:20am
Thought I'd add a bit more to the thread, hope this is still on the topic. This post relates to staying on the Internet once connected. Enclosed is my hidden wall panel for the 3-G repeater and power inverter. If someone does get in the cabin I'm hoping they won't get notice my gear, the 3G repeater is expensive. The battery still rides in the car, for now. Had great weekend weather so there was not much need for the Internet.
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