# Posted: 7 Aug 2019 04:38pm
Good Afternoon all, I'm looking for some help on wiring a gas powered 4075w generator directly into my breaker panel.
We have 20 people that are going to help us build our cabin in about 8 days, I'm trying to wrap up some of the last things I need to get handled. My plan for power for the short term is to wire the cabin for standard AC power with breaker box just like any normal house. I want to power the main lugs or the main breaker from my Generator, later I will add a transfer switch and solar but for now i just want to seamlessly run the solar from the generator.
The basics of my set up will be Generator outside plugging in to the 220v connection running to the house and connecting the Nema L14-30 into a Reliance Controls 30-Amp Non-Metallic Power Inlet Box, wiring from the Inlet box to the panel and hooking it up to provide power to all outlets.
Here is where I need the help, How in the heck can I take the 4 wire's from the Nema L14-30 to my breaker panel?
It is as simple as L1 Hot (Black) and L2 Hot (Red) to the main lugs, Neutral (Green) to the neutral bar and the Ground (White) to the ground Bar?
# Posted: 8 Aug 2019 08:38am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
If it was me, I would not bond neutral and ground at the panel, just because on a generator, you dont have a true "neutral" from a WYE wound stator. Remove the bonding screw, run your L1 and L2 to the input, the white to the neutral bar and add a second buss bar for grounds (you can buy these where you get the panel from, but it may have a separate one already). You would then run a ground rod into the ground and bond your generator chassis (there should be a spot on it to ground) and this will do it. You panel will have a green screw inside of it for bonding neutral to ground and this is customary on all primary panels, but in this case, you are not hooked to service, but a generator. Save the bonding screw if circumstances change. Tape it to inside of panel and if you ever hook to service, put the screw back in.
Neutral will be your white, while green is your ground. You had them backwards in your description. In your L14 plug, gold screws is L1 and L2 (red and black maybe marked X and Y sometimes) and the silver screw is white or we will call it neutral to save confusion and the green screw, ground and green wire there.
With 20 people, you shoudl do well, I have myself and one other and in 9 days had a dried in shell.
OK, plumb level and square all the way, no exceptions. If something becomes off, stop and fix it. Do not proceed till its fixed. Or it will slow you down for the rest of the build and more so the further you go in. 
Take pictures, start your own thread and document it and post pictures as you go so we cal all watch it progress.