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# Posted: 5 Jan 2019 03:24pm
Does anybody have any experience or advice on sand point wells? The water table on my ground is pretty high. There is an old well on the property edge that has water at about 20’. It also has a sulfur odor and is in a heavily wooded area.
I’m thinking of trying a sand point well a 100+ yards away. That would put it in a hay field with easy access to solar and where I could put some animals. I was thinking of a solar pump to fill a stock tank. That would give water on site for new plantings. (I’m thinking of a small orchard, plus I burn the occasional fire that I need water to contain.)
Thanks in advance for any advice.
# Posted: 5 Jan 2019 04:20pm
You need coarse sand or gravel soil ,no clay or loam . try diging a hole as deep as you can with a post hole auger . if it fills with water quickly you my have potential for a sand point . l have 5 operating sandpoint wells . you could ask a seasoned neighbour about wells in your area before you invest in pipe and a sand point.be glad to talk you through if you descover some potential. ..
# Posted: 6 Jan 2019 08:38am
Thanks Just. I’ll give it a try in the next week or so. My soil is supposed to be a sandy loam. I know it drains and dries quickly.
# Posted: 7 Jan 2019 07:40am
The sulfur smell could be coming from bacterial iron. A sand point 100 yards away will probably hit the same water table. A little beach or peroxide and it will go away. Had an injection system on the house well I grew up in and my parents still use it today. You can try shocking the well you currently have. Get pool strength bleach and pour a few gallons down there and let it set for 2 to 5 days then pump for awhile. Also sand points will plug over time, you can blow them out with compressed air or shoot a couple of round out of a .357 mag or other large revolver straight down the pipe. Just be ready for water to come flying out the top if you do shoot down it.
# Posted: 19 May 2019 10:45pm
New here. Great ideas. I especially like the .357 idea. sounds lke something that usually starts with.....Hey Bob, hold my beer and watch this!
# Posted: 20 May 2019 06:30pm
I can’t say I would want to put lead in my drinking water source...
# Posted: 21 May 2019 07:47am
Asking a neighbor may not help. My drilled well is 50ft deep and overflows out. My neighbors is 600ft and sulpher. Pool strength bleach isnt needed on such a small well, it wasnt even needed on my 50ft well.
If you need water to contain a burn your doing it on the wrong day or havnt scraped the area around it to bare dirt.
A sandpoint well is a crap shoot really so all you can do is drive one and test it.
# Posted: 21 May 2019 08:00am
Just Hopefully you never drink water out of a lake or stream then. All those lead weights left from those fisherman!!!!! oh my!!!! 