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# Posted: 6 Jul 2016 10:10pm
I bought a Champion 2000 W Inverter Generator to use with our camper at our new camp. It is working great and doing everything we need. Right now when raining, I will sit it back underneath the slideout on the camper. Wanting to build something so that it will sit up off the ground and also protect it from the elements. Probably looking for something that I can move if wanted. Not looking for anything extravagant. Anyone got any pics or ideas of what they did?
# Posted: 6 Jul 2016 11:52pm - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech
They actually make generator tents. Be careful not to impede cooling. These wont impeded cooling shown below.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2016 08:27pm
I was thinking of something with a platform for the base and the sides would be open and then a roof. Mainly to keep it off the ground (and level since ground slopes) and to keep rain from hitting it. I have some extra PT wood so it won't cost me much.
# Posted: 8 Jul 2016 08:49am
Interested in seeing these suggestions. I have the exact same genny. For now I just plunk it on a small plastic table to make it easier to work with.
cspot, are you happy with the Champion so far. A year in and I am loving mine so far. Very reliable and quiet.
# Posted: 8 Jul 2016 01:18pm
Our generator is stored in a small shed when we are not at the cabin. When we are up it is on a wheeled base and we pull it out of the shed and wheel it directly beside the shed. We just extended the roof line down on that side with the metal roof to make like a "car" port on the side of the shed. It is open in the front and back so lots of airflow but protected from the elements. I'm sure you could make an inexpensive wheeled base with a sloping roof on top to keep the rain off of it.
# Posted: 8 Jul 2016 04:49pm
Quoting: LoonWhisperer cspot, are you happy with the Champion so far. A year in and I am loving mine so far. Very reliable and quiet.
I am very happy with the Champion. Cabelas had them on sale for $449 and then I had about $200 worth of Points so I got it really cheap. It powers a 10,000 BTU portable air conditioner without any problems. I have also used it a little with a circular saw as well. Very easy on gas, quiet, and hasn't had any issues.
# Posted: 22 Jul 2016 10:22pm
Ok. Forgot to take pic until we were leaving but here is what I built. Didn't buy much as I had some extra lumber laying around. The pink is some pool noodles. Didn't think about it but roof was at an easy height to cut someone walking past it. Didn't have anything to cut steel so I could bend it down. The pool noodles will work until I get back down. 
# Posted: 22 Jul 2016 10:50pm
After reading this thread, I decided to build one for one of my generators . I am building one with a sloped roof. I am going to make the front and back panels where they flip up/open on hinges. The control panel and outlets are in the front, and the exhaust is out the back. Do you think this will be open enough to prevent overheating?
# Posted: 22 Jul 2016 11:59pm
I think it would be pretty cool to build a gen shed that looked like a large dog house.. Make the sides flip up when in use, but down when leaving the property for a while, I bet it would be the last place some thieves would look... Especially if you had a large chain that lead inside with a name like "chomper" above the door way... Maybe beware of dog sign posted...
# Posted: 23 Jul 2016 12:23am
That is a good idea Asher. Not an issue for me as I take the genny with me.
# Posted: 23 Jul 2016 09:02am
Asher, I was thinking, an empty "water bucket" and a few chewed up Big Bones laying about would certainly add to the effect... How about a 6'x3' raised flower bed nearby ? LOL
# Posted: 25 Jul 2016 01:29pm
It meets your "non extravagant" requirement lol, and I had all the items laying around. Not theft resistant but keeps the generator sheltered and dry.

# Posted: 25 Jul 2016 01:40pm
I have a Honda 5000w genny and converted an old outhouse into a generator shack. It was big enough I could put some insulation within the studs for sound proofing. I also had about 30 cinder blocks left over from another project and just stacked them around three sides of the shack just in case it caught on fire and to reduce the noise a little more. I cut out a section for the exhaust and about 5' up I cut a hole big enough for a box fan. When the genny is running the fan moves air through the shack to reduce heat and to move fresh air in. If I can find a pic I will post it.
# Posted: 25 Jul 2016 03:07pm
Finished building mine out of a shipping crate. I ran the Genny when it was pushing 98 degrees outside for about 5 hours and didn't have any problems. The generator is at least 10 years old..so old all the stickers are rotting off and I don't even remember what brand it is! Still starts on 2 pulls most of the time. Picture0724161126_3..jpg
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