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# Posted: 30 Oct 2018 05:20pm
Hi Creeky! I'm looking for advice from you regarding your bokashi toilet composting method. My brother has a home with a composter loo, that doesn't compost fast enough. The problem is that even just emptying out to a pile hasn't been effective, and I think your bokashi method might be great for digesting the collected compostable pile. When I searched this site I saw your links to your blog, but I am not able to access them. Most of the recipe was in one post I found, but it didn't include the ratios for sugar to the liquid, etc., and if you can keep that same culture alive or if you have to start new batches all the time. If you don't mind, could you please give me a little more insight into your method? Thanks! Dee
# Posted: 30 Oct 2018 11:02pm
I'm still using bokashi and still loving it. No smells in my composting toilet.
The old links seem to have gone away, but I found this one. Seems like its a repost of the original.
Have a look. Its really easy. Takes a bit of time is all. I keep some of the EM in the fridge and just add sugar when its time to restart. But for me the bokashi blend lasts for months.
I use wood chip bedding (5 bucks a bag from any farm store) for the material.
And I'll get that blog going again one day. It went down when I tried to transfer it to a new host. My bad.
# Posted: 31 Oct 2018 05:01pm
Hi Creeky, good to hear from you! So if I understand correctly, once you have the water from the rinsed rice & the milk mixture that has been strained of all its solids, you can keep the strained liquid in the fridge? Also, how much sugar would you add when you want to use the liquid mixture? Do you add the liquid to the "compostable material in the toilet" or to the wood chip bedding, and let the bedding provide the means for the rest to breakdown? Lastly, is this something that would help in his composter toilet collection bin (before) removing to a compost pile? I appreciate you taking the time to reply, Kind regards, Dee.
# Posted: 1 Nov 2018 10:50am
I add a tablespoon of honey/sugar for keeping it in the fridge. And another before using it to make more bedding material.
I add both the straight liquid to my composting toilet and I make a wood chip bedding for adding to my 5 gallon humanure toilet (I use a 5 gallon bucket toilet in the winter bedroom).
I've found it makes a huge difference to both. The humanure bucket is odor free. And the composting toilet, also odor free, is much easier to unload.
Admittedly I unload my composting toilet every 3 or 4 years. So whether the bokashi made the toilet last longer I can't say. I have a friend who says it reduced the mass of his outhouse pile? But emptying the base into my composting area was completely odor free. What was interesting is how pre-digested everything was. No signs of tp or any other materials passed through the toilet.
Hope this helps. Creek
# Posted: 1 Nov 2018 06:20pm
Thank you very much Creeky, I'll pass this info on! I've never had a problem with our composter (marine version) but we are only at our cabin for 1-2 weeks at a time. My bro has one that is in full everyday use, and I'm sure this will help him out! Kind Regards, Dee.
# Posted: 3 Nov 2018 05:39pm
Creeky knows his "stuff" 