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# Posted: 3 Jun 2018 08:58am
DIY antenna
I made a very simple version with no frame and no mesh backing.
The copper wire cost me $10 at HD, and I had the balum.
The very first pic shows the zig-zag wire...I used a 1x4 pine board and attached the 2 zig-zag sections to the board. I have it mounted in my attic so no wind...frame not needed and decided to try without the backing and I found I didn't need it.
I get 20+ channels up to 30 miles out and one occasionally 60 miles out.
Cheap and easy to make to see if it works for your situation.
# Posted: 4 Jun 2018 01:14pm - Edited by: creeky
Wow. That light worked out great. .3a load. That's hilarious.
I've really struggled with outdoor lighting. Not with the installation but with the philosophical "need".
Every year I add a little more. But I like walking in the dark.
The lawn feels wet, dew covered and cool as I stroll to the washroom. I hear the critters rustle in the bushes. See the stars shine above me. Smell the yellow lilies. Its pretty good.
The darkness adds a mystery that someone increases my joy and connection to the world around me. Maybe its because my sight is limited and my sense of touch and smell are increased. I don't know.
With the advent of the girlfriend I've put lights out so she doesn't have to stumble in the dark.
Now I might have to build a couple of those antennae. The gf also loves to watch TV. I found that link Chuck put up pretty neat. Something cool about seeing the progression of his test and build cycles.
# Posted: 7 Jun 2018 09:14pm
Can it get any better? Fleetwood Mac on TV. dog at my feet. Bag of chips in hand. And.....
Totally powered by Solar!
# Posted: 8 Jun 2018 11:32am
Quoting: Wilbour Can it get any better? Fleetwood Mac on TV. dog at my feet. Bag of chips in hand. And..... Totally powered by Solar!
Awesome! Doesn't it feel amazing?
# Posted: 8 Jun 2018 09:38pm

Let the sunshine in!
# Posted: 21 Jul 2018 09:24pm
The moment you have all been waiting for. I have posted a short video of the system in place at my cabin. This video was shot in one take and not edited nor was it scripted so you get the raw film (like the director's cut, unedited so to speak)
I have a few more videos showing some of the elements in more detail but for now, pop some popcorn and watch the show.
# Posted: 21 Jul 2018 10:14pm
Very cool, Wilbour. TY for posting. This gives me hope and, more importantly, courage as I embark on the upgrade of the 20 year old solar setup at my camp. (Yep, everything, even the AGMs, are that old and still functioning!)
P.S. Do those wind turbines drive you a little nutzy at night with the noise? 😮
# Posted: 21 Jul 2018 10:20pm
Quoting: bobrok Do those wind turbines drive you a little nutzy at night with the noise?
You rarely hear them, partly because they don't always make noise and partly because you just get use to them.
Odd thing is the last 3 days I was out there they were totally still, even though there was a steady breeze. My theory is that with all the heat, they ramped up all the fossil fuel and nuclear plants. Then when it got a little cooler they couldn't just turn them off so they stop the wind turbines from rotating until they can power the large plants back (or Doug Ford walked over and tripped on the power cable) But that's for a different forum
# Posted: 21 Jul 2018 11:37pm
Quoting: Wilbour I have a few more videos showing some of the elements in more detail but for now, pop some popcorn and watch the show. https://youtu.be/VwcbmfPwN7k I commented. Thanks for posting the video!
# Posted: 24 Jul 2018 10:31pm
A small video showing the Bluetooth Dongle app in action.
Man, I should have shaved first...
# Posted: 25 Jul 2018 10:42pm - Edited by: creeky
Quoting: Wilbour Doug Ford walked over and tripped on the power cable

# Posted: 13 Sep 2018 09:44pm
Ok so here are a few mistakes you may make as did I this weekend.
1) I could not get my phone to connect with the dongle when I arrived. Reset everything and then realized I turned off bluetooth while driving here. Turned it on and viola, stats!
2) I unplugged my panel half way through the day as I was rerouting the power cables through the wall. Later was surprised to see that after a sun filled day my battery was not fully charged. Dagnabit I forgot to flip the breaker back on.
Folks, don't try these at home, or cabin for that matter.
# Posted: 2 Jan 2019 01:44pm
Update. I'm making room for another 1kw of lithium storage. I have no problem making electricity but on really warm summer days I can get a little low on power.
My original setup was intended to be portable but honestly I haven't moved it since I set it up. I now have all the shiny bits on the outside of an old wooden tool chest (thanks grampa). All the nasty bits like bus bars and the batteries are on the inside.
Now I can see what I'm touching when I turn stuff back one upon a arrival. 20190102_115243.jpg
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# Posted: 2 Jan 2019 01:47pm
The theory is that I make electricity during the week with my single panel and store it for the weekend. One panel hooked up all week should do the trick.
# Posted: 25 Jan 2019 06:24pm
I came back to this to show it to a friend who's putting together a garden shed solar system. Something to light up the garden, run/charge some tools. I'm guessing a small fridge is in the works.
Thanks for sharing this.
# Posted: 10 Jun 2019 12:04pm - Edited by: Wilbour
Solar stuff is a lot like a bad habit. Worse than biting nails but not quite as bad as armed robbery.
Anyways, I asked a good friend of mine to score me an additional 1kw 24v lithium battery. He did just that and cut and crimped the cables with the exact terminals I needed.
Next I picked up a battery cutoff switch from Amazon that allows you to choose battery A or B or both.
This is helpful as I can remove each bank as required. The whole system is in my loft and I cannot carry the system up the ladder so I move it without the batteries. The switch gives me the piece of mind while assembly the system when needed.
If you need to I can put a link to the switch below when I get home. 20190610_114448.jpg
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# Posted: 10 Jun 2019 12:22pm
In case you were wondering...
Here is an example of an overcast day near the St Lawrence river in Ontario. I'm lucky to pull in 110w on my 285w panel. Full exposure and 45°.
If I get multiple days like this I may not be able to recoup my loss during my stay. I could break down and buy ice for those few instances but....
Getting my wife on board was easy. After she cut about a 1/3 acre of grass with my push lawnmower I gave her a refreshing drink with ice. Ice made in my fridge!
# Posted: 11 Jun 2019 09:04am
I know. Ontario summers. Hazy doesn't start to describe our atmosphere. But that's what extra batteries are for.
I've remarked before how women seem to love mowing. With a push mower tho. That must be some ice.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2019 10:23am - Edited by: Wilbour
Gas push mower as opposed to a gas ride on mower.
Not a push reel lean mower, that would be ca-razy!
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