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# Posted: 3 May 2017 02:21pm - Edited by: bobbotron
Hey all, I hope you're well!
Haven't been on here in quite some time but I'm still at the cabin! 
We're looking to get an ATV to do hobby farm stuff at our cabin. The other alternative is a small tractor, but man they are expensive. I'm looking for something that could drive a small snow plow, lawn mower attachment, move stuff around via a trailer and maybe pull some tilling attachments through garden plots.
I'm not looking for a sport ATV, but a utility vehicle that will hold up to some real work (but I'm realistic and am more than happy to take it easy to work within the confines of my tools.) Suggestions?
Eddy G
# Posted: 3 May 2017 02:41pm
I'm a fan of John Deere's Gator series Atv's. I know you can plow and they dump but I'm not sure of all the rest. You can't beat the Kabota's machines either. Both are pricey (what isn't) 20k US new?
# Posted: 3 May 2017 02:48pm - Edited by: bobbotron
Thanks Eddy. I think I'll have to look around in some show rooms. Hoping to go used and come in around $10k max, new is a little dear.
The John Deere Gator vehicles look pretty great. Their single seat XUV's look spot on.
# Posted: 3 May 2017 03:05pm
The HPX 4x4 looks great, exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, I think.
# Posted: 3 May 2017 05:08pm
ATV or UTV? ATV, I'd get no smaller than a 500 to do the work you want. Best value seems to be the Suzuki. They have King Quads, in a 500 and 750. Both identical looking and size, just internal engine dimensions are different. As for a UTV, go no smaller than a 700. UTV= SXS or side by side.
# Posted: 3 May 2017 06:04pm
I was recently given a dead John Deere L100 riding mower. I spent some time fixing things and getting it running. I was disappointed at the number of parts made out of plastic. It melted a belt pulley (plastic), broke a shifter mount (plastic), the hood mounts (plastic). Even the metal parts seem cheap. Are these made in USA?
Maybe that's just the way everything is these days. I was just on my old Massey Ferguson tractor today, I don't think I could find a plastic part on it.
# Posted: 3 May 2017 07:48pm
Find yourself a real tractor. A Ford N series or Massey 20-30 series will do everything you ask of it day in and day out. For much less $$$ also. ATV/UTV implements are way over priced let alone the cost of the ATV/UTV.
# Posted: 3 May 2017 09:14pm
My buddy has an old Ford 8N and that thing is hard to kill. Does everything, parts available, torque, etc.
Eddy G
# Posted: 3 May 2017 09:41pm
With John Deere (like so many other brands now) there are home owner , light commercial and industrial models. I have a neighbor that's a small engines wiz type can fix anything... He was working on my JD Tractor and showed me the differences in mine vs his and another neighbors JD's. I got a great deal on it used from a mutual friend knowin it was a good machine but not realizing just how much better it was built then the John Deere they sell at Home Depot etch..Huge differences. It isn't even fair to paint those things green, lol.
My JD snow blower/througher is well made but not the same quality as the tractor.
So you have to do a little research with whatever brand or model you go with...
# Posted: 3 May 2017 10:44pm
I would just look for a 400-500 cc ATV. Arctic cat makes a good one and they are on sale Cheap since being bought out by Textron. You can buy a brand new 2017 for about $4500.
# Posted: 4 May 2017 12:17am
I have a Suzuki Eiger 400 4WD I bought new in 2002, added a chain saw press on it, 2500 lb Warn winch, repair anything if it breaks right away which has been hardly ever. It has rackes and extended sides on front and rear, pack a load of tools with me, run my fence line, run to the gate to close it at night etc.
# Posted: 4 May 2017 01:17am
Kawasaki Mules have been around a long time so there are lots of used available in good condition.
# Posted: 4 May 2017 08:50am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech ATV or UTV? ATV, I'd get no smaller than a 500 to do the work you want. Best value seems to be the Suzuki. They have King Quads, in a 500 and 750. Both identical looking and size, just internal engine dimensions are different. As for a UTV, go no smaller than a 700. UTV= SXS or side by side.
It's funny, I had thought I wanted an ATV, but thinking about this more, a side by side rig would be super handy so my partner in crime and I could ride together when we're doing different tasks. I watched some youtube reviews last night, the John Deere HPX looks to be a good fit. The one reviewed had a solid rear axle, which would be nice for hauling a trailer.
Quoting: hamish Find yourself a real tractor. A Ford N series or Massey 20-30 series will do everything you ask of it day in and day out. For much less $$$ also. ATV/UTV implements are way over priced let alone the cost of the ATV/UTV.
Funny Hamish, I originally thought about getting a tractor. Used tractors around here seem to be really expensive, and new is even more so.
