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# Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:11am
Been showering frequently at the cabin with the summer heat. As refreshing as it is, it doesn't compare to my house with municipal water, which will blast the dirt, soap scum and top layer of skin off in short order.
I have: 20' gravity feed from storage tank to a 3gpm 12v Flojet. About 10' of 1/2 pvc to an L5. Using the outdoor shower head and flex hose that came with the L5 I measure about 1.25 gpm. Without that, straight out of the L5, I get about 2, which is about right for the average shower, I'm reading. But not much pressure.
So, what can I do to get a better blast?
# Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:46am
More pressure. Basically you will need a bigger higher pressure pump. I have a 2.9gpm 12v pump and it to is pretty poor on the pressure side.
https://www.amazon.com/SEAFLO-Water-Pressure-Diaphragm-Pump/dp/B072PYSRZ7/ref=sr_1_7? dchild=1&keywords=12v+pump+6+gpm&qid=1595432582&sr=8-7
For the $100 these higher gpm pumps cost you can spend the same $100 and get a cheap shallow well pump that uses 1in fittings and is way more capable. 12v stuff gets expensive quick. I remember you saying you have a pretty large inverter?
# Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:07pm
We used these at our last house that had so-so pressure: https://www.amazon.com/EZ-FLO-15023-Saving-Shower-Head-2-0/dp/B00068UXNA/ref=sr_1_10? crid=2T88RMRJ7T7KH&dchild=1&keywords=low%2Bpressure%2Bshower%2Bhead%2Bfor%2Blow%2Bwat er%2Bpressure&qid=1595433816&refinements=p_72%3A1248909011&rnid=1248907011&s=hi&spref ix=low%2Bpressure%2Ctools%2C173&sr=1-10&th=1
They seemed to help and I liked them. It's a cheap try any way
# Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:28pm
I wish ours had more pressure as well. We have been looking at these shower hose/heads. They are well spoken of in the RV world. Oxygenics Shower
# Posted: 22 Jul 2020 03:53pm - Edited by: paulz
Quoting: Brettny For the $100 these higher gpm pumps cost you can spend the same $100 and get a cheap shallow well pump that uses 1in fittings and is way more capable. 12v stuff gets expensive quick. I remember you saying you have a pretty large inverter?
Hmm, I have a couple of 110 pumps sitting around, need to take a look. But I hate to have to replumb, rewire, etc.. And I already upgraded from the 1gpm Flojet to the 2.9 not that long ago.
Quoting: mj1angier We used these at our last house that had so-so pressure: They seemed to help and I liked them. It's a cheap try any way
That looks like the ones the city came around and gave out when they wanted to cut water usage. I like a handheld though, the dog showers with me..
Quoting: Nobadays I wish ours had more pressure as well. We have been looking at these shower hose/heads. They are well spoken of in the RV world. Oxygenics Shower
That's interesting. Stop looking and get one, and let me know! 
Thanks guys.
# Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:31am
Try raising your pump up, get it as high as you can and your pressure will rise with it.
# Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:37am
A standard shower head is 2gpm. 12v pumps even with 3gpm dont flow much. Rated flow is at no head. Start adding head and you loose gpm. Open a faucet and you loose psi.
# Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:44pm
Quoting: morock Try raising your pump up, get it as high as you can and your pressure will rise with it.
Hmm, my pump is at ground level, 5 feet under the L5 and another 2 to the shower head.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2022 03:42pm - Edited by: paulz
Took a little road trip, stayed at a couple of motels. One had this shower head I really liked but I can't make out the brand. Interestingly the adjustment is at the base of the handle instead of rotating the head. One adjustment really put out strong pulses. I even took it off to check the output out of the plumbing, not any stronger than my cabin pump.
Anyone recognize it? 20220825_074401.jpg
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