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# Posted: 24 Jun 2016 07:33pm
Recently I got an Eccotemp L5 portable water heater for the application you see below, but it didn't work for me because I have less than 20 lbs water pressure from my water tank. The Eccotemps all have that minimum requirement. I could start it up, but as soon as it produced hot water it would shut itself off. I guess they consider it a safety feature, but I'm not sure why. If the unit overheats from low flow, shut it off with a temperature switch, not a flow switch. I don't know.
So, did more research and found that the Marey 5L portable will operate at far lower water pressures- down to 5 lbs. So I got it, installed it as shown, and used it for several weeks recently with no major problems.
The reviews I saw on Amazon for this unit were terrible. Or, at least some were. I got it anyway because I don't really trust internet reviews that much and I'd heard that Marey has a decent reputation. I've had none of the problems mentioned in those reviews.
The unit was made in China, not sure but I think the Eccotemp is too. They look so similar I bet they came out of the same factory. Both units are so light they seem flimsy but seem to be solidly put together. The guts are all metal but the controls and shower heads are all plastic. I think I'll replace the shower head with a brass valve and shower head. The plastic handle they give you has a valve in it, but I just don't trust plastic valves of any kind. But both units are in the $125 range so what do you expect.
One odd thing is that when it's windy outside sometimes the thing will shut off in the middle of a shower. I turned it off and on again and it started right up every time. Maybe there is some automatic shutoff if flu venting doesn't occur correctly.
Both units are around 35000 btus. The Marey easily heats my cold tank water to shower temp at a decent rate of flow. If you have ice cold water you might have to reduce the flow rate a bit to get hot enough water.
I couldn't give the Eccotemp a good test cause it stopped working because of water pressure, but it seems to me the units are both pretty much the same except for the minimum pressure at which they will operate. I'm happy with the Marey, there's nothing better at a camp site than a hot shower after a sweaty day.
I have no connection to either of these companies other than the Leer jet 2 year lease given to me by Marey, and the condo on Grand Cayman Island from Eccotemp. Amazes me how people are quickly suspicious of someone touting a $125 product they are happy with, but at the same time without a thought will vote for politicians that take millions from rich special interests.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 25 Jun 2016 12:16pm
Thanks for the fine review.
Any comment on relative ease of clearing lines to prevent freeze damage?
Se Ohio
# Posted: 25 Jun 2016 03:45pm
SE Ohio- the Marey has a special little valve for draining the heating element, I forget if the Eccotemp does. But these things are so light you could pick them up and blow it out with your lungs, which I will probably do.
Be Life
# Posted: 25 Jun 2016 04:04pm
We have a couple of these as well. But living in Canada, and using one of these for an outdoor shower, we find we need to drain it as you mentioned as early as late August/early Sept at any sign of frost. If they freeze up, they develop "pin holes" (happened to a friend of ours) and then they are done...so don't let them freeze up without draining 
# Posted: 25 Jun 2016 08:57pm
Hello Be Life- welcome to the forum. How long have you had your Marey portable water heaters? The test of time is the best indicator of quality, I've only used mine a short time.
Be Life
# Posted: 25 Jun 2016 09:26pm - Edited by: Be Life
Thanks for the welcome We have had our main on-demand propane water heater in our homestead cabin since 2007 and it is an Arizbao. The outdoor shower one is a Marey we bought on ebay 3 years ago. We have hard water and they have done well, but we learned from our friend's experience to be sure to drain them if there is a possibility of freezing. The 1st attached pic is of the one in our homestead cabin that we have had since 2007...The 2nd is the Marey propane_water_heater.jpg
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# Posted: 30 Jun 2016 08:39am
Nice review. I like the Marey's. The bigger one has a modulating flame. Nice feature.
The eccotemp does have a drain port. At least the L12.
Also, there are some fancy new glues. If you get freeze ruptures/pin holes in your pipes. If they are accessible. You can glue them closed again.
Don't ask me how I know. 
# Posted: 30 Jun 2016 08:59am
Quoting: bldginsp but it didn't work for me because I have less than 20 lbs water pressure from my water tank
bldg, how do you obtain the 20 psi now? Can you add a 12V RV pump? Just thinking out loud.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 30 Jun 2016 01:40pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech bldg, how do you obtain the 20 psi now? Can you add a 12V RV pump? Just thinking out loud.
I was thinking along the same lines. 12 volt pump with pressure switch and accumulator/surge tank?
# Posted: 30 Jun 2016 01:44pm
Great info bldg! Never knew of the Marey.
I think we will be going ahead this week with the L5 but will purchase the kit with the 12v pump and filter to get the required pressure.
# Posted: 30 Jun 2016 02:05pm
Quoting: toyota_mdt_tech how do you obtain the 20 psi now? Can you add a 12V RV pump? Just thinking out loud. I didn't need to because the Marey will work down to 5 lbs pressure. My water system has probably around 15 lbs. pressure.
Don't know why Eccotemp has such a high threshold. Probably the lawyers.
I really wanted to avoid using a pump just to avoid dealing with all the electrical, batteries, etc. Quite content with the Marey, now the question is whether it will last a long time. You'll hear me gripe if it doesn't.