# Posted: 4 May 2017 08:52am
I am on my 5th 4 wheeler, bought my first in 1985 when they first come out . Have had 3 Suzuki's 4 wdrive, dual range 300, tough machine . One Honda 400 4wd but single range. geared too fast for my liking. Present one Honda 2009 4wd dual range, good lower end for work or rough trails. have 6000 km on it no problems. I am on a farm and hunt so not interested in speed or shine on my bike. If you are going to work it, get a good lower range. I have never needed , heavy lug tires all they do is tear your trails up. . You need a good winch it will get you out of problems and you will use it for a hundred other things. Build or buy a trailer , that is the same width as your bike, I have 15 inch car tires on mine. Good if you are in wet spots, hauling wood, or what ever.I have never had a gator type. neighbour has a long wheel base one gets hung up on my rough trails. They don't impress me , but probably just me. If you intend to do snow blowing or a bit of field work you should also have a tractor, with a front bucket. I have a 3000ford , 30 hp tractors can be found quite reasonable. Get some advice from an old farmer if you know one, I just over spent your budget, but really a bike and a tractor are like apples and oranges. if you try to overwork your bike you will kill it. JMHO. old 243
# Posted: 4 May 2017 09:03am
Quoting: old243 I just over spent your budget, but really a bike and a tractor are like apples and oranges. if you try to overwork your bike you will kill it. JMHO. old 243
Some good wisdom right there old243, thanks. 
I'm also not worried about speed for the ATV.
# Posted: 4 May 2017 11:55am - Edited by: hueyjazz
I would second the Suzuki for being a good and reliable machine. I bought mine for being a work horse around the camp and have found it quite handy for some task.
I do have one major problem with it. the wife discovered it and every time I blink she is taking it around the country dirt roads around our camp for hours at a time. Guess I need a second one. Only paid $2,500 with plow for it used. 4WD is a must.
I did get mine with a plow. I found that fairly useless in the amount of snow we get in Upstate NY. It just doesn't have enough to push a large pile. I do have a small dump trailer I haul behind it. I had to upgrade the wheels on trailer but I have found it extremely useful for hauling rock, dirt, stone, firewood and you name it. I got a lawn roller for it and that works great. I don't own but know you can get a haul behind mower which is basically a platform with a gas engine powering a blade. No reason that shouldn't do the deed.
The lower end John Deer tractors are made by MTD and suffer from being cheaply made where parts are plastic where they should be steel. A look of the names you grew up with are now own by MTD. Cub Cadet, Gardenway, Bolens, etc. are all MTD. Toro, Poulan and the Japanese mowers are some of the few that aren't. The bigger John Deer tractors are still John Deer but get ready to paid big for that green paint. FIL was a Massey dealer. Only time he swears is when you say John Deer.
# Posted: 4 May 2017 12:33pm
We bought a CanAm Defender last fall. It has more power than our old Yamaha Rhino and it is better on gas as well. Lots of storage in the back to haul things. The front seat can hold 3 comfortably (or in our case, 2 plus a dog )
# Posted: 4 May 2017 02:34pm
Quoting: bobbotron It's funny, I had thought I wanted an ATV, but thinking about this more, a side by side rig would be super handy so my partner in crime and I could ride together when we're doing different tasks
I solved that issue. I have both. Did get a Kawasaki Mule, roof and windshield, 3500 lb winch, perfect for the cabin, but wider footprint. If I had to give up one, I would give up the quad. Just widen all my trails. 
# Posted: 5 May 2017 11:13am
With a $10,000.00 budget you should be able to find a small used tractor with a few implements. A front end loader on a tractor is worth its weight in gold.
# Posted: 5 May 2017 01:21pm
Hamish, Smawgunner and Kudzu get it. The fact is, an ATV or UTV can never do the tasks of a true tractor.
Please understand, I am not disparaging the utility of any of them individually. When I am not at my cabin, I live at my farm and have all three of the above. My Honda Recon UTV is great for going quickly from place to place and I routinely use it for hauling trash, spraying fencerows, and fixing fence. I also have a Brister UTV that is great for hauling mulch and ash, hauling livestock feed, and other hauling type tasks. Finally, I have a Kubota L3200 that I use for all tractor tasks like brush hogging, tilling, plowing, cultivating, scooping manure, etc. None of these vehicles individually can fill the tasks of the others (excepting the ATV and UTV maybe) and each has a purpose.
In your situation with a hypothetical 10,000 budget, consider this:
A used Kubota https://stlouis.craigslist.org/grd/6104247633.html
A used Honda UTV https://stlouis.craigslist.org/snd/6078437709.html
Assuming you pay full asking for those two, you still have a comfortable 1750 for more implements.
Of course these are examples from my area. but it took only a couple minutes to find these.
To sum it up, there is no one vehicle which will fill all your needs.
