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# Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:12pm - Edited by: smokedvw
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer to start 
I have spend the better part of the summer debating and playing around with different setups and trying to understand which setup to use.
First I will describe the setup and then hopefully I can get some help deciding.
The cabin is a small A frame, we use a gas pump to pull/push water up from the lake to a 600L tank. Currently I have a Ecotemp L5 on demand hot water shower mounted beside the tank. I use the honda gas pump to pump to the tank or cross over at a T to go to the shower. This works fine BUT I would like to really get hot water into my cabin to wash dishes or possibly setup a dishwasher (ideally off the generator).
The tank sits about 70 feet behind the cabin and about 10 feet vertically higher than the cabin. My plan was to setup a shurflo 4008 RV 12V 3GPM pump 3 feet from the tank.
I had read in the manual that I should NOT use PEX directly into the shurflo so I decided I would go with braided high pressure hose from the tank to the filter then pump. This would be done in a single piece with no joints/elbows except I plan to use a 90* elbow where it connects to the filter (https://www.amazon.com/SHURFLO-244-3926-Elbow-Adapter/dp/B002IZJ7D6)
I would then use another flexible high pressure hose going about 4-5 feet up to the Ecotemp L5 (has 1/2 input and output).
Both of the attachments to the pump would be the Shurflo hand tighten type so I can take it apart in the winter and cap the ends and take the pump off.
I will then run PEX from the hot water line down to a T and break off to 2 shut off valves, one line leads to the shower and one leads to the cabin.
The hot water line will then run into the cabin and attach to a 1/2" faucet for hot water.
My plan is to then use this to wash dishes and also if I want setup a portable dishwasher. The dishwasher and pump will both run off a 2000w Yamaha generator (https://a-ipower.com/product/sc2000i-inverter-generator/). I will use the DC output for the pump and AC on the portable dishwasher.
My question is should I run 3/4" line or 1/2" line.
I had read that 1/2" line has a decrease in pressure over length but this seems ok for up to 250 feet and I am under that. I just wanted to ask on here in case people have done this and had issues with 1/2".
My neighbor recommended 3/4" but to me I don't see why when the pump has I/O of 1/2" and the on demand water tank is I/O of 1/2"
Thank you and have a wonderful day
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:17pm - Edited by: Ontario lakeside
We have a a shurflo pump with a similar setup. We used 1/2" pex for everything, no issues after 6 years.
Here's a video of our setup if you want to take a look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=funUNu9zVLQ
# Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:26pm - Edited by: ICC
1/2" is fine for the normal distances in a cabin and the capabilities of the pump. You might want 3/4 for the long run from the pump to cabin though.
And I re-read the OP.... is the tank/pump higher than the cabin or lower; you just say a 10 ft difference? Higher is okay but pumping uphill will reduce rate of flow.
# Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:49pm
70 feet is pretty long run from your eccotemp to the cabin if that is what you are proposing .You would be better off moving the L5 to the cabin area if possible along with the shower ,or purchasing another l5 for the second location
# Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:18pm
Quoting: ICC And I re-read the OP.... is the tank/pump higher than the cabin or lower; you just say a 10 ft difference? Higher is okay but pumping uphill will reduce rate of flow.
The tank is 10 feet higher in elevation than the cabin.
# Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:22pm
Quoting: Bruces 70 feet is pretty long run from your eccotemp to the cabin if that is what you are proposing .You would be better off moving the L5 to the cabin area if possible along with the shower ,or purchasing another l5 for the second location
So this was my other idea but I really love where the shower is currently setup (in the trees and you get to feel like your really showering outdoor vs just beside the cabin.
I was thinking of getting a second L5. In that case I would go
1/2 from tank -> Shurflo Shurflo -> T to cabin and to L5 shower at current location (beside the tank/pump) Cabin -> T to cold faucet, other goes to L5 at the side of the house and into the hot faucet. Its only $200 for another L5.
Why do you say that pushing the L5 70 feet would be a issue? I figured it would take a few seconds for it to get the hot water there but it shouldnt take that long.
0.714 Gallons in the pipes (https://www.omnicalculator.com/construction/pipe-volume#:~:text=The%20formula%20for% 20the%20volume,is%20fully%20filled%20with%20it).) would take about 15 seconds to get hot water to the cabin.
# Posted: 12 Aug 2020 10:29pm
Ontario lakeside How long is the pex between your L5 and cabin?
Also did you run pex from your tank to a flexible hose to meet your ShurFlo? I was reading that will reduce vibration. Originally I had everything purchased with PEX then of course read the manual and had to re-evaluate ;)
The joys of off grid and no real stores close by means I need to play for my next voyage out there.
# Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:26pm
I say that 70 feet is too long because in a residential installation ,with a real full size tankless ,you wouldnt run it that far ,and your l 5 is far from being able to keep up with a big unit . FWIW ,I purchased my l5 through Walmart.ca in May this year for $135.00 Canadian .Best deal by far in Canada at the time .
# Posted: 12 Aug 2020 11:33pm
I should mention that if you are going to buy a second unit ,buy the kit that includes the pump ,filter and the water heater ,it is much cheaper than buying the items separate .When I bought mine the pumps were out of stock so I payed as much for the pump as I did for the heater at a later date .
# Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:26am
Well there is no point buying a second pump filter etc. I already have purchased those ShurFlo 4008 and filter. I wanted a large pump so I can actually use it later if I decide to add in more plumbing.
Ill be curious what Ontario lakeside says on the length of his install.
Bruces I don't know how well their stock ecotemp pump works for pushing that distance after reading various reviews which is why I went with the ShurFlo.
# Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:18am
Portable propane heaters dont work well on faucets with mixing valves. This means you need the heater very close to the point of use and to use it as the mixing valve. They do make these water heater units that can be put on a normal mixing valve faucet but I think there alot more money. Like said above running 70ft with the hot water line isnt going to work.
Are you sure the DC output on your generator is rated for the right amps? My 2.9gpm pump draws about 4.9a. Also if your going to run a generator while your useing water why not just get a 120v one?
As for 1/2 or 3/4 it prob wont matter. The flow at the end may be reduced a bit but running it through the water heater will reduce it even more.
Lastly there are far better heaters for the money becids ecotemp. They are rated by the temp rise at a specific GPM. The L5 L7 or L10 means nothing. Temp rise at a specific GPM is the only thing that matters.
# Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:59am
I did not know you already had the pump , I have a sure flow myself ,and it works great but is leaking at the hokey fitting that goes into the pump .They should of actually threaded the pump body instead of forcing us to use the special junk fitting they came up with .I have to close the water valve to my tank after every use .
# Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:30am
Quoting: Bruces I did not know you already had the pump , I have a sure flow myself ,and it works great but is leaking at the hokey fitting that goes into the pump .They should of actually threaded the pump body instead of forcing us to use the special junk fitting they came up with .I have to close the water valve to my tank after every use .
Replace your “o†ring and make sure your hose isn’t putting a load on the fitting
# Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:35am
I screwed 1/2in to garden hose adapters onto my pump. Dosnt leak and I do take it apart pretty often.
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:04am
Tank to pump 12', 1' drop. Pump to L5 5' 2 sinks 1 shower all within 25' All done with pex.
# Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:11am
I'm only using a generator for now as we are sorting out the solar situation hence the 12v. Then the generator will only be used to power the dishwasher and larger items.
These pumps seem pretty heavy duty to me compared some of the other cheap pumps I have used in the past.
I plan to leave the l5 at the same temp for showers when doing dishes etc so I'm really just running hot water and not mixing the cold feed by gravity to the faucet.