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# Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:59pm
Well finally getting solar in and that leads to a refer question....I need one with around 300 kwr/yr usage and the ones I'm finding have iffy reviews.....I'm guessing someone here has done this already....
Quality is more important than price and although I can't find any with ice makers (in the freezer) maybe someone knows of one?
Gonna be so nice to have a fridge after 9 yrs of ice chests 
# Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:30pm
Ge and Frigidaire both have "estar" models. 15 to 18 cuft. Top freezer. Should do the trick.
# Posted: 19 Nov 2017 11:57pm - Edited by: ICC
Look for an inverter refrigerator. I have one (LG) but it is a 27 cu footer . E-star though and runs on my (not small) solar array, no problem. These use a variable speed compressor and have no startup surge. They actually run pretty much constantly but at low speed, low draw. very quiet and more even temperature than regular fridges. The motors are highly efficient, better than conventional fridges. They have been in use in Asia and Europe for years and are becoming more prevalent here lately.
# Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:15am
Well, I dunno if this counts but I have a Danby "apt size" fridge, rated to 300 khw per year. They've come out with bigger models as well with lower power consumption since I bought mine. No issues to report, good reliable fridge. Only pet peeve, it has a bright while LED lighting strip in it, nice & bright BUT it's that harsh white, they seem to use the warm whites now... That bright White at night is harsh when your dark accustomed.
This is the one which replaced my model with lower energy use even https://www.danby.com/products/apartment-size-refrigerators/dff100c2bssdd/ There are bigger ones too if your looking for bigger. * Not all are EnergyStar rated so watch for that.
ICC's LG sounds good... It's the compressor, "hard start" that is a solar system enemy.
# Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:34am
Ah, thanks guys! I knew the wisdom of the forum would come through for me.... Will check out the inverter fridge, heard about them then promptly forgot......
# Posted: 24 Nov 2017 03:22pm
Steve_S - How is the noise level on your Danby? I'm having a problem finding a fridge that is both under 370 kwh/yr and does not have reviews saying it's noisy.... It is so quiet where we are, we just couldn't stand a real noisemaker.....I know all fridges will have some noise, I'm just looking for the lowest....
The inverter fridges I saw are all too high in kwh/yr or that would be a good option....
# Posted: 24 Nov 2017 05:47pm
I never hear it... rarely if I am standing right next to it and it starts O can hear it wind up but only a second or so and barely even then, essentially I have to be listening for it. Low Power too so no massive surge, there is one but not bad. BTW the Ice makers ones do use more power, when IO was looking I wanted that BUT when I saw the extra power use I decided that I did not "need" it. I bought mine at Costco and they sometimes have amazing deals on such appliances.
I believe Magic Chef is also Danby and I just saw them on sale for great $ at Home-depot but I'm not sure if that is a general sale or just an in-tore special.
BTW: If your ever looking for a Propane Stove, UNIQUE !!! Seriously High Quality, reasonably prices and battery (1 D cell) No need to plug in wall)
# Posted: 24 Nov 2017 07:39pm
We have a Vissani 10 cubic feet with upper freezer that we bought from Home Depot 5 years ago (Chinese of course....). According to literature it uses about 315 kWh/year. We have had no problem powering it all summer at our cabin with the solar system (1000 W of panels and Magnum inverter that can handle 4kW). Sounds about like a regular fridge (which it is).
Department of Energy (I think that's right) has a downloadable excel spreadsheet of energy use for a huge number of refrigerators. Might be of use. Energystar.gov is the starting point.
# Posted: 24 Nov 2017 09:02pm
Thanks SteveS! Some more research came up with a lot of positive reviews, surprised we never hear more about Danby.... And I already have Unique Range on the way right now!
Atlin - That Energystar site is good! I'll check into the Vissani as well....
Thanks all!! I Love this site...
# Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:01am
on Unique Propane cookstove. I has a Professional "Caloric" cookstove before (considerably more $ than Unique.. actually $$$ more). The quality, workmanship and grade of materials is excellent with Unique. Very Happy I bought mine - Classic 24 Black & Stainless to match my fridge.
# Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:42pm
I've had the magic chef for ... years now. jeez. 5 or 6. 311kwh/yr. 10 cu ft. saved me over $2.5k now in propane costs.
but the new ge energy star is 17.5 cu ft and "319"kwh/yr. Canada testing.
the reason I put the "x" on the kwh is the US has new rules about measuring energy usage. so US usage is measured based on opening and closing the door at a room temp of 25C (77F) if I remember correctly. thats 399 kwh in the US.
top mount fridge. these have the best rating. look at your family and your weather to decide what you need for solar power.
btw. I love my GE propane 5 burner stove. full sized. $350 off of an online used site. the griddle in the middle makes some good bacon and eggs.
course that 30" takes up an extra 6". and it was 1100-1500 new.