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# Posted: 22 Sep 2019 09:13pm
Attn Creeky. Your opinion and thoughts please. Others too.
There are lots of flavors in the lithium battery world. LiFePO4, or LFP, is one of the better known. Lithium Titanate, also known as LTO, is another.
I have not researched much in depth so far. Just wanting to get others opinions and thoughts.
LTO has very safe chemistry, maybe even safer than LFP. LTO has lower voltage per cell. There seem to be 2.3 volt and 2.4 volt variants. Possibly the same cell being rated differently?
Being a lower voltage per cell LTO would need a different BMS than one that is used for LFP. I have seen some BMS made for assembling series cells in multiples of 5 and a few that use multiples of 6. That is a slight puzzle. What would be better?
Some sellers sell the LTO cells in multiples of 6. Other just price singles.
Oh, one big advantage of LTO, to me, is that they can be stored, charged and discharged at temperatures below freezing.
# Posted: 26 Sep 2019 09:18am
LTO is indeed the superstar of the battery world. Able to charge down to -30. 100% dod. 20,000 cycle life.
But the low voltage cell is a bit of a challenge. Hard to find suitable BMS.
I'm doing a number of 10S batteries (preassembled!) with BMS for a ski club. The advantage for them is the temperature charge range. The long life.
They are being installed on poles. And won't be coming down for a decade or more one hopes.
I will have a few extras if anyone is interested. Brace yourself for the cost. Just remember. 20,000 cycles.
# Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:31pm - Edited by: ICC
Quoting: creeky 10S batteries (preassembled!) with BMS
Quoting: creeky Brace yourself for the cost. Just remember. 20,000 cycles.
Scare me. 
# Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:13pm
well. under 1k per kw. but not by more than 20%. smil.e.
# Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:18am - Edited by: ICC
That's actually not too bad when all the advantages are taken into account.
I have a friend in CO with property at 10,000 feet. We're planning on building a cabin next year. LTO would be the ideal power storage. Trying to maximize electric and minimize propane because of the location. There are no 4WD propane deliveries in the area. And no power lines within miles and miles. No trees either for that matter. I'll bounce this off him. Thanks.
# Posted: 28 Sep 2019 05:45pm
Check out this YouTube channel...
DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse, he goes over this in depth.
# Posted: 29 Sep 2019 08:48am
This is the video. It is interesting for sure.