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# Posted: 18 May 2017 05:37pm
Back up in the North Country in my sweet cabin. Solar is working great, phoebes have built a nest on my new front porch rather than over my back door, which is considerate of them, since I'll be working back there this month.
But the Dometic propane fridge has blown a fuse, and I'm having a heck of a time picking up a replacement. Hardware and auto parts stores don't have it. Nor do the first six RV shops I've called. I have an email in to Dometic, but I'm thinking that might take a while. Can anyone point me in the right direction? 3A 125V slow-burn glass fuse 1" long (that length is the problem).
# Posted: 18 May 2017 06:29pm
Is that a Dometic (Servelk) residential propane fridge or a Dometic RV fridge? Also, what fuse is it? The amps and volts don't mean much without knowing the type, such as an ATC type auto fuse with two blades or a tubular glass fuse. If tubular glass the length is important. There should be a number on one of the metal end caps if it is a tubular type.
# Posted: 18 May 2017 07:33pm
RV fridge. Tubular glass fuse. Twisted wire filament. I'll check the number when I get home. Thanks!
# Posted: 18 May 2017 10:41pm
Try napa, auto supply stores too, or an electric whole saler. the next question, why did the fuse blow. There could be a reason. old243
# Posted: 18 May 2017 11:48pm
Another question... what circuit does the fuse protect? The fuse could be a 125 volt fuse but could be used to protect a lower voltage circuit. In which case a lower voltage value fuse could be subbed.
# Posted: 19 May 2017 05:41am
Hi ICC Protects the "refrigerator control system" which is connected to the 12V power supply. So yea, I'd think a lower voltage would work. What do you recommend? Right now I'm having trouble finding anything the right length. They all seem to be 3/4" (20mm) or 1 1/4" (30mm).
On a related note: I talked to a helpful guy at NAPA who said I could put in a fast-blow fuse if I had to.
Hi old243 -- Thanks for responding. I called two Napa stores and AutoZone, and no dice. Do you have the name of any electric wholesaler? Not sure where to look for those. No idea why it blew. Worked when I left last fall; didn't work when I tried to start up this spring. Identified blown fuse. That's it. I'd like to try replacing the fuse before I try to find a large appliance guy who can service a propane fridge.
# Posted: 19 May 2017 08:42am
Not sure where your located but in Ontario I've found odd ball stuff from Electrozad.
# Posted: 19 May 2017 09:21am
If you are talking 12 volt circuit and a bit handy. you might buy a fuse holder for automotive with 2 leads and use a blade type fuse. Be a little careful if the original fuse holder is part of a printed circuit board. This may be a RED GREEN fix but might get you going . Sometimes fuses just fail over time due to faulty workmanship, corrosion etc. old243
# Posted: 19 May 2017 09:39am
FishHog: Upstate NY. I'll give them a shout, though, if it gets to that. Tx!
old243: Not that handy.
So nobody else has any oddball fuse sources? I've search amazon and ebay, but nothing. Email to Dometic bounced.
# Posted: 19 May 2017 09:55am - Edited by: Cowracer
ON EDIT: Check this site...
Call an industrial electrical distributor, preferably one that handles Allen-Bradley. We use fuses like that in a lot of control systems. I probably have 10 of these smaller ones in my desk right now and we have boxes of the 8AG (the one inch ones) in our warehouse. It does not matter if it is glass or ceramic as pictured.
Also it does not matter if its a 125 or 250 volt fuse, that just shows the MAX voltage that is allowed. A 250 will work just as well. Its the amps that is important.
Good luck!
# Posted: 19 May 2017 10:53am
Thanks, Tim. Looks great, right size, except the site says 5A and up, whereas I'm looking for 3A. Anyway, I'll give them a shout.
# Posted: 19 May 2017 10:55am
Had a nice chat with a Dometic dealer down state who gave me a phone number to Dometic parts. That did they trick. They're mailing me the fuse today. Actually, I bought 2 (!).
Still interested in learning of another source, though, since Dometic has a heft shipping fee....
# Posted: 19 May 2017 08:03pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
Quoting: p0rtia 3A 125V slow-burn glass fuse 1" long (that length is the problem).
Amazon is your friend. https://smile.amazon.com/Witonics-MDL-3BC-Delay-Glass-6X30mm/dp/B009QUP1JU/ref=sr_1_f kmr1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1495252450&sr=8-1-fkmr1&keywords=3Amp+1%22+125V+slow+blow+fuses
Will there be anything else 
# Posted: 20 May 2017 06:47am
Toyota -- Thanks for taking the time -- alas it is too short. Need 1" / 25mm (this one is 15mm). I actually have messaged that seller to see if they have the size I need.
I really have scoured amazon.com and eBay. Doesnt' mean I didn't miss something, but no luck yet. I even have the part number now, but no dice.
Fuses from Dometic arriving Tuesday. Fingers crossed!
# Posted: 22 May 2017 06:33pm
We use this place for work. Might have some luck. https://www.mcmaster.com/#fuses/=17qpv86
# Posted: 22 May 2017 07:22pm
Thanks gnt530. Very interesting list. I don't see what I think I've been looking for, but there's a fast-blow fuse that is at least the right size, V, and A.
I'm curious to see what's going to come in the mail tomorrow, and to see if it really is 1" long. We'll see!
# Posted: 25 May 2017 05:41am
Hokay. Received the fuses yesterday afternoon (a day late -- thanks UPS). The first good news is that what I actually got was a pack of six fuses--actually two packs of six fuses--so I have a lifetime supply. They are indeed 1 inch long.
So I did a careful clean out of the access area of the fridge, plugged the fuse in and turned it on. Light came on in the main compartment and burner fired right up. Freezer started chilling within minutes.
I was a bit worried about the main compartment, which showed little signs of cooling within the four hours the manual says it takes, hovering at around 60 F. But by the time I went to bed last night it was down to 46 F and this morning it was in the 30s back by the fins, so yeah!
Thanks for all the help. You guys are the best.
Been here a week; my little garden is in, yard and cabin cleaned up, composting toilet fan hooked up to its personal solar panel, phoebe nestlings stretching their wings, rain to fill my barrels on the way. Life in the woods!
Here's a shot of my perennial bed doing its thing. It coincidentally includes the access to the fridge.
# Posted: 28 May 2017 07:09pm
So what they sent was Bussman 3A AGX fuses, which are, of course, available everywhere (and not what the manual calls for). Anyway, it works.
Pix of cabin and garden (raised beds and rough-scaping). It's been a while cabin_may.jpg
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|  west_bed_may.jpg
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