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# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 08:44am
I am interested in any experience for off-grid TV. I hate to even contemplate this but on rainy days, it would be nice (you can only read so much). I have about 750 watt hrs per day and use about 600 right now. I would have to shut off the system each evening to conserve power, but I have heard that most systems if shut off, will have to be reset by the provider each time.
I think an LED - say 32" TV would take about 60 watt hours. The receiver might take another 50. does anyone have experience with this set up?
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 11:01am
First, do you have a signal? And are you willing to sit through the obnoxious ads?
You can check the power usage on most TVs as they usually have a sticker indicating usage either on the back or the info is on the box. Same for a receiver. Those numbers are usually "ideal" numbers and actual numbers a bit higher.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 11:53am
Use the search function at the bottom left. Type in TV. There are several articles that might help you out.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 12:48pm
If you have Netflix they allow you to download content now. All I do is use a tablet (Ipad) download movies and watch it on that, when I need a break. Ipad battery lasts a long time on airplane mode, at least 3 or 4 movies.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 01:13pm
I have my t.v.,sound bar and DVD player set up with a H.D.antenna on the roof all hooked up to my Honda eu2000i generator. I run all my 120 volt stuff off that generator.Battery charger,microwave,toaster,blender,coffee maker,A/C,printer, vacuum cleaner,tv,sound bar and dvd player.All my lights,cell phone charger,tablet charger,water pump,fans,radio,cpap machine,refrigerator (along with propane) all on the 12 volt battery bank.Works very well for me. I usually run the generator 2 to 8 hours each day,depending on how much t.v. I watch.The generator is set up with an extended run time fuel tank.I simply swap out the 5 gallon gas can when it gets low.Being off grid doesn’t mean you have to go without anything that folks on the grid have.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 01:47pm
19" TV running on 12vdc, 30 watts. Roof antenna. You'll find many TVs now run on 12vdc with a wall transformer. Don't use it much but nice to have on occasion.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 02:26pm
Quoting: beachman I would have to shut off the system each evening to conserve power, but I have heard that most systems if shut off, will have to be reset by the provider each time.
Sounds like you are thinking of satellite TV? When we power off and restart the Direct TV receiver we have it just takes a few minutes to reboot. It does not make sense that the service provider would have to get involved just because the power went off because of a storm or a cut utility line.
The TV we use has a memory and remembers all the channels even after the power has been off for months. However, before this Samsung TV we tried a Hitachi that had to go through setup each time power was restored. I think that was unusual, but something to check.
My experience has been that the TV and the recvr actually use less power then what is listed on the label on the back.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 04:47pm
Thanks so much all of you. ICC, Iam contemplating a dish that will be attached to a tree on the shoreline with (I hope) a clear view to the southern sky. Then it will be about a 50ft run to the cottage. Bell says I need a civic address and a technician to set it up. No way! This is very remote. I am pretty sure I can make this happen. Others here seem to be able to do this.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 07:17pm
Bell is full of itself & trying to up sell. I have many words fort THAT company but those are not suitable for any forum or "nice place".
Satellite receivers can be turned off with no ill effect, modern TV's keep their settings in non-volatile ram, so the settings stay, even when power goes out. I STRONGLY suggest LED TV Set as they do use the least amount of power, besides I doubt you can get other tech TV's much anymore.
TV ? TV/Internet ?? You have some choices on TV, Bell, Shaw and so on and you should be able to install it yourself... Internet + TV could be delivered via XplorNet which is what I have and it works nicely... The Sat Modem only uses 20W... While a tad more difficult to install than a TV only Dish, you get full internet which let's you not only surf but Download movies / vids etc... I'm not sure what XplorNet's policy is but many folks use them in remote areas. REF: https://www.xplornet.com/
FYI: I have an HP Elite Desk Computer (i7, 3.0ghz, HD Video) a 47" LG LED TV/Screen & XplorNet Sat Modem : See what my UPS says below... NB the Power fluctuates between what you see to 91 watts total.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 07:48pm
I told Dish I was using it on an RV. Which I did for 6 months as we built the house. Then moved it to the house. I now use on with the RV for an extra $7 a month whenever we need it.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 09:39pm
rayyy rayyy
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 09:44pm
I have a 100 watt solar system at my cabin. It's connected to two 6 volt batteries wired in parallel to make it a 12 volt system. I can watch a 20 inch tv for about 3-4 hours a day. At that point (12.4 volts) I switch over to my honda 2000, or go to bed. If you go small, they use little power.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2017 09:46pm
Also I can get about 25 channels for Free. I just use a store bought $100ish antenna.
# Posted: 29 Aug 2017 11:08pm
i have had a receiver for 10 years at camp star choice will let u run up to 4 receivers in your house at no xtra cost... bring one to camp and there u have it....lol....at the end of month there is a singal sent to all recevires if there is no power at dish u just phone and reboot only happens once in a while at camp .... ontario .ca
# Posted: 30 Aug 2017 12:36pm
The week after I put up a dish visible at the lake edge I was broken into. It tells people you have a TV. I now use an indoor antenna.
# Posted: 30 Aug 2017 05:18pm
Morock - good point about dish visability. I would worry about this also. I may consider something more temporary to be in place only when we are there. It still targets us so more thought will go into this. Thanks.
# Posted: 26 Sep 2017 10:42pm
Hi beachman, you may be able to get away with just an antenna if you don't need cable. If you check https://www.antennaweb.org/ you should be able to locate your address and see what is available and which antenna would potentially pick it up.
# Posted: 27 Sep 2017 06:20am
We do like moondawg says.....we just download a bunch of Netflix movies to watch on a rainy day or before bed. Nothing puts me to sleep faster than tv lol. We have a 19" tv/DVD player that we can plug my wife's iPad into and watch from there. We also have a large stash of old DVDs we can watch. The tv runs off the inverter. We do not have cable or satellite at home either as we rarely watch tv.
