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# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:29am
Could someone recommend a build list for a one room solar light. I have a 10x10 cabin and would like to run 1 strip of LED lighting down the center (6 to 8 feet long). (I realize i will also need supplemental light for reading,etc.) can someone recommend the battery,charge controller,-and solar panel would need for 4 hours of light everday. i have pretty much full sun all day. Thank you
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 02:10pm - Edited by: groingo
Have you considered a skylight?
How much is you budget?
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 02:12pm - Edited by: shall
for 1 low wattage LED strip, wouldn't something like this get the job done? It would only be $100 total.
I have a 12000 mah battery pack that will run my 7watt LED bulb for 6 hours or so
https://www.amazon.com/BigBlue%C2%AE-Outdoor-Charger-Waterproof-Foldable/dp/B01EXWCPL C/ref=sr_1_7?rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1472234977&sr=8-7&keywords=foldable+solar+28+watt&refi nements=p_85%3A2470955011
https://www.amazon.com/Portable-RAVPower-22000mAh-High-density-Li-polymer/dp/B01G1XH4 6M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472234763&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=battery+pack&psc=1
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 02:59pm
In my tractor shed I have one 430 lumen (40 watt bulb equivalent) bulb for night time searching for tools.
Pretty basic: has a 7 watt solar panel that goes to a hanging light fixture that looks like a barn light. Pull the string and on comes the light. There are some "charge/discharge" leds that make the string easy to find in the dark.
i couldn't find it on amazon, but there are lots like it. such as this.
I got mine on sale for 30 bucks. 430 lumens is a lot of light in the dark of night.
Heck you could get a couple.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 03:03pm - Edited by: skootamattaschmidty
My sauna is about 10x10 inside. I have two LED bulbs about 4 watts each on the inside, spaced about 5 feet apart. There is plenty of light for reading etc. I also have two of the Same bulbs on the porch and then two strips of 16' long LED light strips running on the underside of my porch. These are all connected to a little 12v 7ah battery (the same kind used in my son's fish finder). I have a 40 watt solar panel with cheap Pwm charge controller connected to that. I have been using these lights for two years now, running for several hours a night with no issues. In the summer the battery reaches a full charge by mid morning. This has worked for me ad sounds likes your idea is somewhat similar with even fewer lights.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 03:08pm
But for your needs, like creepy suggested, there are a number of solar lights readily available in stores that come complete with small panel, solar batteries etc and maybe a way to go as well.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 05:08pm
Wow, thanks! I would be willing to spend $200 for a good set-up. I looked at the cheap solar shed lights......i guess i would like something a little more substantial. I do want to stay with all 12 volt and led light with a sealed battery that i could keep inside. Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try and post a picture of my cabin.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 06:42pm - Edited by: buckybuck
Are you sure you want to use LED strip lighting? The reason I ask is I started out using a 5 meter warm white LED strip light in my 10 x 20 cabin and decided it was too much.
By the way, it looks like you're new here. Welcome! I'm a part-timer, so my needs may be a lot different than yours if you're planning to live full-time in your cabin, as some folks here do.
Anyway, here's what I'm using in my 10 x 20 cabin for lighting. Keychain dimmable USB lights and these Onite LED bulbs. Note that you can probably get these cheaper on eBay; especially if you don't mind waiting a couple of weeks for them to arrive from China. I think I paid 90 cents for the keychain lights there.
The Onite lights look and illuminate just like old-school incandescent lights. I use them for reading, working in the kitchen at night, things like that. I mainly use the touch-dimmable keychain lights otherwise; at least for me they provide enough light for a relaxed atmosphere in my cabin. In the photo, that's what I'm using in the frosted pickle jars.
I power them with those little cell phone USB power banks. I know the Onite lights are good for 5 or 6 hours with a 5000 mah power bank. Dunno about the keychain lights; I just spent three nights at my cabin and they lasted the whole time without recharging, using 2200 mah power banks. I charge the power bankis at home and bring them with me.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 07:02pm
We have been using these in our camper. They work wonderful to give off some light. We also have some battery powered lights if we need more, but these are sufficient most of the time. My wife got one on sale at REI for $10 and then I bought another one on-line somewhere for $15. We hang them up at night and then set by the window during the day.
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 09:02pm
Would it be possible to put the 12 volt strip light on a dimmer?
# Posted: 26 Aug 2016 09:59pm
Here are a few pics of my tool shed and tarp port. Also a pic of a couple of the led lights. All are powered from an old car battery, and it is recharged with a small solar panel from Harbor Freight. I got the LEDs from St.Louis lighting, but eBay has them also. It may be too bright for what you need but I believe there are dimmable ones available. Picture0826162034_1..jpg
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# Posted: 28 Aug 2016 12:10am
Quoting: skootamattaschmidty But for your needs, like creepy suggested, there are a number of solar lights readily available in stores that come complete with small panel, solar batteries etc and maybe a way to go as well.
Exactly. I bought this and it's very bright. They sell them in two-light kits for about $60. The solar panel is sturdy and weatherproof, comes with an arm and screws to mount it outside your window and the cables are quite long.
Since I'm moving, I didn't mount the panel and have just tested it out by propping the panel inside the kitchen window. It still charges the light's battery nicely!
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E1ZOJ48/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&ps c=1#productDetails
# Posted: 28 Aug 2016 12:55pm
saw some cool batteries on amazon.
Little lithium things. you can easily run a small solar panel and pwm controller to them.
Julie2. That's almost exactly like my barn lamp.
Mentioned earlier. Guess I'll slither off now.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2016 05:32pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Not likely appropriate for this application but for $40 or so I bought a solar motion security light (looks like it will be very bright) with a detachable solar panel.
I thought I'd mount the light in our boathouse, in the ceiling joists (motion detector aimed down, light aimed up at the ceiling so it would reflect down all over the building). I'll just mount the solar panel outside.
These coke-bottles-through-the-ceiling lights are also cool, but I'd have to use antifreeze. http://hubpages.com/living/Plastic-Bottle-Skylight-Idea-Beaming-Ahead-Lighting-Rooms- Worldwide
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a8/12/e4/a812e4497e23969ac3577d1aae1f174e.j pg
# Posted: 28 Aug 2016 06:48pm
Ooops, sorry! I just copied and pasted the light I bought from my Amazon history!
Yeah, that is exactly what I think would work great for the OP! How has it held up for you/how many years have you used it? I bought the one light to try it out and see how it goes. I'd be interested in buying more if they prove themselves, longevity-wise.
# Posted: 29 Aug 2016 10:55am
No worries Julie.
I only bought my barn light a month ago. Clearance at a local hardware store. So far it's great.
I do have other big outdoor solar lights. One has been working for 5 years.
Two "motion sensor security" types I have are on year 3 and 4. They are awesome. The nice thing, they're the Sunforce brand. And you can order new batteries. The older one the batteries wore out fairly quickly. Three years. But 10 bucks including shipping and I was back in business.
# Posted: 29 Aug 2016 05:34pm
Good to know, creeky. Thanks!!! A friend gave me a generous Amazon gift card as a going-away present and I'm looking for helpful things to have during construction.