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# Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:13am
Has anyone made use of the smaller 100w Renogy 12v panels?
The ridgid glass panels that are smaller versions of the standard 300w panels seem more durable than the lighter flexible and thin panels.
My 24v solar setup is so small I may take it on long distance trips in my SUV but my cabin panel is too big.
I don't need them to be mounted on the car to charge while driving, just when I am camped for a few days.
My needs are so small that a portable solar generator would work but buying one will set me back a lot. Having everything I need in my small box already has me thinking of just ordering a couple of portable 12v panels.
The cost per watt is way more expensive with these more portable panels but it beats the cost of a goal zero. Plus I have 2kw of power in my setup right now so perhaps I can just charge it at home and use what's available. 2kw will probably charge a lot of camera batteries and laptops.
I really dont want to be constantly turning on my car all the time to charge my devices. My 2019 Outback has so many doodads that will drain the car battery as it is.
Kinda thinking out loud right now. 
# Posted: 29 Jul 2019 03:16pm
We have a rigid 75 watt panel in our Class B RV, fairly small, fits behind the driver's seat. That panel with a homemade aluminum stand and a cheap Chinese charge controller keeps us charged in camp. I think this is the panel:
https://www.amazon.com/Newpowa-Solar-Efficiency-Module-Marine/dp/B00L6LY05S/ref=sr_1_ 3?keywords=75+watt+solar+panel&qid=1564427518&s=gateway&sr=8-3
and this CC: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XWTKYDC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s01?ie=UT F8&psc=1
Just changed the CC yesterday as the three year old one was malfunctioning.
# Posted: 29 Jul 2019 03:50pm
Thanks. Since I run 24v I would need 2 of these in series but the cost is doable. Fortunately I have 2kw so I will not need to recharge every day. My loads would be for portable electronics ect and perhaps a small fan. I really want to stay away from using the 12v auxiliary power of the car especially if I'm camped for a while.
While this is all overkill, I already have the portable system so I'm just trying to make good use of it.
# Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:01am
I was a solar newbie and bought one of the Renogy 100 watt kits with the charge controller figuring it would be a good learning experience and I could upgrade later; Haven't needed to, it's been fine for my use (charging devices, running my camp lights/fans/small tv through a couple cheapo deep cycle batteries). I've been using it for 3 years now with zero issues. Its been moved around quite a bit and knocked over a couple times during cabin construction, but no worse for the wear.
# Posted: 30 Jul 2019 11:50am
Thanks, good to know!