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# Posted: 19 Aug 2017 04:55pm - Edited by: paulz
We have a standard flush toilet at our cabin, the flush contents goes into 50 gallon barrels that I bring home and dump down the city sewer. So obviously the less flushing the better for me, and urine (my wife's) sits, but when we leave the cabin I hate to leave it sitting there. And she always has to go right before we leave...
Anyway what I want to do is have a bucket of sorts that fits in the toilet bowl so I can just pour it out outside and save a flush. Like I did with the porta poty we had before (no room for that inside anymore). Before I go buying plastic buckets to try out, has anyone ever heard of a toilet liner/bucket ready made for this?
# Posted: 20 Aug 2017 09:12am
I'd teach her to pee outside and save a lot of hassle
Or just use a 5 gal pail
# Posted: 20 Aug 2017 11:59am
Go to a med supply and ask for a toilet "hat". It sits in the toilet for catching "samples" for urine and stool tests.
# Posted: 20 Aug 2017 01:55pm
Thanks, I googled toilet hat images, that looks perfect! The one in the middle that is. I'm better suited to the other two. 
My wife is a paraplegic, just getting a usable toilet in the cabin was a major accomplishment. But yeah, if she could walk she'd be peeing outside with me and the dogs.
# Posted: 22 Aug 2017 04:40pm
sorry, just trying to be funny. Not so much though. I'll leave my foot in my mouth for a while to remind myself.
# Posted: 22 Aug 2017 05:09pm
No worries! If I couldn't laugh at our situation half the time I'd probably just give up trying. 
# Posted: 26 Aug 2017 08:30pm
Hi Paulz, wow, I think that is fantastic that you are able to find a workable solution for you problem. I wondered how difficult it is for you dealing with the lifting and transport of 55 gal drums of waste. I just wondered if you ever thought about a composting setup there (they can be homemade or bought systems), with the wastewater diverted to a drain field. Then you just have to deal with the "solids" that just become compost, and dump into an area you don't plant things meant for harvesting (if you are a not certain of full composting). That would eliminate your need to transport waste or deal with extra (liquid). I think it is wonderful that you and your wife are able to enjoy your cabin!!
# Posted: 27 Aug 2017 05:42pm
Thanks! I've thought about composting but unfortunately have always had the urine mixed in. If the toilet hat that I'm getting works that would separate the urine so maybe that is now an option.
# Posted: 30 Aug 2017 08:03pm
Happy to report that my wife peed in the toilet hat today while I was out working, twice. Came back from working, poured it out by my usual tree, got in the truck and came home. Saved a flush. May come in handy as a urine diverter for others but a guy would need a good steady aim. Under 4 bucks, local pharmacy had them. See photo above. Thanks again LDamm!