This upcoming Thanksgiving weekend (Canada) I plan to bring my late father's old slide projector and a bunch of his old slides to the cabin. I'll run it off the generator and put a sheet up on the wood shed to put on a slide show in an outdoor setting like an amphitheatre. My mother and an aunt and uncle are coming up and I think they will appreciate the old pictures!
Gary O
# Posted: 28 Sep 2017 10:21pm - Edited by: Gary O
we stayed at a motel a couple weeks ago watched TV never slept better can’t say I’ve missed any of it
we do have a wall of videos for some evenings other’n that, the web keeps my mind occupied of an evening
heard some folks make the comment ‘well, heh, yer really not off grid if you have the web’
still on earth
just off grid
# Posted: 29 Sep 2017 08:35am
Thanks all for the input. I do not have a zip or a PC (Canada) since I am very remote - not even a civic # so I don't think I can get the info from antennaweb but thanks for the reference. Think I'll just do the flash drive or DVD route for now. Avoids the tell-tale dish at the shoreline - may think the whole thing over during winter - who knows what is available next spring - but will surely be satellite if anything. Going to the Cottage Life Show in October in TO so maybe they have some new secret weapon? Agree with Gary O - still on earth...
# Posted: 3 Oct 2017 08:56pm
I have come to realize that in my situation, live TV us a luxury like running hot water and unlimited electricity. I tried to tune in OTA tv using a tuner card and a laptop. Took too much power and I barely get any signals.
What I could do is record a tv show at home on my PVR then compress it removing all the comercials. The load it on my tablet. Lots of old movies play each night.
If this sounds like too much trouble you're right. I don't bother. Between readin, fixing something or napping I'm never board.
CDs with old radio shows or audio books are great! Once again rip them to your phone / tablet. Listening to them while doing a puzzle is great.
# Posted: 4 Oct 2017 09:20am
Quoting: spoofer Also I can get about 25 channels for Free. I just use a store bought $100ish antenna.
Sounds like you are in the US? Most Canadian OTA reception will only pull in about 4 to 6 chanels in cottage country if you're lucky. Well maybe 2 or 3 more if you speak a second language.
Back in my youth with Analogue TV signals traveled vast distances but we're a bit snowy. You got used to the poor quality and didn't notice after a while.
Today with digital signals the radius is much smaller and when the signal gets weak the station is unwatchable.
# Posted: 4 Oct 2017 09:35am
If you have a 4GLTE phone and service and a large enough data plan you could stream programming. I've done it, but it does use a lot of data.
# Posted: 4 Oct 2017 04:06pm
Quoting: bobrok If you have a 4GLTE phone and service and a large enough data plan you could stream programming.
Here in Canada the data plans are horrible. Unless I'm wrong (if you talk to my wife I am a lot) most of us only get about 3 gigs of data for $50. Few of us can afford a decent data plan to stream videos.
# Posted: 4 Oct 2017 05:17pm
Actually I was just looking at Fido. You can get 2 GB per month for $15/month for two years. And you can get an LG tablet for $50 and use it as a hot spot. I'm seriously considering this option. It's a good tablet too. Don't think I would use it for tv but nice to have the option. I'm thinking cameras and motion/door sensors. It would be nice to be able to login to the cabin when ever and look around.
# Posted: 5 Oct 2017 05:53pm
2 gigs is one movie download.
I use Securifi for security/doors/lights. It works nicely. I like the lower cost of zigbee stuff. And the peace of mind is nice. Plus. Turning off the lights from bed when you forgot them.
I just gave my 48" Samsung to my girlfriend. 250w running. And bought a Vizio (demo from wm). 40w while running.
Bell LTE for data. $10 to $165/mo (70 gigs of data used). Ouch. I had xplornet. It was 90 every month no matter what I used. Plus, on Friday night. When everyone was on the satellite my Netflix movies were pretty pixelated. It was so slow I couldn't use more than 20gig a month. At least LTE is fast all the time.
Antennaweb will use your geo coordinates. If you use google earth to your location you'll see the lat and long.
I had good luck with analogue. A $50 antenna and I got 8-12 channels depending on weather. Even more if I wanted to get fussy.
Netflix is great. So is Kodi. I'll have to start downloading movies at the girlfriends. Great idea. And if it saves data. Huzzah!
# Posted: 5 Oct 2017 09:52pm
I have a PVR and Netflix at home. How the heck do people download movies and recorded shows to their notebooks or laptops?
# Posted: 5 Oct 2017 11:32pm
Quoting: beachman How the heck do people download movies and recorded shows to their notebooks or laptops? I can't help ya there. I had to get my 8 year old grandaughter to change the screensaver on my state of the art flip phone. Then she taught me how to put a turd emoji at the end of a text.💩💩💩💩💩.Damn Kids!! LOL
# Posted: 6 Oct 2017 06:57am
Quoting: beachman I have a PVR and Netflix at home. How the heck do people download movies and recorded shows to their notebooks or laptops?
My PVR is an old business computer running Vista (if you can believe it). It has a TV tuner card so I record OTA in the big city. The files are quite large so I run a utility that supports Comskip and compresses the files to mp4s. One hour TV show brought down to under 0.5gig.
Downloading TV shows from the internet(torrenting) is verging on the naughty side and is better left for other forums.
Downloading from Netflix is a new option. Not sure of the compression/size ratio.
You can purchase a whole season form Google Movies or ITunes, but once again I'm not sure of the compression/size ratio
SE Ohio
# Posted: 6 Oct 2017 07:24am
My local library allows free movie downloads via Hoopla. Have yet to try. Never a dull moment with my family...
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