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# Posted: 23 May 2018 05:32pm - Edited by: bobrok
Quoting: Wilbour On another thread I can discuss the disadvantage of being 1 km from the tv tower.
Ok, Wilbour, here's another thread. I presume your reception problems stem from being too close to your Canadian analog tower (CKWS?)
Ghosting? Just curious because I'm kinda anal about this stuff and I think we are in the same (roughly) TV patterns, even though I'm in the US.
# Posted: 23 May 2018 06:19pm
Yah. I'm almost directly underneath the tower. Apparently if you are too close the signal is shot over your head.
I was just playing around with a very small set of rabbit ears from an old computer tuner. Signals are hit and miss but PBS almost always comes in.
Yesterday I bought an amplified GE antenna from Wal-Mart as it was the only thing they had. Well the $35 plus tax thingy was just glorified rabbit ears. Funny how nowhere on the package do they show this.
Well it's going back. I will be playing around with other indoor antennas over the next few weeks. I don't want to put anything outside to show that tech is on the inside. It's bad enough I will have my solar panel facing the road.
There are a few channels I get from the USA like LAFF and some other stuff but I have to tell you that most of those shows are hard to watch.
# Posted: 23 May 2018 06:22pm
I may just burn all our favourite shows that I've PVR'd and compressed at home. Just have to find a cheap DVD player that plays my ... Gee, can't remember how I compressed them.... mp4s maybe?
# Posted: 23 May 2018 07:11pm
Quoting: Wilbour most of those shows are hard to watch.
LOL! I presume you mean 'hard to watch' from a useful, and not a reception interference, point of view.
# Posted: 23 May 2018 09:27pm
You got it!
# Posted: 24 May 2018 09:32pm
Quoting: bobrok Canadian analog tower
Are you staying that CKWS still broadcasts in analog?
I don't know if my TV has an analog tuner.
# Posted: 26 May 2018 09:42am
Well, I guess they must have changed over. I used to be able to get a fuzzy but watchable analog signal but no longer can. I dont know what their real digital channel is, but I get nothing on digital ch 11.
# Posted: 26 May 2018 11:26pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
I am about 3 miles as a crow flies from a mountain top transmitter that sends me a digital TV signal. Limited channels, full of commercials, but price you pay for free. Yagi antenna in attic to conceal. I wired the cable during the build, so high mounted outlet and cable box. So no wires showing.  That clown shown on my TV was from an APB, this clown just shot and killed his dad with a hunting rifle, a drunken argument over something petty.
I do not watch much TV over there, too busy with other things. I do watch news on the morning while fixing/eating breakfast.
# Posted: 27 May 2018 09:01am
We have OTA at home in the city but I built a PVR so we skip commercials all the time.
I have forgotten how bad they have gotten.