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# Posted: 30 Jul 2017 07:37pm
Thank you for adding me to this site. I am in the process of buying my first log cabin and have tons of questions. Water is my first subject: Was thinking about collecting rain water from metal roof. Cabin is 16 feet by 24 feet. Was thinking about putting up a gutter and having it drain to a 100 gallon rv tank. Water would be used for dishes and showers. The cabin has a small 85 watt solar panel and two six volt golf batteries. I also have a 2000 Honda that I can top off the battery. Was basically thinking of setting cabin up the same way as my trailer. Water tank, rv pump and rv propane hot water heater. The logs are too nice to drill through so I was thinking about coming up through floor. Should I go 12 volt or 110 for pump? What would be smallest draw pump that will work? Is there a problem with installing an rv propane hot water heater under camp? Would you recommend a pilot on hot water heater? Would also like to hear other ideas. Thanks !!
Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 30 Jul 2017 09:43pm
We spent 4 years with a 100w solar setup, 12 volt surflo pump and a ecotemp hot water heater. This is still our system even though we have a larger solar setup now. I figure if it aint broke...
# Posted: 31 Jul 2017 08:55am - Edited by: Just
IT is very important to filter your rain water before is enters your storage tank .this is the system I use , if you get organic material in the tank it will grow. the missing word is pool sand CCE02142011_00000_2.jpg
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# Posted: 31 Jul 2017 07:29pm
Thanks for advice! If you were installing shower inside instead of out would that change the hot water heater?
# Posted: 31 Jul 2017 09:48pm
Best to filter the water before it leaves the roof, with high quality gutter filters such as Gutter Glove. Also it's very important to devise a first flush mechanism which diverts the first flush of water off the roof when it first rains. Gets rid of dust and bird poop. If you use an on demand water heater inside, it should be vented to the outside, so yes, you should get a heater with a vent. There are some that don't require electricity. Good luck