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# Posted: 28 May 2016 11:16am
Eye opening experience brings change.
After spending this past friday in hospital emergency room ( due to Prednizone reaction for pulled shoulder muscles) I had 5 hours to reflect on my situation being alone and off grid.
First, I will be reconnecting to grid for backup use only.
Food and food storage will be changing, refrigerator and freezer will return until something better comes along.
Complete change of eating, foods and advantages of proper storage, say goodby to canned foods due to lack of refrigeration.
Laying in a hospital bed with an IV in your arm, getting multiple blood tests and EKG's and more questions than you can recall has been a very real wakeup call and to think....it all started with a sore shoulder.
# Posted: 28 May 2016 01:28pm
I hope you are better soon groingo!! 
Healthy eating is so important as we all get older.
# Posted: 28 May 2016 06:36pm - Edited by: MtnDon
Prednisone can have nasty side effects. Varies between people. Been there done that and ended up hospitalized because of it. Mind you it also is a powerful healing aid too. But I'll do just about anything to avoid using it again. Good luck on a speedy recovery.
Hard to beat foods that don't come out of a can. Fresh, frozen and refrigerated fresh taste better and probably have a higher nutritional value.
# Posted: 28 May 2016 07:16pm
I told the wife, I dont mind solar, but I want to be hooked to the grid and also, like woodheat, but want force air propane. If I get sick or can not get the wood in during the summer, I want to have heat in the winter.
# Posted: 29 May 2016 12:32am
Yeah, I should have thought twice when I saw the full page and a half of possible side effects that you need to see your doctor for....it was NUTS!
My vanishing voice, dry mouth and ever climbing heart rate that was at lowest 130 bpm for starters, all that from just the first and only dose of 60 mg!
When they released me I gave them the container of pills and had them put them where they belonged...Hazardous Waste!
# Posted: 29 May 2016 09:18am
My DH took prednisone for 15 years. When he got a new younger Doctor the first thing the doc did was freak out at the amount of time he was on it and the second thing he did was take him off it. Doc was surprised and told us he was lucky that that he had no long term ill side effects taking it for so long.
We don't have a choice being off grid but we are getting our seasonal cabin set up to make it as easy as possible to do the things that are required of everyday living.
# Posted: 29 May 2016 10:51am
All the best on your recovery Groingo.
I eat a lot of raw. Have the fridge and freezer. Try to stay away from canned anything. The best thing for me was the morning smoothie. That blend of fruit and veg.
Might want to have a look at a nutribullet and start with the raw foods. My recipe is two handfuls of fruit (typically a banana plus frozen whatever) and a big handful of spinach plus water. Right now I'm doing the wild harvest plantain. Love that nutty flavour.
Looking in the freezer I see lots of nice meals. I make bigger and then freeze some for later.
Of course a good off grid solar system means all the whatever. My fridge is purring happily. Putting the a/c unit in today. The dishwasher washed my dishes yesterday. Celebrating my fifth year full time ... it's a great world out here.
# Posted: 29 May 2016 10:14pm
I wish u a speedy recovery!! As a vegetarian i eat almost 100 % plant based foods. Nothing processed... Nothing canned. It makes a big difference with my heart disease. Its all about planning and discipline. Good healthy habits really do affect every quality of your life. Take good care.... Lisa
# Posted: 30 May 2016 12:52am
Gosh, how much prednisone did they give you?! It can be a miracle drug ... or not. Some docs really don't know how to dose it, quite honestly. As a Lupus patient, pred is a necessary evil at times and I've found myself having to correct some doctors on the prescribing dosages and tapering instructions. Too much pred can send you into what you described and too fast and too abrupt a taper off pred can really mess up the body, too. Used and prescribed correctly, it's perfectly safe and works wonders -- it's a naturally occurring steroid in the body, after all. But given too long, in the wrong dosages and for the wrong reasons, it causes all sorts of unpleasantness.
I am SO sorry this happened to you and I hope you feel well again really soon. I'm glad you got good care to help you on the mend.
I don't eat canned stuff much. I'm a big freezer person. I buy big quantities of meat, poultry, fish, and veggies, package it all into single-meal portions and pop them in the freezer. It makes meal prep SO easy, whether I'm cooking just for me or have guests. I can thaw what I need/want in no time. 
Sooooo, a chest freezer is vital and, happily, uses fewer watts than a fridge-freezer. If completely off-grid, I could easily get by with using my watts for the freezer and simply have a good cooler for my dairy products, beverages, and some leftovers. With grid-tie, I'll still have just a small electric fridge and a chest freezer. I bought a good cooler because I needed a new one, anyway, and I'll be driving a ways to Costco in warm temps to stock up so it will come in handy. But I may experiment with using the cooler as my fridge, anyway, despite having grid electric, to see how it goes.
Ensuring you have good, safe food is important no matter where you live. Access to decent medical care in an emergency is paramount, I think, for those living remotely.