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# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 03:08pm
Hi All, Currently we have a well with hand pump and Yamaha genny for power at the cabin with an RV stove/oven inside for cooking. I'm working on the bathroom (currently have outhouse) and will be installing a tub and toilet soon...though the actual water system into the cabin may take a few years still. For the toilet, we would simply bucket flush and drain into the septic system...but a step up from the outhouse for my wife! I was thinking about how I could fill a tub of hot water for my wife and my neighbour suggested simply buying a propane turkey cooker with the big pot. Fill it with water, boil it and empty into tub. these burners are 60 BTU - so it would go pretty fast. I though it was not a bad idea and pretty simple for our current situation. Anyone else have a better simple system they are using at the moment? Ideas welcome...operative word being "cheap" !
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 03:22pm
I use a wood stove. Put a big pot (same as with the turkey cooker) on it and is no time I have hot water, enough for a shower and other things. I once left full pot of water on wood stove overnight and in the AM the water was boiling. I also have the turkey cooker just in case and for those days I dont run wood stove. If you want to go fancy look at propane tankless showers and a 12v flojet pumps, the whole setup wouldn't cost you much, probably less than $200.
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:26pm
Cool....thanks XT.....I haven’t heard of the 12v flojets....will have a look.
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:18pm - Edited by: darz5150
I got one of these for a buddy of mine. He uses the turkey burner or the stove to heat the water. He has a shower stall roughed in. He powers it with a portable jump box with a lighter plug built in. He and his girlfriend love it.
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:34pm - Edited by: DaveBell
$120 Free Fuel.
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:05pm
You can get a used flojet for 20$ at the trailer place in Port Huron .
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:18pm - Edited by: buckybuck
I experimented with a turkey fryer a couple of years ago. I didn't feel comfortable lugging around that much heavy, scalding water.
And I'd try to talk your wife into a shower instead of a tub. You'll need less space for a shower, and a heck of a lot less hand-pumped water from that well.
Here's what I do at my cabin. (Admittedly, my system resembles something the Professor on Gilligan's Island might have designed after a night of drinking hootch with the Skipper). I've got a flojet pump. The output side is plumbed to the shower faucet and it works pretty much like a real shower, meaning the pump turns on when you open the faucet and you control the water flow the same way.
On the input side of the pump, I've got a long hose that I stick into a recycled 20 lb. cat litter jug. What I do is fill the jug up with water, then dump some of that water into a two-quart saucepan, heat that water up to near boiling on the cook stove, and then pour that water back into the jug. It's just the right temperature for a shower.
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:38pm
We have a gas stove that I heat water on for our showers. I don't heat all the water, but simply take a pot and get water to a boil and then add room temp water to get it to the right temperature. Sometimes during the summer during hot days we leave the water out in a 5 gallon water jug and it can get pretty warm on it's own.
Gary O
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:50pm
Quoting: bushbunkie my neighbour suggested simply buying a propane turkey cooker with the big pot Sure has worked for us
# Posted: 30 Dec 2017 08:10pm
Nate R
# Posted: 31 Dec 2017 08:57am
This is what we have for now. Stores easily, transports OK. Wife and I easily get a shower for each of us out of 1 tank. And the burner doesn't take real long to heat up water.
# Posted: 31 Dec 2017 09:03am
Thanks all....some great ideas to explore...will check up on some of these links!
Gary,so you are currently using the fryer idea for your hot water needs at the cabin? Any major drawbacks? Btw...HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the cabin folks and families!
# Posted: 31 Dec 2017 09:08am
Thanks Just.....Port Huron is close to Home and I know that trailer place.
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 31 Dec 2017 11:24am
we use an ecotemp and 12 volt pump. Its really worth the investment for the convenience. You can see our setup in this video if you like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=funUNu9zVLQ&t=44s
# Posted: 31 Dec 2017 02:26pm
Quoting: Ontario lakeside we use an ecotemp and 12 volt pump. Its really worth the investment for the convenience.
Hey Thanks Ontario LS - I waffle back and forth re. how much to invest as there are so many other projects and priorities - and I have thought of this system - the video is really helpful. Question about the 12 volt battery - will it run the pump for a weekend say...for 4 - 6 showers total?
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 31 Dec 2017 04:53pm
Yes that battery would work for 6 - 5 min showers no problem. I have to say, having hot water on demand makes everyone happier.
Gary O
# Posted: 1 Jan 2018 12:33am
Quoting: bushbunkie Gary,so you are currently using the fryer idea for your hot water needs at the cabin? Any major drawbacks? Just using it for heating water for spring baths in the meadow (too far to carry from the cabin)
summer, we let ol' sol heat it
other'n that we just heat water the ol' fashion way, atop the earth stove
Cooking, cabi thinks this rocks

and, of course the BBQ
# Posted: 1 Jan 2018 02:40am
Just put it right under the tub

# Posted: 1 Jan 2018 08:12am
# Posted: 1 Jan 2018 10:26am
We use an eccotemp L10 so a bigger version of the L5 and it is fantastic. I really think the L5 with a 12v pump would be much easier and convenient for you. A turkey fryer is about $100 and will take a while to heat the water each time you use it. And then you have the issue of carrying the big pot of hot water. Other ideas include a shower in the bag. We used one for a number of years. In the summer I'd let the sun heat the water. When it was colder I would heat a kettle of water and fill the bag and add cold to make a nice temperature. I had a hook I could hang over the tub and if you were efficient you could get 2 showers easily. One final idea is the Coleman on demand hot water heater. It's portable, has a built in pump and heats water quickly. We used one for years when we were camping. Not sure the price of them anymore though.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2018 03:56pm
Thanks Scoot...I’m going to take a serious look at Ecotemp options with the 12 volt pump. Lots of great ideas provided. Thanks all!
# Posted: 2 Jan 2018 10:29am
I have a shower stall in my cabin, but in winter the water is shut off due to freezing.
To heat water for a shower I use a 5-gallon bucket with a bucket heater (see link below). It's designed specifically for a plastic bucket and works well — the water is hot enough for a shower in about 45 minutes. I then put the bucket in the shower stall and use a portable USB-rechargeable shower head device (see below, similar to the car-charging version someone linked to earlier) to spray the water. It works great! (Sometimes I stand in a large basin so that I can collect the grey water for further scrubbing and recycling.)
And BTW, for dishes and other washing I use a large electric water kettle, which also works well:
https://www.amazon.com/Adcraft-Countertop-Water-Boiler-Capacity/dp/B004FNZM9C/ref=sr_ 1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1514906530&sr=8-4&keywords=hot+water+urn+100+cup
bc thunder
# Posted: 2 Jan 2018 11:05am
Takes a little effort, but I heat water on the wood stove, pour into a plastic caring tote with a shower head attached, and hang on a hook on the ceiling. I have a shower curtain with a large plastic tub to stand in. Works great........