# Posted: 6 May 2017 09:44am
That Kubota looks right up my alley, I really like those smaller tractors, that brush cutter looks great.
# Posted: 6 May 2017 09:48am - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
On those Kubotas, just make sure it was made for US market. If its a gray market unit, never take it in for service and find the US equivalent model number when you buy parts. If they know you have a gray market tractor, you will be black listed and no one will sell you parts. They connect and put out an APB on you and its over, regardless what store you go to. In fact, order the correct decals for US model number and install them, peel off gray market decals. But still, never take it in. VIN will smoke you out. Plan on doing all work yourself.
You can thank a trial lawyer and a person mis-using it for this.
# Posted: 6 May 2017 09:52am
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech On those Kubotas, jusat make sure it was made for US market. If its a gray market unit, never take it in for service and find the US equivalent model number when you buy parts. If they know you have a gray market tractor, you will be black listed and no one will sell you parts. They connect and put out an APB on you and its over. In fact, order the correct decals for US model number and install them, peel off gray market. But still, never take it in. VIN will smoke you out. You can thank a trial lawyer and a person mis-using it for this.

That's crazy, who knew. Thanks for the heads up! How can you tell if they're made for the US market (well, I'm in Canada.)
# Posted: 6 May 2017 09:58am
Quoting: bobbotron That's crazy, who knew. Thanks for the heads up! How can you tell if they're made for the US market (well, I'm in Canada.)
Good news, its still legal to import a gray market Kubota in Canada, just not the US. Since 1997. Dealers are instructed to not help any customer with a gray market Kubota. So as a Canadian, you are good to go. 
# Posted: 6 May 2017 10:03am
More info on gray market tractors. I wouldnt hesttate to own one.
http://www.uky.edu/publichealth/sites/www.uky.edu.publichealth/files/Research/SCAHIP/ Products/MM%20MP%20Rops%20Deficiency%20Grey%20PUBLSHD%200412.pdf
# Posted: 14 May 2017 08:07am
So I've been going around in circles about this. The more I think about it, I think what I need is a tractor. Two main jobs are cutting grass/bush for our dog yard and plowing snow. I think a tractor would be great for this, BUT, I've gotten cold feet about tractor stability. I have great respect for power equipment. I've never driven a tractor before. Our dog yard has a bunch of gentle slopes on it, I think I should be worried about bush hogging it with a tractor but I could be making a mountain out of a mole hill. Ideally I'd get both, but the used market isn't great around here. Third option is a riding lawn tractor, I've heard these are more stable than a tractor?
# Posted: 14 May 2017 12:56pm
The tilling and mowing are a problem with an ATV/UTV. While you can buy attachments, it's cumbersome and just not the right machine.
Plowing (assuming less than 12" of snow at a time) and pulling a trailer are no problem.
What the ATV/UTV can do that the tractor cannot is get you around. You're not going to want to use the tractor to tour the area, visit the neighbors, etc. Won't want to take it hunting, etc.
# Posted: 14 May 2017 02:39pm
I keep seeing posting like this, and thinking it'd be perfect, but I'd sure hate to tip it. :/
http://www.kijiji.ca/v-farming-equipment/ottawa/mf1528-compact-tractor-loader-mower-s ee-new-price/1224030269?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
# Posted: 14 May 2017 07:01pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech # Posted: 6 May 2017 09:48 - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech Reply Quote On those Kubotas, just make sure it was made for US market. If its a gray market unit, never take it in for service and find the US equivalent model number when you buy parts. If they know you have a gray market tractor, you will be black listed and no one will sell you parts. They connect and put out an APB on you and its over, regardless what store you go to. In fact, order the correct decals for US model number and install them, peel off gray market decals. But still, never take it in. VIN will smoke you out. Plan on doing all work yourself. You can thank a trial lawyer and a person mis-using it for this. http://www.orangetractortalks.com/2010/07/10-myths-about-kubota-gray-market-tractors/
Ours wasn't grey market but I've still had a coupe small issues. It was bought new in Canada but they still had problems locating manuals and parts for its Kubota made mid mount mower. They had to contact Japan to get the manual. And then last year they brought that manual up on their screen and told me what size of bolt to buy for the blades and they were still wrong. It needed metric.
# Posted: 15 May 2017 08:47am
Quoting: bobbotron So I've been going around in circles about this. The more I think about it, I think what I need is a tractor. Two main jobs are cutting grass/bush for our dog yard and plowing snow. I think a tractor would be great for this, BUT, I've gotten cold feet about tractor stability.
Bob, trick to keep from tipping over is to keep your loads down low, ie bucket down, if you are brush hogging, if its steep enough, dont do "side-hilling" but got up or down. Probably have to be 4WD, but not always)
It would take you about 2 hours on the tractor using its features before it feels like an extension of your own body. You and the tractor will become "one"
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