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# Posted: 12 Jul 2020 07:26pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Yes, for zilch, it will be 2 yrs old in Sept. I got it for nothing, sale slip from Costco, guy who gave it to me paid $500 for it. Its leaking gas when he turns the fuel on, he said he was done, come and get it.
Got it apart, its got huge Yamaha logos all over it, its a blue suitcase inverter type and its built to make it appear like its a genuine Yamaha. But its not, its a genuine Yamaha engine, that is it. Rest is chinese made, in fact, the Yamaha engine was made in China.
I have the body apart, quality is no where close to Honda etc, electronic components look cheap. I'm going to look for some carb parts, lets see how far I get. Engine parts, I may be OK, but chassis parts, might be trouble. My plan is to fix it and peddle it. I have 2 of the Honda EU2000i's and a Honda EU6500is, so not in need of a generator.
This is the unit. SC2000i Generator
# Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:27am
OK, cant find any parts, the genuine engine is Yamaha, made in China, it is a common model, ie MZ80 148F 144F but no parts breakdown. I only found this info with lots of internet research. I was able to find one person selling these carbs for $131 on a $499 generator. I can get it right from Chinas version of amazon for $77. Its still under warranty, I emailed the importer here, expect a reply today as I sent it on the weekend. Its under full warranty till Sep 20th. Maybe they can send me a new carb?
I have nothing into it and can afford to put a little into it. But imagine this thing being outside of warranty or worse, 5 yrs old. I cant even find parts while its new. This is the lack of support after the sale. They all talk a big warranty game, but when it comes to warranty, good luck and outside of warranty, forget it. Even if your willing to spend good money on the parts, just not available.
A simple chassis part (anything but the engine part) this thing would probably be scrap. $500 is a lot to spend on scrap. Then go out and get another to replace it, now you are knocking on Honda EU2200i generator territory with a long life for parts supply and at a much better price.
# Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:37am
Why does it need a whole new carb?
I would also expect them to be throw away generators. A new carb was one of the things I checked for when I bought my throw away $200 sportsman 1kw inverter. They where available and under $30 if I remember correctly.
# Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:04am - Edited by: paulz
Not just the fuel hose or dirt in the needle?
# Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:06am
I think I would tear it down. Put a gas shut off valve in line and turn on n off with use anyhow. I believe that there are only couple different models of carburetors For these smaller engines. Have you brought it by a small engine repair shop ? Good luck n keep tinkering someone else is needing a backup or starter or low usage generator. Good score man !
# Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:55pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
I would love to put in a gasket kit (bowl area seal leaking) but the kit isnt available. All I found was complete carb. This throttling is controlled my a small electric motor. It has a fuel shut off, its the off switch. It also shuts fuel off. It would leak always and gas leak inside gennie housing isnt good. I will fix it, either get gasket set from importer or buy carb. I will exhaust all warranty avenues first. I also got the actual sales slip from Costco on it. So I should be able to warranty it.
Not fuel hose, needle and seat cleared. I checked this already.
So far, nothing heard from them yet. I'm a whiz at this stuff, I will fix it if I have to make the gaskets myself or a carb kit from another unit. I will fix it and it will be fixed right.
This is a drawback to these low cost gennies, parts and network of dealers. Usually everyone is just a seller, that is where it ends, after the sale.
# Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:48am
I'm not a Costco member, but I believe you could return the unit to Costco and get a refund.
# Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:52am
Found the Yamaha EF2000i has the exact same complete engine assy, so ordered all genuine Yamaha carb parts. The entire engine is genuine Yamaha. 7 to 10 days for parts. New needle, float, bowl gaskets and carb to engine gaskets.
# Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:48pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
OK, parts showed up while I was gone, they were all a perfect match.
Off work till Monday, so tackled it this AM. Pulled carb off, installed new float, needle, bowl gasket, bowl bolt gasket, and new gasket on inlet and outlet of carb. Got it all together, one pull, runs like a swiss watch.
Its about as quiet as the Honda, but in eco mode, ie inverter, the engine does run a little faster than the Honda does. But it works great. Got me a spare little "beater generator" for nothing minus the $50 in parts. I may just leave this gennie at the cabin.
# Posted: 15 Aug 2020 09:23am
Sounds perfect and at $50 if its stolen there not a huge loss. I also have a $50 gen at the property.
# Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:40am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: Brettny Sounds perfect and at $50 if its stolen there not a huge loss. I also have a $50 gen at the property.
The guy who gave it to me included all the paperwork, even the sale slip, still under warranty till Sept of this year. They had an email and 1-800 number, he was supposed to get some parts for carb from company, nothing ever showed up, I emailed them, never a reply. I mentioned this in my tirades on those gennies who claim great warranty.
I spent more time trying to find out the engine model and what it was used in. Its an MD80 and for engine parts, I used a 2013 Yamaha EF2000i generator, all parts were a perfect match. So I will use a felt marker and mark down this info inside engine service cover/door.
I think I will just leave it at the cabin, as a spare, back up or a loaner for a fellow camper.
# Posted: 16 Jan 2021 04:21am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech Yes, for zilch, it will be 2 yrs old in Sept. I got it for nothing, sale slip from Costco, guy who gave it to me paid $500 for it. Its leaking gas when he turns the fuel on, he said he was done, come and get it. Got it apart, its got huge Yamaha logos all over it, its a blue suitcase inverter type and its built to make it appear like its a genuine Yamaha. But its not, its a genuine Yamaha engine, that is it. Rest is chinese made, in fact, the Yamaha engine was made in China. I have the body apart, quality is no where close to Honda etc, electronic components look cheap. I'm going to look for some carb parts, lets see how far I get. Engine parts, I may be OK, but chassis parts, might be trouble. My plan is to fix it and peddle it. I have 2 of the Honda EU2000i's and a Honda EU6500is, so not in need of a generator. This is the unit. SC2000i Generator
nice unit tbh, keep it
# Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:53am
Keep it, use it, next time it breaks if parts are unavail or too expensive it will make a nice parts unit for some poor soul.
# Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:28pm
Too late, I sold it for $300, the new owner is very happy. I have a pair of Honda EU2000i and really didnt need it.
# Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:32pm
HaHa, iffn yer luck is like mine when it breaks he'll bring it back to you to fix 
# Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:22pm
I gave it a guarantee:
Guaranteed, if it breaks in half, he can keep both halves. 
I'll stand behind it. Set it down there, and I'll stand over there, behind it. 
I told him all the downsides, and the model for any engine parts and the source I used. He was good with it.